Mystery: Start with the Reader

v3 Chapter 84: "Courtesy" Miss Courier

At night, due to the promulgation of the "air pollution" related bill after the smog incident, the clouds over Backlund became thinner and thinner, and the light of the crimson moon brightened the dim streets a little.

However, at No. 5 Williams Street, West District, the villa of Her Royal Highness Vera was surrounded by thick fog, blocking all prying eyes.

"After the failure of this plan, the old dragon has already recognized some things and won't provoke you again." Vera sat on the bed, tidied up her pajamas, and looked at Abu not far away. Nadao, "In addition, He also mentioned that the box and the little girl holding the box are all at your disposal as an apology for this offense."

Abner came here after the small meeting with Audrey, and wanted to know the follow-up of last night's events. Hearing this, he couldn't help but chuckle: "The 'Dragon of Imagination' is really good. For Shun Shui's favor..."

You know, Islant and the "corrupt box" are his trophies, and it is stingy to use this to make amends.

"Of course it's more than that..." Her Royal Highness Vera shook her finger and added, "He also promised one thing, provided a piece of information, and gave a piece of advice."

"Promise, intelligence and advice? What are they?" Abner asked curiously.

"The promise is that he will transfer the identity of 'arrogant' to you at a suitable time in the future...

"And the information is about Mr. Gluttony stationed in 'Conston City'.

"He said that this gentleman has lived for at least 500 years by relying on a Sealed Artifact matching 'Gluttony'... It's just that he has been changing his identities, so few people have noticed that if his mind is not gradually decaying, even Angel-level dragons can’t be found either.” Vera quickly recounted the promise and intelligence of the “Dragon King”, leaving only “suggestions” left unspoken.

An "arrogant" identity? It's really useful at the right time...such as when "pit" George III...

Mr. Gluttony of Constant City? Does this information have anything to do with me? Why are you telling me specifically?

Well... the only thing related to Constant City in my "task list" is to investigate the cause of "Silica"'s death... Could it be that the death of Mr. Gluttony, who has lived for more than 500 years, and Silica have anything to do with it? What's the connection?

At least an important suspect or clue provider, otherwise the "Dragon of Imagination" would not specifically point him out as an "apology".

While his thoughts were spinning, Abner looked at Vera again and asked, "What's the final suggestion?"

Vera opened her mouth, and after trying a few times, she shook her head and said: "His suggestion involves who, even if I use 'mist' to cover it up, I can't say it at the level of 'angel' at present. Export.

"That suggestion, He doesn't mind that I know, but I can't tell you."

Saying that, Vera pointed to the night sky outside the window, and continued, "In my opinion, He should have done this on purpose to destroy your trust in that one,"

Is there something about the goddess that I don't know yet? It's a simple alienation plan, but it points directly to the heart!

Of course, even without his hand, I can't really trust a **** completely... This method is actually disgusting... Neither me nor the goddess will care too much at this stage.

Abner shook his head slightly and lost interest in the so-called "suggestion".

Seeing this, Vera squinted her eyes, and immediately returned to normal, only reminding: "The 'Dragon King' is not a magnanimous existence. He suffered a loss this time, although there is a high probability that there will be no other in a short time. Action, but I will definitely find a chance to retaliate... You have to be careful."

"I understand!" Abner Zheng nodded.

In fact, Abner, who was marked by the two goddesses and carried an angel-level avatar with him, was not so worried about this.

Next, Abner and Vera reviewed the knowledge of the mythical creature form of the "Dark Emperor" pathway, and then left "politely".

After seeing his figure disappear, Vera took back the "mist", looked at the crimson in the sky alone, and said silently to herself:

"Before he became a Sequence 3 and his divinity was further consolidated,