Mystery: Start with the Reader

v4 Chapter 217: Shocking Insider

The real creator... Is the gloomy and dark baby sitting cross-legged on the long and wide slit between the chest and abdomen of the "creator" on the mural, is the "real creator"?

Yes, in the picture he is chewing a piece of intestines, blood dripping down... He is also a member of the "Silver City Creator".

When the rest of the people were thinking about each other, Derrick the Sun was full of pain and despair.

He recognized that the one who was divided was the creator of the City of Silver's belief, and also recognized that the three around him should be the three "kings".

"No wonder no matter how much we repent and ask for forgiveness, we can't get the Lord's redemption..." Derrick the Sun murmured in his heart, "Because, God is dead and eaten, and he will never return. not coming……"

Alger turned his head to look at the dull-eyed boy beside him, sighed slightly, and was about to say something when he heard Derrick the Sun ask, "Mr. Tower, since the eternal blazing sun, knowledge and The God of Wisdom and the Lord of Storms are the three 'kings' once, what about the 'true creator'?"

Speaking of which, Derrick couldn't help but recall the words whispered by the evil spirits of the clergy in the Afternoon Town Church:

"Almighty Lord, I repent... I tempted Saslier, and the kings frequently went to the palace belonging to Twilight to conspire.

"The people of this town have also changed at some point, setting up secret altars, doing strange ceremonies, doing all kinds of things you don't allow.

"I found it all, but it was too late, corruption, blood, darkness, decay, slaughter, filth and shadow had flowed over the land.

"The great disaster will begin here!"

He immediately began to think about it, and then asked the question just now: "Will he be the 'Dark Angel' Saslier who convened the king and the gods, formed the 'Rose of Redemption', and was tempted to plot?"

Hearing his words, everyone was a little surprised, especially Argel the Hanged Man, who was even surprised that Derrick could ask such a high-level question.

After all, he has grown up... and it is related to his own city-state, so he can't allow him to think too much! "The Hanged Man" Argel nodded slightly, and a relieved smile of "the cub has finally grown up" appeared on his face.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to such a rare expression. Everyone's attention is now focused on Abner, looking forward to his answer.

Abner pondered for a while, and then simply replied: "The 'Dark Angel' Saslier is actually a part of the 'Creator' who was eaten, and the 'True Creator' is also a part of Him, but the two are not the same. not exactly equivalent."

Part of the Creator...what does that mean? His avatar? But how could avatar organize people to fight against him?

Some existence tempted this avatar and made him betray the main body? How the **** is this done...

Argel the Hanged Man and Klein the World flashed similar thoughts in their minds, while The Sun was a little confused and couldn't quite understand the meaning of Mr. Tower's words. asked:

"Mr. Tower, can you elaborate? I can give everything I can in exchange... Well, I think the chief will also support my decision."

Audrey the Justice and Cattleya the Hermit also said in the same way: "I also want to listen in, I don't know what you need, Mr. Tower?"

"If possible, I would like to know too." Alger the Hanged Man followed closely.

Miss "Temperance" looked at the "world" she started, and the latter returned a "wait a minute" look.

As for "Trial", "Magician" and "Moon", they are all more "Buddhist". The former two think that if they want to know, they can go back and ask Abner in private, while the latter thinks that there may be records in the family, which is really not acceptable. You can also ask Nisby-sama for advice.

At this time, Abner calmly looked at the top and asked respectfully, "Mr. Fool, can I reveal this information?"

How do I know if I can reveal it? But now I know a little bit about your kid's temperament. If you really feel that there is a great danger, you won't mention it at all, let alone ask me for instructions... Now that you have asked for instructions, it means that the problem is not big!

As his thoughts turned, Klein the Fool leaned back casually and said calmly, "You don't need to ask for instructions, you can share it if you think it's okay."

"Yes." Abner stood up and bowed, then looked around and said, "My condition is very simple. After one month at the latest, you must each find fifty to one hundred people to make a wish to me.

"And the content of the wish, I will delineate the scope in advance."

desire? Alger subconsciously remembered that he had just become an Extraordinary. When he was training in the church, a senior "substitute punishment" said: Some high-order Extraordinary may be in a state of being detained and sealed, and they will pretend to be Magical items that satisfy wishes induce you to help him out of trouble, such as magic lamps that can satisfy wishes, such as the wishing pool.

But Mister "Tower" doesn't seem to be sealed... and even if it is sealed, it is time to find Mr. Fool instead of asking us to "make a wish"... Could it be some strange way of "acting"?

Although he was puzzled, with Mr. Fool watching, Alger didn't believe that the "Tower" would do anything to harm the members of the Tarot Society, so he nodded and said, "No problem."

It is nothing more than the wish to collect fifty people, which is not difficult for him.

The same is true for other people. After asking if there is any harm, and getting a negative answer, they all responded.

Only Derrick had an embarrassed look on his face. In a place like the City of Silver, where everyone was full of vigilance, it was impossible to find someone to make a wish to a strange existence.

Unless that being is the "Omniscient and Almighty Lord".

Seeing Derrick's embarrassment, Abner smiled and said: "Your situation is special, my conditions here are different from theirs... Well, when I think about what I need, I will tell you... You can first owed."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Tower." Derrick the Sun was very moved, but he was not good at words, and could only express his gratitude in simple words.

