Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 14: burning church town

"May Mr. Fool bless you."

Justice and Azik Eggers gave Yingna Abraham a deep look, and made simple prayer gestures on their chests.

Take a break.

After "Justice" Audrey Hall and "Cart" Ancia Mirren, Yingner also accepted the inspection of "Death" Mr. Azik Eggers and Zion.

But no matter who it is, they can only confirm that Gana Abraham's current state is abnormal, but it is not a big problem. Moreover, they are powerless to improve this state.

Ingena is very "optimistic" about this.

Of course, at this moment, no matter what the problem is, he will appear full of confidence.

"It doesn't matter." He smiled. "It's better for an accident to be early than late."

Although from the expressions of other people, Yingner did not see a single sign of approval.

However, he still took off his hat and greeted the other four with a smile before embarking on the journey again.

After crossing the small bridge that I just saw, the appearance of this small town really appeared in Yingna's eyes.

It turned out that he had just seen that the dome and towering walls of the Gothic-style building belonged to a church.

When they walked out of the Star Clock Tower, the desolate garden they saw was also built in this church.

As if turning a corner, after crossing the small bridge, the side gate of the garden where the church belongs was revealed in front of him.

It was a towering hollow metal gate that was almost five meters high. Ingena, the coat of arms inscribed above the gate, has never been seen.

Unlike other things in the environment, the metal gate doesn't show any signs of being deserted, crumbling, or corroded.

He had a heavy, thick sheen, and was tightly closed, as if isolating Ingena and everything in this church from the creatures outside the walls.

Although, there may be no living creatures outside the walls.

Ingena looked out the door.

The church was built in the heart of the town and the highest point of the city.

Therefore, standing in front of the side door of the church, Yingner could see the whole city from a commanding height.

The ruins of Byerginworth are cold and gray. The black stone walls and the narrow streets were crowded.

And all the buildings of Byrgenworth were hidden in the firelight.

As soon as he entered the space behind the clock tower, Yingner heard the crackling sound of the flames burning. He hadn't had time to find out where the fire was, but he saw the source of the sound at this time.

Those flames quietly and enthusiastically set the whole city on fire.

It was clear that Ingena was so close to the city below, but he couldn't hear anything except the sound of the flames burning.

It was as if the whole city had completely died.

"Are there any living people in there?" Yingner said as if to himself.

Although the content of the words was heavy, his tone sounded extremely pleasant.

"No more." Zion came to his side and replied, "That is the projection of Byerginworth city. There are no creatures in it."

Yingna raised his eyebrows, looked at Zion, and asked with a smile, "So, does Your Excellency Zion mind us to check?"

"We are all here for the first time, and there is a city in front of us. Maybe there will be some survivors in the streets."

Zion was silent, he was noncommittal.

After a long while, he turned to look in the direction of Azik Eggers, and asked gracefully, "Does Mr. Death think so too?"

"I have already checked." Azik Eggers' figure originally hidden in the shadows was also revealed at this time.

As an Extraordinary of the Death Path, he has a clearer view of the boundaries between life and death.

And, it doesn't have to be raised by Yingner. When Azik Eggers saw the flaming ruins buried under the church, he immediately released the spirit hidden in his body to inspect the ruins.

Nothing is more important than human life.


"My servants told me that there are no living creatures in this city except us." Azik Eggers looked at Yingna Abraham.

"Although it is a projection, every detail in the town of Byerginworth is very real."


Azik Eggers sighed softly and said.

"Bilkingworth is just a ruin."

"Even those scroll clans are only within the confines of this church."

Thoughtful in his heart, Yingner took off his hat to Azik Eggers with a smile on his face, and thanked him very sincerely.

"Okay, thank you. Mr. Death."

A very unfortunate result, but it was expected.

If there really are any traces, will "Bierkingworth" disappear into the long river of history?

Looking at Yingner, Azik Eggers nodded, and then he followed his original plan and hid his figure in the air.

Yingner also looked back and looked back at the church not far away.

from where they are now

There is a long staircase.

On both sides of the stairs are strangely shaped statues.

And above the stairs, there seems to be a half-covered door.

Yingner looked at these strangely shaped statues and began to explore again.

The shape of those withered statues is very strange.

They were like a group of pilgrims with black cloth covering their heads. The black cloth dangled low, covering their bodies, and crushing their back crests like a weight.

None of the statues stood up straight. They were all hunched, stooped, and bowed their heads humbly, their faces completely obscured.

Clusters of threes and threes stood on both sides of the road like dwarfs. It's as if they were suddenly petrified on the pilgrimage road, and together with the cloth on their bodies, they became the stone guarding the church.

Of course, these strange withered statues will not be an obstacle to Yingna's path.

Only occasionally, Yingner would find a few black larvae hiding among the gaps in the statues.

Their sight and perception seemed to be until Ingena approached them and they couldn't feel it.

Each bug was looking up at the moon with their rounded, inflated heads before looking at Yingner.

However, as long as their eyes turned to Yingna, they would all be killed.


Yingner raised a huge hammer that seemed to be condensed from the morning light, and directly smashed the bugs on the way into meat sauce.

learn from mistakes.

Since the screams of these monsters before they die are going to send him on the verge of losing control, just don't give them any chance to make a sound.

And the giant heavy hammer can obviously achieve such an effect.

Ingena walked up the long stairs with ease with a hammer that didn't fit his size.

After a while, he reached the side door of the church.

The sturdy copper door was not locked, it was half-hidden, Yingner pushed it gently, and the door slowly opened to him.