Mystery: Start with the Reader

v4 Chapter 231: Klein's actions

"Announces the return of the family of Abraham."

"The major forces send people to recruit."

"Liaison officer?"

After a few "astrologers" discussed privately, they understood what Abner meant, and they were also very excited about it, because it meant that the Abraham family would no longer have to hide, but could show up in the open. in front of the world.

Dorian and Verdu looked at the lady named Martha in their companions at the same time. She looked forty or fifty years old, with a normal appearance, but she looked very capable. At first glance, she was the image of a strong woman.

And the fact is also true, she is now the manager of several important industries of the family, and she is best at dealing with people.

The lady named Martha also knows that Dorian and Dorian are competent for the position of "liaison officer", but Dorian's fishery association deals more with the people at the bottom, and he may not be necessary for the upper class. Understand, so you are indeed the most suitable.

However, she did not answer immediately, but asked carefully: "Master Ancestor, which force do you prefer to join?

"Also, what is the bottom line of the conditions we accept?"

Abner had already imagined this, and replied with a smile: "At least it must be a duke title, or a consul of a place.

"As for my inclination... Intis, Feneport and Renburg, Masi, Segal take priority.

"It's better to directly become the royal family of Masi or Segal.

"Well, Intis does not currently have an angel family, and the conditions offered will probably be relatively better... But the political situation there is unstable, and the Republic has no title, and it ranks the lowest among several priority countries."

Martha took it down seriously, but after hesitating for a while, she still asked tentatively, "Aren't you considering Loen?"

Several members of the Abraham family present here are almost all Ruen people, and naturally have the deepest feelings for this country.

Loen is of course good, but this is Abner's basic plan. It is a bit of a waste to develop the two identities together.

He muttered in his heart, but Abner just said meaningfully on the surface: "The Church of the Evernight Goddess and the Church of the Storm are both Loen's righteous churches."

When Martha and Dorian heard the words, they suddenly realized that they didn't ask any further questions.

The fact is obvious that the first ancestor was exiled by the goddess of the night and the Lord of the Storm, and those two gods must not be too friendly to the Abraham family.


160 Berklund Street on Friday.

Klein stood on the balcony, looking at the street scene outside through the gap in the curtain, feeling a little nervous that couldn't be contained.

If there is no accident, he will start the operation of stealing the Antigonus family's notebook soon.

With the help of "Queen of Mysteries" Bernadette, he made his Secret Puppet appear eroded, and by going to church often to pray, listen to scriptures, and donate, he found out the rotation of the internal guards. After Klein stole the plan's There is only one thing left to prepare.

That is how to quietly and unnoticed to replace the internal guardian.

However, he also prepared a detailed plan for this. If there are no major accidents, it should not be a problem...

Phew... After a few minutes, Klein slowly exhaled, then took four steps backwards and entered above the gray fog.

Sitting in the seat belonging to "The Fool", he pondered for nearly a minute, showed a pen and paper, and wrote down the divination statement:

"There is danger in stealing the Antigonus family notes this time."

Putting away the dark red round belly pen, Klein took the pendulum from the cuff of his left wrist, held the silver chain with his left hand, and let the citrine pendant hang on the paper, almost touching it.

He entered into meditation, closed his eyes, and recited the divination sentence silently. After seven times in a row, he slowly opened his eyes and saw that the spirit pendulum was rotating clockwise, with a normal range and a normal speed.

Dangerous, but within the normal range... Klein quickly interpreted it.

He looked at the citrine pendant that gradually stopped turning, and said in a low voice in his native language:

"The arrow is on the string and has to be sent."

Before he finished speaking, Klein let his spirituality wrap himself, simulated the feeling of falling, and returned to the real world.

This time, there are only three items he intends to carry with him, one is "Wriggling Hunger", the other is "Book of Endless Teleportation", and the third is "Azik Bronze Whistle", all of which have a small size in common. , even the largest "Book of Endless Transmission" is only a little bigger than a cigarette case, making it easy to carry.

As for the rest of the items, there is a high probability that they will not be able to pass through the Chanis Gate, which is likely to cause mutations in the core of the seal, so Klein threw them and the cash all over the gray fog, ready to flee immediately if a problem occurs.

As for Sharon, he also asked Miss Messenger to look after her, and he could take her into the spiritual world to escape at any time...

Thinking of Sharon, Klein closed the curtains, walked back into the bedroom, and saw Miss Sharon lying on the bed with Dawn.

Well, this "Dawn" was transformed by Miss "Messenger" and disguised to hide her eyes.

But this scene looks awkward and uncomfortable...

Klein quickly restrained his thoughts and said to the two young ladies, "Please."

With a worried look in Sharon's eyes, she asked, "Don't you need help?"

Klein shook his head and smiled gently: "It's not too dangerous, don't worry."

After speaking, he turned into a crazy adventurer Gehrman Sparrow with a cold expression, and opened the "Book of Endless Teleportation" after leaving, and his figure quickly faded.

After he left, Sharron pursed her lower lip, and after a long while, she asked Miss Courier, "Teacher, what is the relationship between Mr. Fool and him?"

Renette Tinichole just smiled, but did not answer the question.

After all, her current "Dawn" image is just an illusion. If she wants to speak, she has to take out all four heads, which is too troublesome.


Relying on sufficient preparation, Klein successfully replaced the internal caretaker, sneaked into the Chanis Gate of St. Samuel Cathedral all the way, and came to the notebook of the Antigonus family.

But just when he wanted to ask Secret Puppet "Seignor" to get the notebook, he was horrified to find that he was erased by the suddenly appearing Sealed Artifact "0-17"!

"I don't know if there is any chance of resurrection with this method of death..." Klein had just turned this thought in his mind, and was surprised to find that he had been pulled into a foggy town.

Next, he subdued a "Rose Bishop" who was starving and used him as food, and learned about the "weird" rules in the town from the other party's mouth.

"This sounds a bit like the Kingdom of Night that Mr. Tower once mentioned... Could it be that I was also teleported here?

"Is this the test of the goddess?"

As his thoughts turned, Klein did not hesitate. After killing the "Bishop of Rose" entered the central church of the town, and finally found a figure under the statue of "Mother of Heaven". A figure was not hanging in the air, but sitting diagonally behind the statue.

It was an old man in a black robe. He was wearing a hood, his head was lowered, his eyes were closed, and the white beard on his face was long and dense, as if it had not been trimmed for several years or more, making it difficult to see the original The look of this book.

In Klein's eyes, the bearded old man was even stranger than the "bacon" hanging in the church, because he recognized who the other party was.

"Zaratul?!" Klein blurted out.

Abner, who was controlling Zarathul, the "historical image" that was completely polluted by the "unknown", laughed and said:

"Looking at your reaction, do you know me?"


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