Mystery: Start with the Reader

v3 Chapter 87: leonard


"Turani von Hermerthein? The greatest scientist after Emperor Roselle, a mathematician, a mechanic, and the father of the second-generation difference engine?"

Klein is no stranger to this name. The espionage case he was involved in in Backlund more than half a year ago was because of a manuscript of this man, and finally Mr. Tower assassinated Ambassador Intis, which made him succeed. get away.

This great scientist fell into the hands of the "Rose School" before, but now he has escaped?

"That's right, it's that Hermoshine." "Admiral Pale" Maria nodded with a serious expression, "We hope to hunt Senor, and also have the intention to rescue this great scientist."

Indeed, if the Rose School represented by "Admiral of Blood" controls Hermothein, it would not be very good... After all, apart from the internally suppressed temperance faction, they who believe in the "Mother Tree of Desire" are no more evil than the Aurora Society. Low, let them master the most advanced technology, I am afraid it will bring disaster...

Klein pondered for a moment, looked at the two female pirates in front of him, did not respond positively to Maria's previous invitation, and said instead:

"I have a few questions."

After taking a serious look at him, Maria nodded slightly and said:

"it is good."

"First, since Senor is on Blue Mountain Island, why don't you report it directly to the authorities?" Klein asked.

Although he lacks enough sense of belonging to the Loen Kingdom, Loen is more reliable than the "Rose School".

Report... Maria and Edwina were stunned for a second, as if they had never thought of such an operation.

In the end, "Admiral Pale" said with his eyes wandering: "We also don't want that great scientist to serve Loen..."

It turns out that behind "Admiral Pale" is the royal faction of the "Spiritual Religion", while "Lieutenant General Iceberg" is supported by the "Church of Knowledge and Wisdom". Naturally, he does not want Loen to benefit.

Klein was stunned in his heart, but he asked calmly again on the surface: "Second, why is it set for next Tuesday?"

"This is Edwina's 'prophecy'... Too early action will not solve Senor; too late will be very dangerous...

"In addition, the demigod I invited will not arrive until next Tuesday." Maria replied without any reservations.

A demigod... That is to say, there are also high-sequence powerhouses on the side of "Admiral Blood"?

If it wasn't for his "persona" being a crazy adventurer and knowing several demigods, Klein would have turned his head and left.

Seemingly seeing his hesitation, "Lieutenant General Iceberg" Edwina's clear, spring-like eyes turned slightly, and added: "I will also invite a demigod to come over then... Well, it's the one you know. the one."

The demigod you and I know together... is only Abner?

For some reason, Klein felt relieved when he heard that Mr. Tower would also come. After thinking about it, he asked the last question:

"How many strong people are around Senor?"

"The 'Rose School' attaches great importance to Hermothein... I don't know the specifics, but what is certain is that there will be no less than two demigods. In addition, there are three Sequence Five..."

Having said that, Edwina solemnly warned:

"By the way, among the demigods around Senor, there is a Sequence Three 'Whisperer'. After leaving the 'Golden Dream', try not to think about how to deal with him."

That is to say, on the "Golden Dream"? That's right, I heard from Abner that it was Edwina who planned the interception of the "Undying King" squadron.

If she didn't have the ability to hide in this regard, I'm afraid she would have been discovered by "Death".

At least two demigods... How could the "Rose School" suddenly attach so much importance to a scientist? And with my addition, will it be more dangerous... After all, "Mother Tree of Desire" seems to be very interested in me.

However, the crux of this matter is still on "Tower". As long as he comes, the problem should not be a big problem. After all, there are so many behind him...

Well, Miss Messenger and Sharon should also be interested in dealing with the plans of the "Rose School" indulgence faction. By then, there will be at least four demigods on our side, and they will not lose to the other side.

Moreover, next Monday, I have to hand over the identity of "Dawn Dantès" with the captain and Ms. Daly, so it would be better for Sharon to come to Bayam...

Thinking of this, Klein nodded lightly and said:

"If it's this level, then I can participate."

He didn't say to think about it first and go back to determine the level of danger, because after all, this matter will only start next Tuesday, and when something goes wrong with his divination, he can stop it as a participant.