"You're welcome." With a wave of his hand, Abner looked around again before clearing his throat:

"You should know that I had a certain understanding of the 'Land Forsaken by God' before. Later, after the 'Sun' explored the afternoon town, I went to 'retrospect' the history of the end of the glorious age. As a result, some new discoveries have been made..."

The point, the point! Although Klein the World was well aware of Abner's somewhat "bad" "pleasure criminal" character, he still condemned his "selling out" behavior.

"Simply put, Saslier is the deputy of the kingdom of heaven, the left hand of God, and also one of the clones of the 'Ancient Sun God'.

"Since birth, the 'Ancient Sun God', who is the integration of 'light and darkness', separated the darkness in his body and used it and one of his rib to create the first angel, that is the 'dark angel' Saslier .

"So the 'Dark Angel' Saslier is the leader of the eight kings of angels, the one who is closer to the 'Ancient Sun God' than the sons of God Adam and Amon.

"At the end of the glorious age, the 'Ancient Sun God' wanted to surpass the true God, but was terribly polluted because of this. As a last resort, he could only acquiesce the 'Dark Angel' Saslier to unite with other angel kings and gods. , murdered Himself together, and then was freed from pollution at the resurrection.

"This assassination was actually quite smooth because of the cooperation of the assassins, but as a result, you all know that at the most critical moment, the three gods betrayed the 'Ancient Sun God'.

"Maybe three betrayed at the same time, maybe one or two betrayed, so that the rest had to betray... But the ending is doomed, the 'Ancient Sun God' was divided.

"And that dark baby, or the 'true creator', was the temporary activation of the 'Ancient Sun God', and it was the part of his 'humanity' that was reborn in the corpse by urgently merging the extreme emotions before his fall. He finally took it away. The extraordinary characteristics of the 'The Hanged Man' pathway and the authority of 'fallen'.

"But you can imagine the emotions before the fall... So the 'true creator' is crazy, and he who is full of negative humanity has fallen..."

Abner stopped here, waiting for everyone to digest his words.

This is the real dry goods, and it is the secret of the third era. Knowing this, the future Klein will not be able to digest a lot of it immediately after drinking the "Ancient Scholar" potion?

In fact, many members of the Tarot Club, including Klein and Sharon, the two "puppets" and "clowns" who usually do not show emotions, were shocked by Abner's dry goods, and they were stunned. .

The "True Creator" turned out to be the successor of the "Ancient Sun God", but only fell under negative emotions? It turns out that it is more accurate for Mr. Fool to call him the "Degenerate Creator". It's ridiculous that I only paid attention to "Degenerate" before, thinking that it was Mr. Fool who "contempt" Him because of the behavior of the "True Creator"...

Now that I think about it, Mr. Fool has never denied the essence of his "Creator"! And I've been ignoring this.

Sure enough, even if the gods simply say a noun, it has a "deep meaning"!

Alger the Hanged Man couldn't help but self-examine while horrified.

And Audrey the "Justice" is thinking: Even if it is a personality formed by negative extreme emotions, it should not degenerate so quickly. After all, people's hearts are complex and will not always be negative... Unless they reach a high sequence There are other factors, or is there a problem with the "Hanged Man" approach... Is it because of the "fallen" authority?

Cattleya the Hermit focused on the fact that the Ancient Sun God wanted to surpass the true God. She seemed to mutter to herself, and said inquiringly:

"The 'Ancient Sun God' was contaminated because it contained the authority and characteristics of the adjacent pathways, right? That's why the three gods took the opportunity to eat him... In fact, they took the characteristics?

"Could it be that if you want to surpass the true God, you have to absorb the characteristics and authority of adjacent pathways? But this must be crazy, right?!"

"Temperance" Miss Sharon next to her also moved her eyes slightly at this time, then opened her lips and said a word: "Death."

grim Reaper? Everyone looked at the young lady in confusion, not understanding why she said this.

"World" Klein thought for a few seconds, "translated" and said: "What she means is that the **** of death also wants to surpass the true god, and then goes crazy, causing the 'pale disaster'."

One wanted to surpass the true god, and then went crazy, causing the "catastrophic catastrophe"; the other also wanted to surpass the true god, and then went crazy, causing the "pale disaster"...

One created the "land abandoned by the gods" today, and the other also left the original Northern Continent full of scars, and many places have not recovered so far...

Is it so important to go beyond the true God? Why are you not satisfied? Forsi the Magician thought.

"Mr. Tower, how did you get this information... Can, can you tell me?" Derrick the Sun came back to his senses and asked embarrassedly.

He didn't doubt "Tower"'s words, but thought that before telling "Chief" these "terrifying" inside stories, he had to find out the source.

Hearing this, the others also looked over again.

To be They have always known that "Tower" is very "learned", but they did not expect him to be "learned" to this level, even the information related to gods and kings of angels, and even beyond gods are well known!

This is far beyond their imagination... Of course, Klein, Hugh, and Fors are not included here.

Klein knew the details of Abner, and Hugh and Fors had long been accustomed to the "magic" things about their friends.

On the other hand, Abner thought about what he said before replying: "'God of Luck' is also a member of 'Rose of Redemption'.

"And I explored the ruins left by the 'God of Luck' not long ago."

These two sentences are true, but they have nothing to do with how he knows the information.


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