Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 58: rover

Monday, March 4, 1355.

Yingner knelt in front of the main altar of the City of Silver and prayed devoutly to Mr. Fool.

As early as a year ago, his mysticist potion had been completely digested. The promotion of the rover was not carried out until today, entirely because the preparation for the ceremony was too grueling.

Because rovers can already enter the starry sky, travel the star world, and go to different planets. And in the process of moving towards the planeswalker, the rovers need to use the home star as the coordinates and the starry sky as the ruler to establish their own positioning.

Therefore, according to Su Yuanning's speculation and Zhou Mingrui's confirmation, when the apprentice pathway is promoted from Sequence 4 to Sequence 3, it is easier to get lost than the two adjacent pathways. Moreover, when apprentices are promoted to rovers, they may be pulled by extraterrestrial forces, or attract attention from other planets.

Therefore, Su Yuanning must be cautious.

However, as of today, everything is finally almost ready.

The stakes are very important, so including the ceremony of praying to Mr. Fool for blessing, Yingner did not perform it in his own room, but consulted with Michelle and briefly borrowed the main altar of the Church of Fools in Silver City.

Although the place of prayer is not important, the main altar is somewhat different from other places.

"A fool who does not belong to this era,"

"The mysterious master above the gray fog,"

"The king of yellow and black in charge of good fortune."

Yingner bowed his head and interlaced his fingers in prayer.

The bishop of Silver City silently watched Yingna Abraham kneeling under the holy emblem and praying devoutly.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a faint gray fog emerging from the altar. It is above the spiritual world.

The aura is majestic and mysterious, making people involuntarily want to surrender.

In the gray fog, six angels could be seen standing, and behind each angel were six huge pairs of wings.

And these six angels, following Yingna Abraham's prayer, spread their wings one after another, descended from above the gray fog with divine will, and embraced the mystic mage who was kneeling in front of the altar and praying devoutly.

The bishop has also held many prayers to Mr. Fool at the altar, but he has never evoked such a vision as the gentleman in front of him.

"Praise Mr. Fool."

The bishop of Silver City half-closed his eyes, and devoutly drew the prayer gesture of the Church of Fools on his chest.



Yingner entered the spiritual world after confirming that he had obtained the blessing of Mr. Fool. And entered the space he established with a mansion in Utopia as a reference point.

It looked like an ordinary house on the outside.

But after entering, there is nothing in the world.

Combining the concept of Eric's space paradox, and his own memory about the earth, knowledge that does not belong to this era, and the experience of traveling in Backlund, Silver City and other places, Yingner created a dream like Fantastic maze.

He came to the center of the maze step by step, where there was a small machine.

It looks like a projector and a phonograph combined.

This is a black and white "television" that Ingena personally made under the guidance of Melissa and can be reproduced under the current scientific and occult methods.

Ingena reached out and flicked the switch, and the TV began to play the videos and music he had prepared in advance.

Those are the memories and ballads he wrote while traveling around the world.

It wasn't necessary for the ceremony, but Yingner didn't want the space to be too quiet.

After making the initial preparations, Yingner looked around and began to arrange the ceremony.

He first took out the pre-prepared auxiliary materials from the space pocket he made, and put them into the cauldron one by one according to the order of spiritual intuition.

As soon as the auxiliary materials came into contact, a starry light immediately appeared. The ripples seem to project the starry sky on it.

Next, Yingner rigorously kept the main materials in the treasury of Abraham, and put the Beyonder characteristics that once belonged to Bethel Abraham into the cauldron.

The Beyonder characteristic of the rover looks like a miniature gate of starlight.

In an instant, the Extraordinary characteristics of the gate that looked like a miniature starlight, when it came into contact with the auxiliary material, there were layers of ripples, and the starlight flickering on the auxiliary material was within a few breaths. It was accepted and integrated into the Gate of Starlight.

The stars in the gate of light shine brighter and brighter.

Seeing this scene, Yingner immediately took out the crystal ball that had been with him since he became an astrologer, and used divination to confirm whether the potion was successfully prepared.

This time, he got the revelation that this potion is very dangerous, but barely acceptable.

In other words, this means that the potion was successfully formulated.

The potion of Sequence 3 itself is a poison. If it can survive, it will become a mythical creature, and if it cannot survive, it will collapse as a monster without self-consciousness.

However, I have to be a rover.

Yingna, who was wearing a silk top hat, looked at the door of light, his eyes became firm and deep.