What's more, the idea of ​​hunting "Admiral Blood" was actually his first proposal. At this time, if he pushed three and four, Gehrman's "personal design" would be over.

Hearing this, the delicate but somewhat rigid "Pale Admiral" Maria nodded slightly and said, "Then, let's meet outside the woods in the western suburbs of Bayam on Tuesday morning..."

Saying that, she emphasized again, "Try not to think about it in the past few days."

That's why you have little detailed planning? The more detailed the plan, the higher the probability of being known?

Klein nodded thoughtfully.


Conston City, inside a hotel on Playa Street.

Forsi, who had combed her hair, looked at Abner next to him and said in disbelief, "You talked to me so much about 'gluttony' before, did you want to eat the sealed item I gave him?"

"Accurately speaking, 'bait', you are an apprentice of the Abraham family, and you still have the full moon curse of Mr. Door. I just need to make a little 'misleading' disguise on you, and I can make that 'gluttony' The gentleman made a misjudgment, and then approached him to find out his details..." Abner explained with a smile, "The gentleman places great importance on the blood descendants of the big man, and he even let Valentine pay attention to it."

"But isn't this very dangerous?" Forsi was unmoved, feeling that this was very unreliable.

"It's okay, I'll replace you halfway through, and I won't let you really face him." Abner said confidently, as if he didn't put a demigod who had lived for at least five hundred years. eyes.

But it is true, after all, he carries an angel clone with him.

"But this has nothing to do with me, why should I help you?" Forsi asked deliberately. As a best-selling author with romance as the core, she still knows how to fight for her own interests.

"After killing Louis Ween, I can give you his 'traveler' trait." Abner thought for a while, and then added according to Salted Fish's preferences, "In addition, you owe Leon the manuscript. , I can call the shots for you to avoid it."

Forsi agreed to agree almost immediately after hearing this, but she swallowed her words and decided to be a little more reserved. After all, she is not the kind of person who deliberately "delays drafts", and the reason why she often fails to complete it is simply because No inspiration.

"As a friend, don't I promise to be a 'bait' once, won't you give me the characteristics of Louis Ween?" Fors asked deliberately.

Seeing the question, Abner glanced at her, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He smiled and said, "As a 'friend', of course I can give it to you... But have you thought about the price you'll pay for it?"

Forsi saw this familiar smile, and when she heard this familiar question, her face froze for a moment, then she laughed dryly, and then asked:

"When am I going to make this bait?"

"Next Wednesday at eight o'clock."


On Saturday, at five o'clock in the afternoon, the newly-promoted Viscount Abner Brain held a ball at his mansion to start as scheduled.

Although the Scudders lacked experience in aristocratic etiquette, under Abner's guidance, they hired a professional butler, Mr. Ribak, which made the ball well-organized.

——The Scudders were actually "clerics" sent by the "Earth Mother Goddess Church" to assist Abner. They were not professional housekeepers, but their duty was to look after the house and take care of Abner's life.

The 48-year-old Mr. Riback once served the Negan family and served as the deputy housekeeper and housekeeper's assistant for a long time. Later, in a transaction, he became the housekeeper of Baron Negan Not long after the Duke was assassinated, Mr. Riback, whose service had expired, failed to secure a new contract with Mr. Baron and was unemployed.

He is a shallow believer in the Lord of the Storm, but his personality is not violent, and his political leaning is conservative...

After trying him a few days ago, Abner finally hired him with an annual salary of 150 gold pounds, and planned to take him to the territory of Beldan to deal with some trivial matters later.

Of course, in the eyes of others, he hired a housekeeper with such a background, and he also meant to show his favor to the "conservatives"... Although Abner didn't think so much.

But the benefits of this misunderstanding have already appeared. For example, Emma's father, Viscount Horatio, who has been idle for the past six months, and Emma's mother, who is also the sister of Duke Negan, Mrs. Norma, accepted the invitation and brought Together with their daughter, they attended the ball of the newly promoted Viscount.

And the moment Emma stepped into the ballroom, Leonard Mitchell, who also accepted the invitation to eat and drink, suddenly sat up straight.
