Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 26: I cook mushrooms

Igna was startled.

It was the first time he heard such a greeting. What kind of code is this?

Probably Igna's face showed very obvious doubts, and Frank Lee patiently explained:

"It's a kind of mushroom that can grow and reproduce by devouring flesh and blood in the dark environment. Because it has the characteristics of a cow, it can extract milk."

"Every time you cook that special mushroom, you need to cook it in hot water above 90 degrees for at least 5 minutes."

"So, I guess you're drinking hot milk, do you remember?" Frank patiently explained. (Note 1)

After explaining, Igna recalled it at this time.

There was indeed such a thing more than a week and a half ago.

That was when he and Canterbury hunted a giant Corruptor in the forest on their way to Peritzk.

Because the monster's corpse was too dirty and smelly, those who love to bask in the sun refused to eat it without starving. So Canterbury used a sun-dried mushroom they carried with them to dispose of the corpse.

That was indeed a scene that Igna will never forget.

Those dried mushrooms were thrown on the monster's body, and within three to five minutes, the monster was completely decomposed, and the monster's body was covered with brightly colored, plump mushrooms that looked like poisonous mushrooms.

Later, Canterbury skillfully handled the mushrooms and burned them to death.

And when those mushrooms were being burned, Igna smelled the very clear fragrance of hot milk...

He also asked at the time why Canterbury had such a smell.

Canterbury then explained to him the story of these mushrooms bringing them a new source of food when they were in the land abandoned by the gods.

And after coming to the New Silver City, they were instructed by the divine envoy to gradually deal with it (Note 2).

"The mushrooms in the City of Silver are all processed. This is the one I found hidden in the interlayer when I packed my luggage a few days ago. This is probably the last one left in the world." Canterbury said.

The memory ended here, and Igna couldn't help turning his gaze to the toxin expert in front of him.

If the mushroom was brought to the City of Silver by the Angel of Salvation, then the first mate of the Future in front of you... did he know?

"Sir, don't be nervous." Frank smiled heartily like a brown bear, and raised his hands to indicate that he was not hostile.

He pointed to his nose, and continued to smile heartily: "I cultivated the mushroom that can produce the flavor of hot milk. It doesn't exist anywhere else."

"I sent some to my friend Gehrman Sparrow a long time ago, maybe you have seen him recently?"

Igna was startled again.

Even Bruce Walls, who was standing beside him, was stunned for a moment.

"Gehrman Sparrow?" they repeated in unison.

It wasn't the same thing that surprised Blue Walls and Igna, though.

Perhaps Mr. "Gourmet" is surprised that "Toxin Expert" has a close friendship with the strongest adventurer on the five seas.

Igna, on the other hand, was amazed that those mushrooms that had been written into the history of the City of Silver had a very high probability that they came from the "poison expert" in front of him.

Because, when he was writing the story of the city of silver, he had a problem that he was still puzzled by.

The teacher Gehrman Sparrow is an angel of the Seer sequence, and the three pathways protected by Mr. Fool have nothing to do with "crops". Therefore, Igna has doubts about how the teacher found these strange mushrooms. Strong curiosity.

However, Gehrman Sparrow never allowed him to ask more questions.

Every time he asked superfluous questions that had nothing to do with combat, Gehrman Sparrow would usually glance at him silently, and then start "the next lesson".

And in the next section of teaching, let Igna's life be worse than death.

Therefore, there is a question about where the mushrooms that "Saint Germain" brought to the City of Silver came from.

Igna never had the chance to find out.

And today, at the Pirate Conference, Igna actually knew the answer!

"Yes, Gehrman is really an inspiring friend. Many of his proposals made me feel suddenly enlightened." Frank said sincerely and sincerely.

"Moreover, he is also one of the few true friends who can agree with my experimental results."

"I also have some new experimental works recently, but Gehrman Sparrow's courier refused to help me deliver the letter to him." Frank scratched his head, showing a regretful look, "His courier said that he has not been able to reply recently. "

"So, sir." Frank looked at Igna, his eyes filled with sincerity, "Have you seen my friend, Gehrman Sparrow recently?"


I have seen it...but I can't say it outside.

Moreover, the smell of the mushroom left over from a week ago on his body...has nothing to do with Gehrman Sparrow.

"I haven't seen Gehrman Sparrow recently." Igna replied truthfully, "The mushroom is from another friend of mine, and she is from New Silver City."

