Mystery: Start with the Reader

v4 Chapter 319: Rhine Karendia's Castle

After laughing at himself in his heart, Abner included "Pride" Hervin Rambis into the "Breakland" created by Alvin, and then went with the two ladies "Lazy" and "Greed". dinner.

At the dinner table, the two sides exchanged some information after the previous "Indo Harbor Evening Celebration Incident".

"...Because the identities of the saints who fought against the two Lords Wimbledon and Ivan could not be confirmed, the official intelligence organizations of the 'Witcher' and Feysac's 'Security Intelligence Department' and 'Security Measures Department' will be able to The 'Rogue' Dark Emperor, who locks his true identity, serves as a breakthrough...

"After all, 'Rogue', 'Earth Witch', 'Iron Man' and the saint obviously belong to the same organization, and they were all taken by the latter in the end."

The speaker was "Greed" Ksenia. As a noble countess and the teacher of "Duke of Greycastle" Wimbledon Einhorn's youngest daughter, she could naturally find out a lot of inside information.

At this time, she glanced at Abner. Although she knew that the strange saint who had stopped Wimbledon and Archbishop Ivan was the one in front of her, as the "believer" of the other party, she still wisely mentioned it. continued:

"Gehrman Sparrow, who exposed his identity as a "robber" because of "Squirming Hunger", was jointly offered a reward of 300,000 Jinhorn by the royal family and the church!"

Well, I do the math... 1 gold pound can be exchanged for 5.5 gold pound, 300,000 gold horn is about 55,000 gold pounds... Klein is good at the market.

Abner spit out a sentence, and while sending a piece of bacon into his mouth, he listened to the countess talking about other follow-up information:

"Because the invitations in the hands of Ince Zangwill and that strange saint were all signed by Nellie Pete, the mayor of Indo Harbor, he was also investigated by the Church of God of War.

"But the mayor may have already sensed the danger, and the only thing left in the mansion is his historical projection, as for himself, he has long since disappeared.

"The 'Security Intelligence Department' and the 'Witcher' only discovered that the mayor of Indo Harbor turned out to be a demigod from the 'Secret Order'.

"And his so-called wife, so-called children, are actually transformed from his 'Secret Puppet'... But his secretary, assistant, maid, maid, etc. are all real human beings, but they are not aware of Mr. Nellie's secrets. Not knowing."

I know this. As the president of the "Secret Order", although I didn't say anything when I asked for the invitation letter, Nellie Pitt, as a demigod of the "Gou Sanjia", could naturally perceive the danger, so immediately Abandoned his identity and hid.

Abner took a sip of coffee while thinking.

At this time, as "greedy" Ksenia ended the sharing of information, "lazy" Krosfia, who had been tasting the food, wiped her mouth with a tissue and asked:

"Abner, you said just now that Gluttony has been captured, so has he promised to interrogate the information about our ruins?"

Before Ksenia shared the information, Abner took the initiative to pick out some of the things he had experienced on his side, and told them to the two ladies, including the one about Karen's capture of "gluttony". matter.

At the top panel meeting of the "Psychological Alchemy Association", the reason why "lust", "lazy" and "greed" would agree to the request of "gluttony" to come to Indo Port was because the other party took it out. Remains of a great nobleman of the Fourth Epoch Solomon Empire as a reward.

According to "Gluttony", the nobleman's name was Rhine Kareldia.

Hearing Krosfia asking about this, Abner nodded slightly, then put down the knife and fork in his hand, took out a card, and released a "fat man".

—Abner went to Karen before coming to the Hot Spring Villa, and took both "Gluttony" and the sealed item "Paradise Feast" from him.

Although the "gluttony" at this time has not completely died, his state is a bit worse than the "arrogance" that only had the "white board" personality before, and the protection of the spiritual island is completely destroyed.

In the face of such an undefended mental state of "gluttony", "greed" and "laziness", who are experts in the field of mind, are not polite, and directly invade their subconscious and check their memories.

After a while, the stronger Crosfia took the lead in recovering and said with a smile, "I didn't expect this Mr. Gluttony to have lived nearly seven hundred years, and his life is quite exciting!"

Although she was laughing, her tone was very cold, because she found that one of her immediate elders had also fallen into the hands of "gluttony", and he used the sealed artifact to "retrospect" the bloodline and obtained the A little "chaos hunter" ability.

That elder was inexplicably out of control and madness, and the reason was also here.

At this time, "greedy" Ksenia also "read" the fat man's memory, and said with consideration:

"That ruin turned out to be in the Antars Mountains, and it only appears when the moon is full... and it also has 'life', which can run all over the mountain...

"That's right, the blood duke named Rhine Kareldia was a noble of the Solomon Empire... and during the 'Battle of the Four Emperors' the territory of the Solomon Empire was basically the same as the current Feysac... His castle is legitimately active in the Antares Mountains.

"As for the castle's life... This is not a problem for a 'creator'.

"However, according to the memory of 'Gluttony', he only explored the first floor of the ancient castle ruins, and was forced to retreat by the strange creatures in it. After several hundred years of exploration, he failed to go further. .

"The danger of the ruins is probably far beyond our imagination. We have to make adequate preparations to explore... Fortunately, there are still nearly three weeks before the next full moon..."

Although the ruins are indeed dangerous, I think if I go, it may be like going home... Abner murmured in his heart, and on the surface he reminded: "The 'Feast of Heaven' of 'Gluttony' is there. It was found on the first floor of an ancient castle, and there may be similar 'weird' items on subsequent floors."

As for why "Blood Moon Queen" Olnia's summons appeared in the ancient castle where Rhine Karendia once lived, Abner carefully examined the memory of "Gluttony" and passed "Insight" Ability, there are also roughly a few guesses.

But what is the specific situation, we have to say on-the-spot investigation.

"Such a strict defense... The Duke of Blood, wouldn't he just sleep on the top floor of that castle?" Crossfia speculated.

"No!" Abner replied firmly.

After all, Rhine's body has become a "God of Beauty", and it is in the basement of the "Harvest Church".