Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 34: meet regularly

   Chapter 106 Regular Gatherings

   However, Igna quickly figured out the crux of it.

   The speed of potion digestion is related to one's own understanding of potion, as well as the degree of fit between potion and body.

  Although he has just been promoted to astrologer, he has a very deep and unforgettable understanding of the astrologer's creed "divination is not omnipotent".

   Long before he became an astrologer, he was well aware of the limitations of divination. It even led to a certain degree of doubt about astrology, which almost led to the failure of promotion.

   However, the "Becklund's Ghost" case that Ignace solved this time has improved his knowledge of divination and interpretation of astrology to a certain extent. Moreover, in this case, whether it is a question or a contradiction in the case, or even a breakthrough point in interpreting the case, it is all related to the use of "astrology".

   This further strengthens and deepens Igna's understanding and application of astrology.

   "Divination is not omnipotent.

   "However, this does not mean that astrology is wrong.

   "It's just about mastering the right way to use it."

   This belief is that Ignatius maintains his own cognition when he is promoted as an astrologer, and does not have an anchor that gets out of control by questioning astrology.

   And the anchor point, from a certain point of view, is the "astrologer's code" summarized by Igna himself

"...So it's because I had 'awareness of astrologers' in advance at the stage of 'Master of Tricks', and then summed up the 'rules of astrologers' during the promotion process. Then, in the process of solving the case, I unconsciously put the astrologer The code serves as a guideline for action, and is strictly followed and used. So after the case is successfully solved, the potion gets feedback, and there are signs of digestion?"

   "This is too smooth, why does it feel a little wrong." Igna felt a little weird.

   But the body's feedback couldn't be faked. Even if Ignat felt something was wrong, the sign that the potion had been pryed would be very obvious.

   "When we go above the gray fog in the afternoon, ask Senior Xiao Zhou... He has sheltered this path, so he should be more experienced in this situation." Igna quickly made up his mind.


After brunch and checking the first three chapters of Sherlock Moriarty for writing and grammar errors, Ignatius summoned Miss Forth's messenger to deliver the manuscript to Christine Miss.

   Of course, he did not forget to prepare delicate snacks for Miss Christine.

   "The fools who do not belong to this age,"

   "The mysterious master above the gray fog,"

   "The king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck."

   After passing through the layers of gray fog, Su Yuanning came to the gray fog as promised.

   "Yuanning, good afternoon." Zhou Mingrui greeted him with a smile, still covered with a blanket on his lap, sitting on top of Arrodes, who was coiled up in a ball.

   "Good afternoon, Senior Xiao Zhou. You look good today!" Su Yuanning also smiled and greeted Zhou Mingrui.

  This week is the same as last week. Senior Xiao Zhou is in good condition. The sleepiness in his eyes depends on him, but his human nature is strong.

"You look good too. It seems that something interesting happened in Backlund?" Zhou Mingrui smiled and nodded to him, then snapped his fingers, Su Yuanning wanted to drink the fat house happy at this time. Water appeared in front of him.

   "Yes." Su Yuanning nodded and told Senior Xiao Zhou everything that had happened since he first arrived in Backlund for three days.

  From instructor Hugh Dilcha, to roommate Jennings Wenzel, from Backlund's ghost, to the metaphysical reasoning of astrology.

   Maybe for others, this kind of narrative is a little cumbersome. But Su Yuanning knew the importance of "different stories" to Zhou Mingrui, so he tried to be as detailed as possible when retelling.

   "Did digesting the potion in advance make you feel sick?" Zhou Mingrui asked, playing with a gold coin in his hand.

   "No." Su Yuanning shook his head and said his thoughts, "I just think this digestion speed seems a little abnormal."

"It used to take nearly two months to digest the magic potion, but now it only takes a week for the astrologer to feel the signs of digestion, which seems to be a little too fast." Su Yuanning said, "Senior Xiao Zhou, isn't this the case? Something unusual?"

   Zhou Mingrui looked at Igna, nodded slightly, and said, "It's a little bit, but it's still within the acceptable range. After all, 'astrology' is rather special to you."

   "Also, I just checked for you," Zhou Mingrui said. "From my point of view, I didn't see anything unusual."

  Su Yuanning was stunned for a while, he had no idea when Xiao Zhou completed the inspection. Moreover, listening to Senior Xiao Zhou's advice, it seems that there may indeed be problems in him that Senior Xiao Zhou can't see.

   What is the problem that the true God who can protect the three paths cannot see?

  Su Yuanning's back was sweating.

   "Uh, is there any problem that you can't see?" Su Yuanning decided to ask if he didn't understand. If he can't even trust the person in front of him, who else can he trust.

   "Of course there are. And there are many." Zhou Mingrui said.

   Looking at Su Yuanning who was stunned, Zhou Mingrui added with a smile, "I'm not omniscient, nor omnipotent, just a little longer than you have been in this world."

   "If you have a trusted doctor who can check your mental state, I suggest you check it once a week, but don't use occultism." Zhou Mingrui said, "Because sometimes occultism is not so reliable."

"Okay, I understand." Su Yuanning nodded, "Just the magician...Miss Fors Wall arranged for me to have a weekly mental examination in order to ensure that my spirit is not in any way. I will discuss with the doctor. Communicate well."

   "'Magician'?" Zhou Mingrui smiled, "You guessed it again?"

"Uh, yes." Su Yuanning nodded, "Actually, Miss Fors Wall has obvious characteristics of being a favored person. In the end, I am sure of the task she entrusted to me recently - writing the great detective Xia. A biography of Locke Moriarty."

   Zhou Mingrui was stunned, and then asked with interest: "She outsourced the task of writing the manuscript to you? Do you like writing novels?"

   "Well... yes." Su Yuanning thought for a while, and told Zhou Mingrui the profession he had chosen in Backlund. Then he added, "Being a copywriter has certain risks. But being a novelist in Backlund always requires some work. Miss Fors enthusiastically recommended me the 'Sherlock Moriarty' collection of detective stories. The direction of the topic selection. Then I thought about it according to the clues. "

   "She may not know yet... I already know the names of some of Mr. Fool's followers..."

"Have you written it yet?" Zhou Mingrui asked enthusiastically, "Would you like to talk to the great detective Mr. Sherlock Moriarty? Maybe it will be a little inspirational when writing a You said What?" Su Yuanning was stunned.

Then, before he could answer, in front of Su Yuanning, a man wearing a long trench coat and a gentleman's suit with a half-height silk top hat and gold-rimmed glasses appeared. He had a wild beard, but his eyes still showed A touch of bookish air.

   When he appeared in front of Su Yuanning, he was holding a fragrant Dixi pie in his hand.

  Su Yuanning's eyes widened, the person in front of him was undoubtedly "Sherlock Moriarty" detective.

   Moreover, the sudden appearance of Detective Sherlock Moriarty here seems to be a very unexpected thing for him.

  Because the Dixie pie in his hand fell to the ground with a click.

   "What are you doing?" Sherlock Moriarty looked at Zhou Mingrui dissatisfiedly and asked in Ruen language.

"There is a younger generation of transmigrants who wants to write a biography for you, do you have anything to ask?" Zhou Mingrui asked with a smile, as if seeing an old friend, "For example, is there any particular plot that you want to make? Did he write it in the book?"

   (end of this chapter)