Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 66: straight man of steel

Ignatius and Canterbury traveled beyond the village after obtaining a handcrafted wooden comb commonly used by the hunter's wife.

Canterbury finds a divination environment for Igna that no one can disturb.

After all, when it comes to finding people, there is no Beyonder who is better at finding someone than an astrologer or a fortune teller.

Ignatius leaned under the shadows, holding the crystal ball with both hands and started divination.

"The current position of the owner of the comb..."

"The current position of the owner of the comb..."

Igna whispered the question seven times.

However, the crystal ball did not give any response.

Igna was silent for a while, and then changed a question and recited it seven times:

"Is the owner of the comb alive..."

"Is the owner of the comb alive..."

The stars in the crystal ball turned, and soon, Igna got a negative answer.

"Based on the results of the previous two questions... the hunter's wife seems to be dead now, and I'm afraid... there is nothing left. Well... including bones." Igna raised his head and said to Canterbury.

"Okay." After Canterbury heard the answer, her expressionless face didn't seem to change.

After thinking for a while, she asked, "So, can you find out where she was last? And, can you know the cause of death through divination?"

"Of course." Igna nodded and couldn't help laughing, "This is what astrologers are best at."

"The direct cause of death of the owner of the comb..."

"The direct cause of death of the owner of the comb..."

Igna, who has rich experience in "finding people", made the divination after refining the problem.

The crystal ball also gave a clear answer. The changes in the stars are not complicated and can be easily interpreted. It's just that the presentation of the results requires some consideration.

"Attacked by a beast." Igna chose a slightly more euphemistic wording, "but the existence of 'attacking' her is closely related to the curse. It is not a simple beast."

"That is, if we are going to the exact location after her death, we have to be ready for battle."

"Okay." Canterbury said, "Where was Josephine's last position before her death?"

Igna asked the crystal ball again, and got a very positive answer and clue.

The event so far, the result of the delegation looks clear and unambiguous.

——The hunter's wife died from being attacked by a wild beast.

If their purpose is simply to complete the commission, they don't delve into what the "curse" is, and they don't delve into why the original Alena behaved strangely...

Then, after they find the exact evidence, they can already hand over the task to the hunter.

After Igna shared his thoughts with Canterbury, Canterbury nodded.

"That's it."

"However, since cursed creatures are involved, I still advocate dealing with them. As for Alena..."

Canterbury said, suddenly stopped talking. She drew out the long sword behind her, and shouted to the jungle behind her in Loen language: "Come out, I hear the voice."


Igna was instantly tense, and immediately activated not to starve.

Then, Igna followed Canterbury's line of sight, and then saw that behind a tree two hundred meters away, a girl stuck her head out from behind the tree.

...two hundred meters...

Igna intuitively felt the gap between himself and the fighters who specialized in combat in terms of combat alertness. Of course he was on alert all the time, but he really didn't hear anything unusual.

Maybe the wolf howls in the distance would attract his attention.

When the woman completely came out from behind the tree, Igna saw the obvious burnt yellow dress, and was surprised to find that the woman was actually Alena.

She has been following here?

Is she dying?

Igna somewhat admired the courage of this woman.

The wolves may be less than three kilometers away from them. What was the reason that made Alena dare to run into the depths of the forest to find two unfamiliar strangers?

"What are you doing here? It's too dangerous to enter the forest alone." Canterbury waited until the woman came over before putting away the sword.

"I'm here to tell you... don't bother looking for Jocelyn," Alena said.

Igna raised his eyebrows.

Alena paused, lowered her voice in Ruen with some accent, and said, "Because...If Jocelyn was still alive, she would have gone home long ago."


Hearing this, Igna couldn't help lowering the brim of his hat to hide his expression. Canterbury continued to stare at Alena without any change in her expression.

"As long as you tell Niron that Jocelyn died in the forest. I'll pay you twice as much," Alena said.

Gu holmium Niren is the name given to the hunter who entrusted him just now.

This made Igna look up at Alena again.

They knew just now that Jocelyn was indeed dead.

But how did Alena know that?

Moreover, Alena's attitude has always made Igna concerned.

From the very beginning, she held a relatively rebellious and opposed attitude towards this commission, which was the case when she did the initial translation. Now it is not far away to stop them from continuing to explore.


This is the part that puzzles Igna the most in the entire commission.

But Igna did not express his doubts.

Instead, Canterbury, who was standing beside him, asked directly without any fluctuations in his tone: "Why? Don't you want to know what happened to her?"

So direct...

But, good question. Ignat secretly applauded Canterbury's straight ball in his heart.

Alena lowered her head slightly and said "ha".

"I have a very clear mind. Generally speaking, in the forest of Rorsted, if a person has been missing for so long, he will definitely never come back."

Alena clenched her fists and said in a shocking voice, "Joséline is undoubtedly dead. Niron must accept the fact that he lost his wife, and then continue to live."

No... Igna felt that Alena's position and logic were a bit strange.

Someone's wife disappeared in the forest, what does it have to do with you?

Whether others want to find a wife, or accept this fact, what does it have to do with you?

Why did you do everything possible to prevent Nilon from finding his wife?

But such a question, Igna can only think in his heart. These words are really inappropriate to say from the mouth of a Loen gentleman.

Igna lowered his head again, lowered the brim of his hat, and physically covered his expression.

"What's your relationship with Jocelyn and Niron?" Canterbury asked the question Ignat wanted to ask again with a blank face.

Her tone was calm, just like the first one, with some indifference and coldness.

"Why are you willing to pay such a fee?" Canterbury asked.

"..." Alena was stunned.

Then, Igna clearly saw her take a deep breath.

"Joséline is my sister, Niron..." Alena paused for a while, then said slowly, "...he's my sister's husband."


Ignatius' eyelids twitched.

Canterbury's expression did not change much.

She said "um".

"It's a little strange," Canterbury said.

"Usually, when this happens, don't people generally want to know what happened to their relatives?" Canterbury asked bluntly again.

"But what's the use of figuring it out, my sister Josephine won't be able to come back, and I only have Niron to rely on." Alena said.

"I can't also lose Niron. Because he will definitely find a way to avenge Josephine, even if he loses his But his life deserves better." Alena bit said gritted his teeth.


The amount of information was too large, and Ignat couldn't find the correct expression for a while. At this time, he was very fortunate that he covered his face with the brim of his hat in advance.

"I'm sorry." Canterbury's expression remained the same, and she spread her hands. "I don't have a habit of letting work fall by the wayside."

"You!" Alena stomped her feet.

"Sure enough, they were right, you outsiders are cold-blooded butchers." Alena spat at Igna and Canterbury, and ran away without looking back.

But neither Igna nor Canterbury meant to chase it back.

"Let's go." Canterbury turned to Ignatius and said, "Let's go and see where Josephine died."


Regarding the content revealed in Alena's words just now, Igna had thousands of guesses in his heart, but before he could figure out how to say it, Canterbury choked back.

"Okay." Ignatius said.

He did not insist on the discussion.

Because, Ignat felt deeply that, judging from the tone of Canterbury's question just now...she probably didn't think about anything...

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