Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 73: believer logic

The fate of the children was resolved satisfactorily in the follow-up.

Although Canterbury and Ignar told the old woman the truth, the old woman did not immediately agree to their proposal, but on the second day, Igna and Canterbury met in the old woman's yard. I saw children playing.

Both Canterbury and Igna are happy with the outcome.

Of course, if the old woman is unwilling to adopt the children, they have other solutions.

But the immediate results are clearly better. After all, this is the result of the two-way choice of the children and the old woman.

Next, during the few days when Igna and Canterbury stayed in Knight Village, the ghouls, wolves, and other monsters near the village were cleaned up by the "monster hunter" Canterbury clean.

When Canterbury completed the commission, Igna used this time to conduct research in Knight Village.

He collected and understood the local living conditions, beliefs and customs as research materials. At the same time, by taking advantage of the interval between interviews and fieldwork, he wrote many poems for singing.

Between thinking and thinking, Igna will find a shade to play and sing. Children will also spontaneously gather around him.

By the fourth day when Igna sang to the children, the children in Knight Village had learned the lyrics of Igna's opening every time, and they were able to sing together with Igna. Obviously he likes the song very much.

Igna was very pleased with this.

After all, all the lyrics and poems are adapted from the deeds of the City of Silver, or the contents of the Holy Book of Fools.

Although these lyrics currently only exist in the mouths of children as an ordinary ballad, this is also a good opportunity to promote Mr. Fool's deeds.

Perhaps one day, children will have the opportunity to realize that the touching stories in the songs are real miracles.

Of course, Igna and Canterbury did not stay in Knight Village for too long.

After all, they are passers-by, travelers, and outsiders.

In the early morning of the next day after Canterbury completed all the demon-hunting commissions, Igna and Canterbury left Knight Village and headed for their next destination—Pelitzk.



This is a small town two days away from Knight Village.

Its resident population does not exceed 4,000 people, and it is a small city near the sea. The geographical location of the city is excellent, and there is a small and medium-sized port, which undertakes part of the cargo work of the Rhodes Islands. It also has good agricultural land and harvest.

Peritzque is not well-known among the many islands of the Rorsted Archipelago, but it is a small name among wine lovers.

The vineyards here enjoy a cooler climate because of its seaside location. It maintains good acidity while maintaining ideal ripeness, which is a rare and unique wine flavor.

Of course, wine isn't why Igna and Canterbury are here.

The reason why they will choose this place as their next destination is because of the "revelation from the stars".

Initially, Canterbury gave Igna a few cities as options when selecting the next research sample.

The wine city "Pelitzk", the ceremonial city-state "Gilmaitan", the hometown of Gwadar "Dium", the city of fish "Cross", the capital of seven strings "Lulalu".

As an astrologer, Igna certainly would not give the choice to a name that "pleasing to the eye" or a place that "sounds good".

For all decisions, you must ask "Stars".

And Pritzker is the "most dangerous" place among all five candidate cities.

"Where you need me, I'll go there!"

When Canterbury finalized the destination, this sentence popped into Igna's mind for the first time.

In fact, for Igna himself, rather than danger, what he expects more is to complete this research journey smoothly, safely, and with high quality.

What is important is the quality of the research, the results of the research, and the possible missionary effects and methods that can be achieved, and everything else should come after.

However, after hearing Igna's interpretation of the stars, Canterbury chose Pritzker as the destination without hesitation.

And what she said at the time left Igna with no reason to object.

She was quoting the Holy Word from the Book of Fools.

She said, "If disaster befalls us, whether by sword or plague, or by pestilence or famine, if we stand before this temple and cry to you in our time of distress, you will hear and save, because your name is in this temple. (Note 1

"He who exercises kindness is admirable. He who pursues justice and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor. (Note 2

"He has shown you what is good. What does He want from you? As long as you do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. (Note 2

Igna thinks that he understands and agrees with the teachings of the Church of the Fool, but Canterbury's belief in Mr. Fool still makes Igna amazed.

Igna admired her dedication.

After all, Igna comes from a modern civilized society, and is more influenced by the socialist scientific development concept and materialism. Therefore, I agree with the teachings of "equality" and "benevolence" advocated by Mr. Fool.

However, he still differs from a true believer. His affection for Mr. Fool is not called faith, but respect and respect for his predecessors.

He agrees with Mr. Fool's proposition, but he also has his own pursuit and persistence, goals and logic.

However, the one in front of him is a "believer" of the devout Mister Fool. He is also a true believer in the Church of Fools.

When advocating the belief of the Church of Fools, Igna's decision-making considers the benefits, while Canterbury considers the teachings.

These are two completely different starting points, and of course they will lead to two completely different results.

Therefore, Igna did not object to performing "the righteousness of salvation" together with Canterbury.

After all, all the research he did should always be based on the devout members of the Church of Fools.

This is a survey with them as the protagonists. Devotees are the main force in the spread of faith.

Of course, another important reason why Igna did not object was also because he had performed a divination on this trip. Going to the city of Peritzk was dangerous, but it was acceptable.

The two spent nearly two days on the road, and finally arrived in Peritzk on Monday morning.


At 12:30 noon, Igna came to a hotel.

On Monday, Igna split up with Canterbury on the grounds that he needed to buy supplies.

Of course what he has to do is not just to buy supplies on the surface.

Every Monday at 13:00, he has an important thing to do.

Through the layers of gray fog.

Su Yuanning looked at the familiar figure in front of him, and greeted with a smile: "Senior Zhou, good day."


Note 1: From the Bible·2 Chronicles

Note 2: From the Bible Proverbs

Because the plot has changed, in order to ensure that the theme of this volume can be well expressed, I will try to write and read the following content before posting it.

First take a leave of absence to sort things out. The update is tentatively scheduled to resume on Friday.

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