Mystery: Start with the Reader

v4 Chapter 127: Book of Virtues

The word "Priest came" in the Old Feysac language originally meant "the emperor's attendant", so Abner was not surprised that Daphne's family was related to the "Night Emperor", only nodded slightly. , motioning her to continue.

"We, Priest, are in charge of the potion formulas from Sequence 9 to Sequence 4 of the Diviner pathway. Although they are not comparable to the status of the blood clan and the four major angel families in the empire, they are the most loyal subordinates of His Majesty the Night Emperor. , an eye in the dark, a sharp blade in the night..."

To put it simply, it is doing dirty work with intelligence, right? In terms of ability, the Beyonders of the Gou Sanjia are indeed suitable for these things. Abner complained silently and took a sip of his coffee.

"Your Majesty once consecrated seven knights under the blessing of his own 'authority'... Each of these seven knights represents a virtue. As long as they uphold their 'virtue', they will be able to get the blessing of His Majesty's 'authority' in battle. And If you violate it, you will be attacked.

"The seven knights are 'Loyal Augustus', 'Forgiving Einhorn', 'Mild Sauron', 'Industrious Castilla', 'Kang's Audra', 'Morika the Tempered', and my ancestor 'The Humble Priestly'...  

"And when the seven knights were canonized, the Sealed Artifact used was the 'Book of Virtues' I mentioned earlier."

Speaking of this, Daphne's tone inevitably brought a hint of pride.

After all, her ancestors were side by side with families with angels such as Augustus.

"Knights of the Seven Virtues"? Well, since the ancestors of the Daphne family can be listed side by side, it means that these seven knights should only be at the level of 'Saints'...

Is this the "welfare" given by the "Night Emperor" to the family loyal to him? Or, change the relative control of these families?

However, "Night Emperor", your "virtue" canonized, it seems a bit funny now...

"Loyal Augustus"? After being loyal to your death, the Augustus family directly occupied Backlund, and even destroyed the Trenzost family and robbed the "Hand of Order" feature.

"Forgiving Einhorn" and "Gentle Sauron"... How did the Beyonders of the "Hunter" family relate to the words "forgiving" and "gentleness"?

"Diligent Castilla"... I don't know that, but as far as I know, the only two Castilla family members, one is Miss "Lazy" and the other is "Giuseppe" in my previous life ·Castia"...all of them are "salted fish", but they have nothing to do with "diligence" at all.

"Kang's Audra", I remember that in the original book, there was a marquis of the blood clan called "Nibes Audra", could it be him? If it's really him, then this person is actually very stingy... Use Emlyn to contact The Fool, but the reward given can't match the risks Emlyn faces... Even after giving money, It is also for acceptance bills!

"Morika of Temperance"... I saw it in Roselle's diary before that the Night Emperor's subordinates had the "Succubus" family among the three major families of "Witches", which made the blood clan dissatisfied... And after I later looked through the data and found that "Monica" was probably the surname of the "Witch" family.

If it is true... let the "witch" perform "tempering"? Was this on purpose, or was it because of the pressure of his wife's clan that he was consecrated like this?

After muttering a few words, Abner put down his knife and fork, motioned for Daphne to pause first, and asked after deliberation, "Can you tell me the specific function of the 'Book of Virtues'?"

"No problem." Daphne nodded and introduced without reservation, "The 'Book of Virtues' could be regarded as a level '0' Sealed Artifact before His Majesty the 'Night Emperor' was alive, which can bestow 'balance' on knights who follow virtue. The authority of the sage briefly elevates the knight of the saint level to the same level as the angel, maintaining 'balance'.

"At the same time, since its main body is created by mixing the characteristics of 'chaos hunter', 'talker' and 'mysterious mage', it can create a 'trial' space.

"The knights who want to get the 'canonization' will be pulled into this space and conduct 'virtue' trials with each other.

"During the trial, you can use words or abilities to provoke the emotions and feelings of other testers, but you cannot launch any attacks that cause substantial damage to yourself or others, otherwise you will be 'punished' by the space.

"And once the tester has 'sin' in his heart, he will give different degrees of 'punishment' depending on the size of the 'sin'.

