Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 39: Mr. Mystic

The potion in the glass bottle is rippling with layers of stars, as if the Milky Way in the sky has been absorbed into the potion

And the moment he drank it, Igna felt extremely cold.

When a person is extremely cold, it is inevitable to have hallucinations. In Igna's vision, a night sky appeared in an instant. In the night sky, densely packed bright stars intertwined into a dreamy river.

Bits of starlight reflected on his body surface, which seemed to come from himself.

That little bit of pure starlight has an invisible connection with the different stars in the night sky. With the flickering of those lights, they twisted and wriggled. Like a galaxy.

They each carry a part of flesh and blood and a little consciousness, like uncontrolled clones.

His thoughts raced and became clouded, and he could barely contain himself from fighting the tendency to separate.

At this moment, he sensed something illusory.

That was the seal he completed using the "demon oil painting", which was projected into the mysterious world created by the potion, forming an abstract and vague mark.

Igna stretches part of consciousness along with spirituality past, entangled with that abstract mark

This mark fits him unexpectedly very well, almost blending with him the moment it touches him.

In an instant, in Igna's mind, the abstract mark became quite clear. It was a layer upon layer of "doors" painted with mysterious symbols.

This "door" hid Igna behind him, cutting him off from the starry sky around him.

At the same time, on the other side of the "door", the sealed terrifying creature seemed to have sensed the aura of the enemy, and used its divinity to crazily erode the illusory "door". offset the impact.

It lasted like this for more than ten seconds, and the night sky with the radiant Milky Way slowly subsided, and the little bit of starlight returned to Igna's body and merged with him.

Igna used the method of meditation to gradually converge the scattered spirituality.

Then. He vaguely saw a vast land composed of deep red rocks, and saw an ancient building resembling a pyramid standing there. Behind the building, there was darkness and abyss, with twinkling stars, completely different from the starry sky that he, the "astrologer", saw on the ground. different.

What's this?

Igna felt his consciousness gradually returning.

Then, after initially adapting to the state of "Mystic Mage", he immediately put on a prayer posture and solemnly thanked Mr. Fool. Then, he returned to Abraham's territory and reported to the Presbyterians that he had successfully completed his promotion.



"Igna, congratulations on becoming a mystic." Fors Wall, as Igna's teacher, first offered his blessing to Igna.

"Thank you." Igna nodded to Miss Fors Wall and said with a smile, "I was able to be promoted smoothly, thanks to your teaching and help all the time."

"Praise Mister Fool." Fors Wall drew the prayer gesture of the Church of Fools on her chest.

After Fors Wall, Dorian Abraham also stepped forward.

As Igna's elder, he is currently Abraham's patriarch, this traveler who has just been promoted to Sequence 5, gave Igna a hug.

"Congratulations, Igna." Dorian said with a chuckle. "Although we discussed it before, I will confirm it with you again."

The man in charge of the Abraham family said kindly:

"As the currently highest-ranked mystic in Abraham's direct bloodline, you should attend the elders' meeting. However, you voluntarily gave up your voting rights for twenty years out of your own needs, right?"

"Yes." Igna nodded solemnly.

This was a request he made at the meeting of the elders before this promotion.

This was also a unanimous decision reached by Igna after repeated discussions with teacher Fors Wall.

On the one hand, this is out of Igna's own needs.

For now, he is clear and definite. His main task is to find a way to digest the potion as soon as possible and seek promotion.

This is not only an agreement with Zion, but also a requirement of himself.

Above the gray mist, Senior Zhou had already clearly told him that after the Wanderer, there would be a difficult task for him to complete.

On the other hand, it is out of rights considerations.

Abraham now had two mystics. And both of these two mystics have a mentor-student relationship with the current deacon of the Abraham Presbyterian Church, Dorian Abraham.

If Igna really joins the Presbyterian Church, it will cause a large tilt in the balance of power, which is not conducive to Abraham's development.

Today's Abraham is under the protection of Mr. Fool, and the current development policy is correct and clear, and does not require the intervention of new forces.

"However, when the elders will give you work, you still need to complete it. Those tasks will not be too much, at most they will teach students, or help other Abraham family members to complete simple matters such as ceremonies. Do you have any objections to this issue? right?" Dorian asked.

"No." Igna said.

He is a beneficiary of Abraham's mentoring system, and of course he will not refuse when he needs to repay.

"Okay." Dorian nodded slightly, "Then the resolution has been reached."

Dorian took out a long piece of parchment and handed it to Igna.

It seems to have been prepared during the time he sealed the monster, and the ink on it still shows traces of dampness.

Igna held the parchment scroll in both hands, and saw the esteemed name written on the top of all the articles.

"A fool who does not belong to this age,"

"The mysterious ruler above the gray mist,"

"The Yellow and Black King of Good Luck."

"Your faithful elders of the house of Abraham implore you,

"Pray for your favor;

"Pray for your testimony..."

After signing his name at the bottom of the contract, Igna heard Dorian Abraham loudly recite the content of the contract to the six elders present.

"Igna Abraham retained his seat in the Council of Elders for twenty years;

It will take time for the former Angel family to gradually restore their glory. Ten or twenty years are just a very short moment in this glorious journey, but they can make him glow with new brilliance.

"However, if Elder Igna Abraham is successfully promoted to Planeswalker between 1352 and 1372, the position of deacon of the Abraham Presbyterian Church will be handed over to Igna Abraham."

"May the glory of Abraham live forever."

"Witnesses: Dorian Abraham, Nedland Abraham...Forth Wall."



After listening to the reading, Igna reacted in an unusually belated manner.

What's that last one? Was there one like that when he read it just now?

Igna has good reading habits.

He can be sure that there is absolutely no last article on the parchment just now!

It was rare for Igna, with his eyes wide open, and with an expression of astonishment, he took the parchment handed over by Dorian with a smile on his hands.

Sure enough, when he re-examined the parchment, this article was indeed written at the very end of the parchment.

Seeing this, how could Igna not understand.

He couldn't help but looked at his teacher, and looked at his Fors with a smile on the side.

"What extraordinary ability did you use on me? And when?" He asked helplessly.

Because that's the only possible explanation.

"Psychological hints at the dream-weaver Forsi Wall nodded with a light smile, and admitted very frankly, "When you were still a traveler. "



"Now you don't have any worries. You can focus on promoting Wanderer." Fors pretended not to hear Igna's helplessness.

The beautiful writer blinked those beautiful emerald eyes.

"Come on, little Abraham."

"May the glory of Abraham live forever."



Note 1: The promotion mainly depends on the dialogue in the twenty-eighth chapter of the seventh volume. Changed a little details about potion fit.

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