Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 32: take a short break

Sunya Sea, Wrodsław Island.

The area of ​​this small island is not large, but due to the convenient transportation and safe waterway, there are ships to and from the Feysac Empire every two days.

Ingena arrived early in the morning.

He came here on a fishing boat from a private port.

The time was right, and he only needed to wait five hours on this small island before embarking on the first leg of his trip to the Antares Mountains.

The voyage will be a full twelve days.

This trip will also serve as the beginning of Yingner's collection of materials for his operas.

"One takes a completely different perspective when looking at a city that one wants to stay and live in than when one is only visiting as a guest."

See the city you are about to visit with the lens of staying behind.

Although this goal seems to run counter to the role of Traveler, after the experience of the past two weeks, Ingena feels the opposite.

Looking at life from a different perspective can make him more aware of the difference between travelers and ordinary people.

Therefore, this time, Yingner positioned himself as a playwright who was about to settle in Feysac.

This kind of self-positioning can make him more involved in this voyage than traveling.

At least, he will be more willing to make friends with the natives of Feysac on the ship, in order to broaden his network of "settlement" in the future. Instead of focusing more on the scenery of the journey, as before.

"I want to buy a ticket to the port of Fusacos."

At the ticket office in the port, Yingner bought a first-class ticket with Luen's Sole.

For the rest of the time, according to his plan, these five hours were enough for him to visit this small island completely. And buy some gadgets that can be used as souvenirs, and can also complete the writing of letters and organize some inspirations.

"Hmm. It should be about the same time."

Ingena took out the pocket watch in his jacket pocket, glanced at the time, tidied up his hat, and walked to an alley.

There appears to be a short road there.

However, as Yingner walked through it, a golden coin was flying between his fingers.

He knows very well that in the darkness, there will always be some untimely darkness.

And for the past three weeks, he's been in the shadows for quite some time.



Tikal's eyes never left the guest who got off the Golden Dream.

At the pirate conference, he discovered that this black-haired man was always paired with Lieutenant General Iceberg. People can't help but have infinite reverie about his identity.

White-haired Rat once also wanted to join the Golden Dream. He went through five hurdles and entered the final interview, but was brutally rejected by Lieutenant General Edwina Iceberg in the last hurdle.

So, he couldn't figure out why this guy was able to succeed.

At the pirate conference, not only Tikal, but also many people secretly inquired about the origin of this man.

But, to Tikal's surprise, no one had ever heard of the man, and no one had ever seen him.

He seems to have just become a pirate not long ago. The strength is also not outstanding.

There are even more rumors among the pirates that he has no power to hold a chicken.

Because, within the seven days of the Pirate Conference, he either walked with Lieutenant General Edwina Iceberg, or stayed with Lieutenant General Iceberg's first mate, Bruce Walls.

Also, he doesn't look like a pirate.

He dressed neatly all day in a gentleman's three-piece suit, and his physique was not strong and his strength was not huge. Although it is not weak, it is really far from the word pirate.

Not to mention his fair skin as if he had never seen the sun, and his appearance that looked a little too gentle.

Therefore, many people suspect that this rather handsome new member of the Golden Dream is the concubine of Lieutenant General Iceberg.

However, who would have thought that after two weeks, he would leave the Golden Dream and travel alone.

If he could be arrested and tortured, would he be able to get a hefty bounty from the iceberg?

At first, Tikal didn't think that he would meet this gentleman named "Ingena" on Frodzwa Island.

However, since he saw it, he couldn't let him leave at will.


Tikal quietly sent a signal to his companions.

With a bounty of 5,100 gold pounds, Tikal, known as the Pirate White Rat, did not act alone.

As a conspirator, in order to complete this plan, he called his good friend Julius and the Sequence 6 windstormer to hunt together.

Therefore, when he saw Yingna leave the ticket office and turned into an alley, Tikal's heart was ecstatic.

Conspirator Tikal has made detailed plans to hunt Lieutenant General Iceberg's concubine.

The hunt can begin.



A black cat jumped out of the alley and jumped at Yingner.

Of course, Yingner, who has been on alert, will not let himself be pounced on by a black cat of unknown origin.

He flashed the black cat's attack sideways, and quickly grabbed the black cat's neck and picked it up.

"Wow meow meow meow!

! "The black cat frantically waved his claws in the air, trying to attack the gentleman in front of him again, punching out a set of invincible cat and cat punches.

Yingna was a little surprised when he saw this set of attacks.

what happened? Is it really a black cat? instead of something else?

Did the pirates who came to sneak attack just start attacking like this?

Yingna had long noticed that someone was following and was ready to fight.

After all, who would be following him on Wroclaw Island?

Yingner didn't feel that he was high-profile at the pirate conference, and even he had been reducing his sense of presence.

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However, after all, it is a place where pirates gather, and there may always be people who have fresh and refined ideas.

Before leaving the Golden Dream, Mr. Bruce Walls shared with him some outrageous rumors about him and Lieutenant General Iceberg.

However, what is the idea of ​​using the black cat as the first attack?

Yingna thought about using the invisible hand to throw the black cat 300 meters away.

And just after he made this action, he suddenly felt that his shadow seemed to be caught by someone.

The darkness in the alley became depraved and gloomy in an instant, and the shadows seemed to surge in an Yes, shadows.

However, Yingner stood still.

However, in the shadows, a black shadow flew out.

It was a short knife, and the person holding the knife attacked Yingna almost fiercely and frantically.

That knife was fast and hateful, and it seemed to have frost and depravity on it.

The knife bearer obviously did not intend to leave a trace of life for Yingner.

And his knife was about to be inserted into Yingna's neck, splitting it in two, but in the next instant, the gentleman Loen, who had stayed in place and seemed to be bound by shadows, disappeared.

No, it wasn't that it disappeared.

Yingner flashed over the attacker very strangely.

Then, his cane slammed **** the attacker's head.


The attacker's head was thrown directly to the wall, and the skull hit the wall with a crisp "Kwacha" sound.

"Crazy shadow, Contemp." Looking at the face of the other party's gradually being smeared with blood, Yingner vaguely recognized the pirate who attacked him.

Characteristic pirates are always impressive.

Crazy Shadow, Contemp, with a bounty of 6,000 pounds, is a murderous and withdrawn, always with a cat by his side. If anyone dares to show any malice to the black cat, he will kill everyone related to him like crazy.

Because he is crazy enough, he is often hired as a killer.

Obviously, the black cat just now belonged to him.

But how could a black cat suddenly attack him?

Ingena thought to himself that he had always been popular with cats.


In Yingner's thinking, another huge fireball exploded in front of him.

The flame was glowing with a blazing white brilliance, and the temperature was so high that it could almost turn a person's skin into coke on the spot!