"In the era of His Majesty the Night Emperor, there was still an upper limit for 'punishment', and there would be no death... But now, it is possible to die directly in the 'Trial of Virtue'... Like me before..."

Speaking, Daphne's face also turned red, she did not use the "clown" ability to control, because in front of the gods, she had to keep her truest self.

That's it, I said how you pulled out the three high-order witches, but only asked them to take off their clothes... It seems that my judgment at the time was correct. If you attack, you will be punished. No wonder you only perform "charm".

Abner asked thoughtfully: "You said just now that the 'Book of Virtues' could grant knights the authority of 'balance' when the 'Emperor of the Night' was alive... That is to say, it can't be done now? Even if they pass the 'Virtue Trial' ', to become a 'knight' canonized by this book, and there is no corresponding authority to bless?"

Daphne nodded and said, "Yes, the only advantage of the knights who have been canonized now is that when they are in danger, they can instantly hide in the 'trial space' no matter where they are...

"But since the person in charge of this book is not Your Majesty, no demigod is willing to entrust himself to me... What's more, maintaining 'virtue' is not an easy task.

"I'm using it more as a covert way to deal with the enemy now."

Even so, it's a pretty good Sealed Artifact... With a sigh in my heart, Abner asked casually, "Does it have any side effects?"

"The side effect is that every time before the 'unblocking' is used, it will be pulled into the space and forced to test. If you can't get the favor of any of the seven 'virtue', you are likely to die and become a virtue or a corresponding sin. A source of strength." Daphne sighed.

"Then what kind of virtue have you acquired?" Abner asked curiously.

Daphne puffed up her chest when she heard the words, and answered in a bright tone: "It's the virtue of 'humility'! I am still 'Humble Priestly'"

After speaking, she added a little embarrassedly: "Because after the death of the ancestors, the soul returns to the 'Book of Virtues', which is one of the 'standards' of the virtue of 'humility', so I obtained the title of this knight. Much simpler than others.”

Girl, I don't see where your "humility" is at all. Your ancestors "released the sea" for you, right?

Abner complained and then looked at Daphne, thinking that this girl who is at least 300 years old is not as "savvy and cunning" as other "Gou Sanjia", perhaps because of the long-term relationship with this "Book of Virtues". ...

As his thoughts turned, Abner raised the coffee cup again and said with a smile, "Continue the previous topic."

Where did I say? Daphne was stunned for a second, and then relied on "spiritual intuition" to recall where the words were, and reorganized the language:

"After Her Royal Highness 'Ornia' fell inexplicably, the 'Primordial Witch' colluded with the traitors of the empire, attacked Her Royal Highness 'Monica' and took away her 'Witch of Doom' characteristics, His Majesty 'Night Emperor' seemed to have a premonition His own downfall is inevitable.

"So His Majesty used the corpse of His Royal Highness Monica and the characteristics of a Sequence 2 "Witch of Disaster" she left behind to create a ship to protect his own people, which is the "Ghost Empire".

"But sadly, in the end no one was aboard the ship carrying the last legacy of Trenzost...

"And my family also joined the 'Secret Order' formed by the Zarath family after the fall of the Trenzost"

After losing the "Witch of Doom", the witch of the "Succubus" family can still retain the characteristics of the "Witch of Disaster"... This shows that she is probably not dead. Like Pallez in the original book, she uses the downgraded witch Means to save lives...

But she was eventually made into a ship by the "Night Emperor"! Is this... being sacrificed? "Night Emperor" is also a ruthless person who turns his face and does not recognize anyone!

When Abner was speechless, Daphne continued:

"In addition, there are two reasons why I am interested in the 'Ghost Empire'.

"First, my ancestors also participated in the manufacture of the 'Ghost Empire'. According to the manuscripts he left behind, in addition to the 'Witch of Disaster', there should be a 'planeswalker' of the Abraham family in the main material of the ship. '... And my path in the esoteric order has come to an end. If I want to cross that boundary, maybe I can only switch paths and go to the 'Ghost Empire' to take an adventure...

"Secondly, according to the few words left by the ancestors, the 'Book of Virtues' is likely to have some internal connection with the 'Ghost Empire', and perhaps the ship can be manipulated through it."