Although the mushroom you invented has been completely banned in New Silver City...

"Have you heard of New Silver City, Mr. Frank Lee?" Igna asked.

This time it was Frank Lee's turn to show a somewhat dazed expression.

"It's a newly built city next to Bayam." Lieutenant General Iceberg's first mate, Bruce Walls said, "A new city that believes in fools."

Frank Li Deng immediately showed an expression of enlightenment: "Speaking of which, I seem to have heard the captain talk about that city."

But at the same time, Frank Lee's expression couldn't help becoming a little disappointed: "So, you haven't seen Gehrman Sparrow either, have you?"

"Yes." Igna nodded regretfully.

And, strictly speaking, no one should be able to see Gehrman Sparrow in the near future.

The most loyal angel under the Fool accompanied his master and fell into a deep sleep.

Hearing Igna's words, Frank seemed even more disappointed. He was dejected, like a giant brown bear that lost his favorite toy.

Seeing that Frank was about to leave in disappointment, Igna hurriedly stopped him.

"Mr. Frank Lee, please stay."

"I'm a little curious. How did you create those mushrooms?" Regarding the mushroom question, Igna has yet to get the answer he wants.

The source of the mushrooms in the City of Silver is still not explained clearly.

"As far as I know, no mushrooms in nature seem to have such properties."

Although the reproduction rate and growth mechanism of those mushrooms were frightening, he couldn't deny that in the history of the Land Abandoned by God, the mushrooms had brought hope to the residents of the City of Silver.

"Sir, are you interested in hybridization?" Frank Lee's eyes lit up immediately, and his heavy walking steps suddenly became very brisk.

With almost a whoosh, the toxin expert rushed to Igna.

"Of course." Igna nodded.

In his home country, there is a father of hybrid rice. It was he who created the world-famous hybrid rice through continuous experiments. It has made outstanding contributions to food security, agricultural science development and world food supply in the big foodie country.

"God, finally there is a second good friend who agrees with me." Frank Lee rushed over like a giant bear, and excitedly held Igna's hand.

"The technology of hybridization of soil, crops and varieties is the future of mankind!" (Note 3)

"But the people of the Mother Earth Church didn't believe it." Bruce Walls added with a chuckle, "and sent him to the trial court."

Igna was stunned. He could hear Bruce Walls hinting to him veiledly that Frank Lee wasn't as "friendly" as he seemed.

But Igna didn't quite understand.

Can't it?

Is hybridization bad? How many food problems have been solved by Grandpa Yuan's hybrid rice, and how many poor people have been able to get rid of the plight of hunger?

Moreover, the mushroom invented by Frank Lee did free the Land Abandoned by God from the situation of eating polluted monsters, increased the types of food, and increased the survival probability of the residents of the City of Silver.

"This is all in the past." Frank Lee didn't seem to care about Bruce Walls' sarcasm, and drew a prayer gesture from the Church of the Mother Earth on his heart, "My kind mother, it's just that I didn't care about it at first." A mature attempt. Now I will not be so reckless again."

Frank Lee looked down at Igna, with sincere joy in his eyes.

"I'm glad you're interested in hybridization technology."

"Actually, those mushrooms are also the product of hybridization."


"How to hybridize?" Igna asked.

Is it through the hybridization of different types of mushrooms, such as the mushrooms that multiply rapidly on the monster's body, and the mushrooms that can produce the strange aroma of milk? Are there such mushrooms in nature?

It was probably the curious look in Igna's eyes that stimulated Frank, and he said cheerfully and with some flaunting like a child:

"It is the product of wheat, mushrooms, a deep-sea fish, milk, and some cells of the Rosary Bishop."



Both Bruce Walls and Igna fell But Frank Lee's enthusiasm became even higher, he raised his eyebrows, and asked happily: "How is it, my friend, is there any Interested in going aboard our ship to see the results of my new research?"



Note 1: Regarding the cooking method, it comes from Volume 4 Undead, Chapter 127 New Mushrooms.

Note 2: The treatment of mushrooms comes from Chapter 58 of The Hanged Man in Volume 7. Because of the lack of monster corpses and the abundance of food, the City of Silver no longer eats mushrooms. In order to design the plot, I forcibly found the last flower.

Note 3: The idea of ​​Frank’s invention comes from the third volume Traveler, Chapter 156 Toxin Expert.

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