Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 26: bell of hope

"Are you looking for me..."

The old voice seemed to echo in Igna's mind.

And Derrick Berg, who just woke up from a nap, looked very calm. He raised his hands and clenched them into fists in front of his chest, and then slowly turned his body bit by bit while on high alert.

The other side of the room was originally a deep darkness, and in Derrick's eyes, a little golden glow swelled up and turned into two miniature suns.

It seems to be the original influence of the dream. At this moment, Igna also seemed to have a clear vision, and the black shadow became clear in his vision.

The black figure revealed a head that had been split vertically!

The two gray brains in the middle of the head wriggled as if they were alive, and they wanted to get closer to each other but were powerless. On the truncated surface of the brain, the viscous liquid hung down into filaments, but it shrank upward like maggots.

The eyes are far apart on one side, the bridge of the nose is parted in the middle, and the blood is bright. The mouth on the left was split open, but the one on the right was tightly closed. This terrifying monster was naked, with dark red wounds all over it.

Those innumerable wounds were opened ferociously, revealing a row of white teeth, making them say the same sentence in no particular order.

"Are you looking for me...?"

Derrick's pupils shrank, and without thinking about it, he raised his hands clenched into fists in front of his chest, and placed them on his chin, as if praying.

The small room suddenly became brighter, and the pure light beam wrapped in flames dropped from the roof and hit the monster.

This light beam is not as loud as when Derrick used it outside the round tower, because of the seal here, the magical items here isolate the inside and outside.

But at this moment, Derrick was stunned to see the sacred light beam that he had prayed for suddenly become thicker, so brilliant that he couldn't help but want to close his eyes.

Vaguely, in that majestic beam of light, something more pure and thicker separated out, like a naked man without facial features and clothes

The "light man" flickered suddenly, and jumped on the monster. All the "mouths" of the monster opened suddenly, as if screaming.

However, Derrick heard nothing.

The monster trembled violently, quickly disintegrated under the burning and shining of the "man of light", and disappeared like melting.

When it was almost transparent, a phantom suddenly appeared there strangely, wearing a black classic robe and a phantom with a pointed soft hat.

This phantom has black eyes, black eyeballs, a wide forehead, a thin face, and wears a crystal-carved monocle.

As soon as he emerged, the "man of light" exploded suddenly, and Derrick's eyes were filled with white light.

Igna couldn't see anything either.

When he regained his sight, he found that he was outside the room at some point, in the corridor inlaid with metal lamp stands, and in the dim yellow light.

Igna was a little at a loss, how could it have changed?

In the room, he saw a tall and strong figure in dark trousers and a brown coat from the back.

In front of the back, on Derrick's original bed, a little light like the morning sun quickly condensed on a white leg bone, turning it into a pure white sharp straight sword.

Beside Zhijian, there was a translucent bug lying quietly.

With his back facing his tall figure, he picked up the strange translucent bug with his hand, turned around, and sighed, "It's almost there."

At this time, Igna finally saw clearly the front of the tall figure that suddenly appeared in the room:

His hair is gray, neglected, and looks quite messy. He has heavy nasolabial folds, but there are no wrinkles on the corners of his eyes and forehead, and there are some deep or distorted old scars on his cheeks.

He was wearing a linen shirt inside, and a belt with many compartments around his waist. His light blue eyes were deep and vicissitudes, and his whole figure was like a book full of stories.

Derrick Berg immediately said in surprise as if he was in danger for the rest of his life: "Your Excellency, Chief." (Note 1)

Igna also immediately recognized the identity of the visitor.

Colin Iliad, the "Chief" of the "Six-member Council" of the "Dark Generation" City of Silver, a powerful "demon hunter" over a hundred years old.

Colin nodded lightly to Derrick Berg and said, "We always knew he had a problem, but in order to find out what the purpose of that man named Amon was, and what kind of weirdness existed, we deliberately didn't eliminate him directly, but Lock him at the bottom of the round tower, seal him under the influence of magical items, and often let some Extraordinary people with only signs of loss of control live next door to him, and talk to him to see if he can induce some abnormal changes in him, so that Get what we want to know. It's a pity that until today, he was very normal, but, very normal."

"Why do you think he suddenly mutated, and suddenly tried to penetrate the seal? Do you feel different from others?" Colin Iliad asked.

Derrick was silent for a few seconds and said: "Maybe it's because my extraordinary path is different from others, Sequence Nine Singer, Sequence Eight Light Practitioner."

Colin listened with his expression unchanged, looked Derrick up and down for a few seconds and said, "We have monitored him, and the members of the six-member council took turns to be responsible, but I didn't expect that he would suddenly change without any warning, and he acted Very decisive, very determined. What did you do in the room just now?"

Derrick thought about it and said, "I knocked on that wall three times. Before that, the candles in my room were extinguished, and it was dark. I tried to practice some of my extraordinary abilities."

Colin looked into Derrick's eyes quietly, and said after more than ten seconds: "Unfortunately, what Amon left in his soul was not the body, and what happened too suddenly, we didn't get the most desired result. "

"Before he mutated, did you notice anything abnormal?" Colin asked.

"No." Derrick shook his head quite positively.

Two complex dark green symbols suddenly appeared in Colin's eyes, and Derrick's figure was reflected between them. After nearly ten seconds of silence, the "Chief" of the City of Silver closed his eyes and said, "Your condition has stabilized and you don't need any further treatment. You can go back."

Derrick was stunned and said: "Okay."

Igna was also a little dazed, his intuition was that something was wrong.

The captain of the explorer team whose body collapsed just now should be an Extraordinary who was deeply parasitized by the blasphemer The abnormality of that captain has exceeded the range that ordinary people can recognize. Can you realize that the sudden loss of control of the team leader is not abnormal?

And isn't the "Chief" saying too much later? There were not many suspicions revealed in his words, and none of them were answered.

But, even if this is the case, the chief actually let Derrick Berg go home? Is this a little unreasonable?

Igna raised his eyelids and looked at Michele who was silent but didn't seem to change much.

That's right, seeing Michelle's expression, Igna realized that this was a dream that had been recounted.

It should be reviewed before it can be shown to others.

By my side is a high-sequence powerhouse of the spectator path, if he doesn't want me to know, there are eleven million ways.

I'm just the "Recorder".

Thinking of this, Igna became quiet, followed Derrick out of the dungeon spire, and returned to his home.

After Derrick Berg returned home, he actively searched for monster leather, strange herbs and other things. Quickly set up a simple altar.

He looked at the flickering candle in front of him, closed his eyes, lowered his head, and recited the honored name of the ceremony object very familiarly:

"The fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray mist, the king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck." (Note 2)


Note 1: Volume 2 Faceless Man, Chapter 147, translucent bug

Note 2: Volume 2 Faceless Man, Chapter 149, Secret Agreement Ceremony. In order to conform to the third-person perspective suitable for recording, there are certain changes compared with the original text. (The person who does it is Little Sun.jpg)
