Mystery: Start with the Reader

v4 Chapter 173: The Black Maiden

This gentleman who looks like a classical sculpture from any angle is Audrey's eldest brother, the eldest son of the earl, Hibbert Hall.




"Welcome, Viscount Beldan." The main purpose of this dance was for Abner, so Hibbert naturally seemed extremely enthusiastic.




"I hope I'm not late." Abner replied with a smile, and then handed him a bottle of red wine.




In the upper-class social scene of Loen, when you attend the banquet held by the other party for the first time, you must give the host a small gift. Among them, alcoholic beverages are the most popular, but you must remember that the first time you have to choose domestic ones.




The bottle sent by Abner is actually a peripheral product of the film and television company. It was brewed after the company acquired a small workshop.




Hibbert glanced at the red wine in his hand. As a young man, he liked this fashionable look very much. If it weren't for the dance scene, he would like to play with it.




In fact, Abner has registered a patent for this style and sold it in limited quantities. Each bottle has a number. Although this bottle of wine is not expensive, it is definitely expensive to auction.




"Compared to my previous life, those bottles were so pretty that I dared to sell more than a thousand bottles of mineral water. That's nothing to me." After muttering to himself, Abner introduced his two daughters to Hibbert. companion.




Hibbert is actually no stranger to Hugh and Forsi, the two sisters' friends of Audrey. After pretending to meet for the first time to greet him, he also called a girl with long hair like waterfalls, fair skin, wearing The woman in a black veil and a black off-the-shoulder dress was his female partner at the ball—Ms. Nancy.




Abner calmly greeted Ms. Nancy on the surface, stepped forward, bent over and kissed the back of her hand, but there was a huge wave in her heart, because this so-called memory of Ms. Nancy and Owen The "Black Saintess" look exactly the same!




——When Owen controlled the "White Saintess" Katarina, he once asked the other party to draw the portraits of the two angels on the bright side of the "Witch Sect".




When you go out, you meet the "Witch of Disaster"...Is this the so-called "bad luck"? Abner wanted to say goodbye immediately, but that would only arouse suspicion.




Although this is Backlund, and the "transformation belt" can also instantly make him regain the power of "Death Consultant", which makes Abner not so afraid of the opponent turning his face, but once he starts, the power of the angel level confronts , The people present, including Xio and Forsi, are afraid that no one will survive... This is what he doesn't want to see.




Of course, as my sequence improves, the world behind the "Pure White Eye" becomes more and more closely related to reality. Even if it is not turned on, the "Seal of Disaster" hidden in it will be difficult to completely cover up. After all, this is the Based on the aggregation of "destiny", I am afraid that in the future, I will be connected with the fate of high-ranking witches and hunters more and more frequently.




But no matter how many, it won't reach the point where I will encounter it everywhere... I have encountered Sequence 2 of "Witch", "Hunter" and "Warrior" in a row these two days, or it is because of "bad luck"!




At this time, other guests arrived, Hibbert pleaded guilty, and brought his attendants and Ms. Nancy to greet... As for things such as acquiring bicycle shares and opening "academy awards", there is no hurry, wait After the dance officially started, there was time to talk.




Before leaving, the lady Nancy gave Abner a special look, which contained the meaning of being inexplicable.




Abner completely ignored this look, and led Fors and Xio directly into the villa, and then saw the gorgeous crystal chandeliers, the hall where many people could dance, and plates of delicious food.




Foie gras, pan-fried keel fish, baked lobster... Ormere wine, Mist champagne... If these delicacies were from the past, Fors's index fingers would definitely be wide open, but "acting" with Abner in various places, eat a few times. After the delicacies of different countries, she now feels that these things are just the same, nothing more than better ingredients.




If it is really delicious, it has to be Mr. Fool's "Blessed One" who specializes in gourmet food.




At this moment, her eyes suddenly lit up, and then she saw a young girl in a beige court dress walking slowly.



The girl was blond, blue-eyed, and unusually beautiful. She wore a pair of white silk gloves and a pair of small and beautiful emerald earrings. She had a pure and elegant temperament.




This was Audrey who had just returned to Backlund.




Seeing Miss Justice appear, Abner thought for a moment, and then whispered a few words in Hugh's ear.




Although Xio was a little surprised, she nodded solemnly.




Next, Abner separated from Xio and Fors, allowing the latter two to meet with Audrey, and entered the lounge after greeting.




Abner himself entered the bathroom and reported the matter of the "Black Saintess" to Mr. Fool.








In the lounge, Audrey first asked the golden retriever Susie to guard the door, and then smiled and looked at Xio, who was raised by ten centimeters and was wearing high heels, and asked:




"Hugh, long time no see... You gave me a wink just now, what's the matter?"




Xio nodded, then sealed the room with his spirituality, and then said vaguely, "I have asked that gentleman... to talk about something there."




Saying that, she pointed to the ceiling.




"It's really you... I thought it was Princess Vera at first, but I found out later that it was wrong." Audrey had such an expression on her face, and immediately understood what Xio meant, but she still looked at Fors subconsciously.




As far as she knew, Forsi probably didn't know that Hugh was "judgment".




Xio spread out his hands helplessly and said, "It's all at this time, it's not appropriate to hide it from her...




"And she's not really stupid. When we have something strange, can she still guess it?"




At this time, Forsi looked left and right, and said blankly, "What are you talking about?"




Xio was too lazy to explain, found a comfortable seat on the sofa, and then replied, "You'll know right away."




Forsi became more and more confused, and asked, "What do you know..."




But before she could finish her words, she saw a crimson light suddenly appear and swallowed her.




When her vision recovered again, she had appeared in the ancient palace she had just visited a few hours ago, and sat in her "magician" seat.




And beside her, the two young ladies, Justice and Judgment, were also sitting impressively.




Although Forsi is sometimes too lazy to use her, as Xiu said, she is not really stupid, so in an instant, she has already figured out what Xiu just said.




"Hugh...Are you a 'trial'?!" She asked in disbelief, her eyes full of accusations of "you actually concealed it from me".




"Didn't you take the initiative to tell me about the 'magician'?" Xio asked confidently.




"That's because of me...because of me...well, in a word, it's you who are hiding me and watching my jokes! You really learned something from Abner!" Forsi looked distressed.




Xiu rolled her eyes at her and said with a half-smile, "Yes, I'm watching the fun... and I'm not the only one watching the fun."




"Who else?" Fors asked with a frown.




"What do you think?" Xio's eyebrows curled up unconsciously.




"Could it be that... Mr. Tower... is Abner?!"






