Mystery: Start with the Reader

v4 Chapter 148: Sharon's mind

On Friday night, after waiting outside the large prayer hall for nearly ten minutes, Klein helped Miss Sharon, who had transformed into Daly, and entered it with the other believers who attended the Moon Mass under the guidance of the priest.

In the dim and quiet atmosphere, they were greeted by neat and ethereal chanting:

"The crimson full moon rises and reflects the earth,

"All sank into sweet dreams, dreaming of themselves,

"Dream of parents, wife and children, this is forever..."

As the holy and rhythmic voices reverberated, the believers in the prayer hall involuntarily calmed down, seeming to forget the troubles of life and no longer worry about the problems of the real world.

Bishop Electra, who was in charge of the mass, stood in front of the altar and began to give a simple sermon.

After preaching the classic passages from "Apocalypse of the Night", distributing the sacrament, and ending the poem praising the goddess, Klein took Miss Sharon in one hand and the wallet in the other, entered the aisle, and walked all the way to the Holy Land. The altar, in Bishop Electra's merciful expression, slanted to the offering box.

After tapping four clockwise on Yu's chest and drawing the crimson moon, Klein threw all the large bills into it.

A total of 300 pounds!

At this moment, Klein didn't feel any pain or reluctance, and he felt very calm because he remembered the ceremony of Old Neil's return of the debt.

At that time, under the blessing of the goddess, they found a wallet containing more than 300 pounds in cash.

Taking a step back, he drew a crimson moon again, and he gave the place to the donor behind.

At this time, Bishop Electra took the initiative to greet him, and he said while drawing the red moon clockwise four times:

"May the goddess bless you, Mr. Dantes, Mrs. Dantes."

After Klein and the two returned the salute with a smile, the bishop took them to the exit on the side of the prayer hall, and then said with a smile:

"Dawn, Daly, I haven't seen you for a while... I heard that you went out to sea once and made a big business because of it?

"Hehe, I thought it was a rumor before, but when I saw your dedication to the goddess, I knew I was wrong."

Hearing this, Klein's face remained unchanged, but his heart froze, because he knew that the real test in this Moon Mass had come.

He originally wanted to "teleport" to Feysac and ask the real "Daly" to come back to help, but after discussing it with Miss Sharon, she said that there was no need to be so troublesome. She had the confidence to deal with Daly's acquaintances and let them No clue.

Seeing that Sharron was so confident, Klein chose to believe her, but he was still a little uneasy when things came to an end.

However, he still controlled his expression with the ability of the "clown", imitating the captain's previous appearance, and said with a gentle smile: "The blessing of the goddess has allowed me to obtain wealth far beyond the past..."

"Although this is the blessing of the goddess, it is also your personal effort." Bishop Elektra replied with a smile, and then looked at Daly, "You have become a lot quieter after your pregnancy, that's good... In addition , Shawna has been looking forward to your dance since you moved to 160 Berklund Street, so don't forget to invite her."

"You know, she's a lively person, and she doesn't want to miss any dance if she has time."

Shauna is the wife of Bishop Electra, twenty years younger than him, and a very energetic girl.

According to the information, "Daly" and Bishop Electra are very familiar with the family, so Miss Sharon did not follow his words, but looked up and down at the Bishop and sneered: "Electra, I think you can't handle Shaona's enthusiasm, so you want her to spend her energy on the dance, right?

"What? I ran out of the sleeping pills that I gave you last time that can easily put Shaona to sleep?"

As soon as these words came out, Klein was quite surprised, and he looked at Miss Sharron with admiration. After all, although this tone was not as straightforward as Ms. Daly's yellow accent, it also had its own charm.

And Bishop Electra was also surprised, he couldn't help but sighed: "Daly, you have learned the Roen-style subtlety? Sure enough, after being pregnant, you have become a lot quieter!

"If you were the old you, you would definitely say that I am soft... Cough, this is a church, you shouldn't say these things." Bishop Elektra coughed and changed the subject, "By the way, Leonard Mitchell I came to see you before, but unfortunately I missed you several times."

Leonard? Shouldn't he be investigating Sherlock recently? I'm still waiting for the foreshadowing... How come to Dawn? Hmm... Could it be that Dawn's previous behavior of taking Daly out to sea made him realize something was wrong?

While thinking about it, Klein was just about to ask Leonard what was going on when he saw an old man in a black robe of a cleric passing the side door and walking towards the nearby spiral staircase.

His white hair is still thick, but he hasn't done any combing, and he looks quite messy. His face is thin, and it feels like the skin is directly wrapped around the bones.

When passing by the three, he turned a blind eye to Dawn and the Bishop, and only nodded slightly to Miss Sharon.

An internal caretaker...also knows Daly...allowing The Fool to ask Daly for information about him...a good goal.

Klein didn't forget his original intention of pretending to be a rich man, which was the test of the goddess. After successfully entering the Chanis Gate of St. Samuel Cathedral, he got the notes of the Antigonus family, and obtained the "Craft Mage". Complete recipe.