He took a light breath, and then, in the blink of an eye, starlight began to appear on the skin of his body.

Among the shimmering and fragmented starlight, three-dimensional stacked symbols seemed to flicker.

If you stare carefully, you can find that the stars shining from Yingna's skin are actually transparent worms with symbols engraved on their bodies.

In this regard, the mythical creature forms of the Apprentice Path, the Diviner Path, and the Thief Path all have similarities.

Controlling such a state, Yingna stretched out his hand to the potion that looked like the Gate of Starlight.

The potion seemed to have no weight. When Yingner stretched out his hand, he didn't seem to touch anything, but the door seemed to be stimulated, and suddenly it had an infinite attraction.

The starlight that appeared on Yingner immediately poured in.

Those worms shining with stars swarmed towards the miniature gate of light, they tore off a piece of starlight on the gate of starlight respectively, swallowed them and returned to Yingna's body.

Silently, based on the right hand that gradually lost its senses, Yingner only felt an icy feeling spread through every star bug, with a little burning pain.

There seemed to be an endless starry sky in front of his eyes, and endless stars twinkling.

The universe is quiet and vast, but every planet, every nebula, every galaxy has countless stories silently telling him.

Ingena's eyes also saw every piece of land he had traveled on the earth, every conversation he had with the local residents.

Countless experiences, countless records, and countless beautiful scenery are in front of Yingna's eyes.

The boundless and vast beauty of the starry sky is constantly intersecting with the beautiful memory of the earth. Every place seems to have an infinite attraction to Yingner, and every place has beautiful and endless things waiting for him to discover and explore.

At this moment, Yin Gedu only hated his lack of skills. If there are thousands of me, can I travel to thousands of places?

When Yingner couldn't restrain his thoughts, suddenly, he heard a very familiar voice.

It was the sound of himself playing the lyre, the sound of the bards who traveled in the City of Silver together, and the sound of the Backlund opera singers singing together:

"The mercy of the gods brings hope.

"The Angel of Punishment removes the calamity;

"The Angel of Life brings life;

"The witcher keeps his way;

"The people of faith usher in the light;

"This is the epic story;

"Our hero defeated all evil and survived;

Ah... Yingna, who was about to get lost in the endless starry sky, remembered.

This is the song I wrote;

This is the song I wrote to celebrate the Gospel of Mister Fool;

This is the favorite song of Mr. Fool's pan-believers;

This is the song in the opera that Backlund has been re-screening and performing in the past year;

This is a song that has been translated into many languages ​​and has been circulated all over the world.

In the singing, Yingner finally found his own identity.

At first, the voices were small, but as Yingner managed to control himself and tried to recall the song, the voices grew louder and louder.

Yingner found the piece of the countless scene fragments that belonged to the Rhosid Islands, Perizke, New Silver City, Backlund, and Constant.

Then, there are Feysac, Intis, Lenburg, Segal, Fenepot, Suniahai, Balam...

Then there are the United States, Mexico, Canada, Chile, Brazil, which were once in a similar position...

In front of Yingner's eyes, the fragments of the starry sky that were originally scattered began to gradually, and the fragmentary scenes related to the earth began to slowly increase.

Gradually, little by little, Ingena found every place he had been to, recalling all the people, all the things, all the things that made him who he was on Earth.

Whether it is just experienced, or "does not belong to this era".

Ingena began to be able to regain control of his body.

He began to control himself to fall slowly to the ground.

The originally fragmented scene in front of his eyes also began to slowly condense, gradually synchronizing, and invariably assembled into a beautiful and familiar blue planet.

And a small part of the worms who left Yingna and wanted to go to the starry sky, but couldn't find the way to leave the space were also attracted by the singing and the planet they were very familiar with that gradually became clear in front of them.



When wanderers away from home are wandering outside, there is always a softest place in their hearts.

Under the illumination of the beautiful planet, the free star worm finally no longer resists the call of the return of the main body.

Ingena felt his body.

Then, he opened his eyes gently.

In front of him, there was still the orange lantern in his memory, and round rod-shaped patterns that spread down from the dome hung down from the ceiling, and the bottom merged with the wall, and there were slash-like patterns on the black wall.

And, standing outside the silver gate, a man with a pair of rippling blue eyes who nodded slightly at him with a smile.


God's dwelling place.

(End of Volume Four)



Note: Part of the promotion description is referenced from the Fifth Red Priest, Chapter 191, in History. Description of Crane's Ascension to Ancient Scholar.