I have to say that the captain's management of the character Dwayne Dantès and the advantages of Ms. Daly's identity have provided him with too much convenience, otherwise he would have to find a way to find out the rotation rules of the internal guards. , so that you can play the right goal at the right time.

After secretly sighing, Klein and the bishop briefly chatted a few more words. During this period, Miss Sharon's jokes became more and more proficient, and Electra directly called out that the old Daly was back.

About seven or eight minutes later, Klein took Miss Sharon to bid farewell to the bishop, and went out to meet the waiting valet "Lutherville" and left the church.

When he got home, it wasn't even 8 o'clock, just in time to have dinner and spend the rest of the day leisurely.

After sending all the servants away, and seeing Sharon blocking the surrounding space again, Klein ate a piece of steak and praised, "Sharon, you performed quite well today... Why didn't you bring out something like that in practice before? Level?"

Sharon gave him a serious look and said, "You want me to say that to you?"

Although he did have some expectations in his heart, Klein still said honestly, "How come? I just want to know the progress of your disguise academically..."

After learning the word "academic" with Mr. Tower, Klein felt that it was a very useful word.

"These are nothing compared to what the indulgences say about me," Sharon said after a few seconds of silence.

That's right, when a beautiful girl like Sharon was in the "Rose School", even if she was protected by the messenger, she would definitely not listen to some foul language... So, does this make her recall bad things?

Thinking of this, Klein immediately blamed himself.

Sharon seemed to see Klein's thoughts, shook her head, and said with a light lips, "Don't blame yourself, I'm used to it."

Saying that, she looked at Klein with blue eyes again, and said earnestly, "My original wish was not to be bullied, to have the ability to protect myself and my companions, and to promote the idea of ​​restraint...

"But revenge, I almost gave up, because the enemy is too powerful... It's you who gave me hope!"

Not only did it make me understand that there is such a great and benevolent existence as Mr. Fool in the world, but I also found a teacher...

Klein wanted to say something else, but a layer of illusory prayers suddenly sounded in his ears.

This is from a man.

At this time, Miss Sharon also got rid of the emotions she showed before, returned to the state of "puppet", and lifted the spiritual blockade.

Seeing this, Klein knew that he had missed the opportunity to "chat". After all, Miss Temperance had very little time for "indulgence" every day.

So he wiped his mouth, excused himself to go to the toilet, and walked into the bathroom.

Ten seconds later, he appeared above the gray fog and saw that the crimson star corresponding to "The Hanged Man" was constantly expanding and contracting.

Sure enough... Klein sat down and leaned back in the chair, spreading his spirituality.

The voice of "The Hanged Man" became clear:

"Dear Mr. Fool, the 'pirate' fleet that the Church of Storms organized to attack the military port of Sunia Island has assembled and may set off at any time. It is expected to arrive on Sunday evening and launch an official attack.

"And the 'Trident' carrying the elite 'Punishers' set off a day ago, and its whereabouts are currently unknown.

"I hope that Mister World will keep his promise to steal the Aubenis sea monster that was kept in captivity by the Feysacs while we are at war with the Feysac Navy.

"I will provide the latest information at any time."

Did the Church of the Storm move so quickly? That's right, how can those violent guys tolerate the important "ceremonial props" of this pathway falling into the hands of their opponents? To really train a few "Ocean Singers" for Feysac, it would be quite detrimental to the "Church of Storms" that rules the sea.

Even the former so-called pirate general, "Lieutenant General Hurricane" Qilingus, was only a "Wind Blessed One".

"But I always feel that someone is pushing behind this matter. It seems to be deliberately creating a conflict between the two sides..." Thinking so, Klein showed a pen and paper and performed divination again.

After the divination, it was determined that the danger had not increased, and he realized the "world" and made the dummy shrouded in mist, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com made a gesture of prayer, and responded calmly:

"The great Mr. Fool, please tell the Hanged Man. I will try my best to help him steal that sea monster as agreed."

After completing this scene, Klein threw the message into the crimson star symbolizing "The Hanged Man" with the audio and video.

Klein, who has the "Sea God's Scepter", still has some confidence in this commission, and even thinks that he can give the order to let the sea monster "swim" out by himself.

"However, to be on the safe side, let's discuss with Mr. Tower... Well, I hope he has 'recovered' by now, after all, yesterday's scene was enough..."

Klein shook his head, not thinking about the peeping pictures, and instead spread his spirituality to the crimson stars symbolizing the "tower".

At this time, Abner, just as Klein thought, just got up from the bed.

"I was using the 'Wheel of Fortune' yesterday to check all kinds of fates, but I forgot to open the 'Pure White Eye', and the side effects of the 'Seal of Disaster' spread... and so many people came to me , is a proper party...

"Forget it, fortunately, Xio has successfully digested the last bit of the 'Knight of Retribution' potion, and it is considered that my sins have not been in vain!"