Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 81: no mysticism

Wolf? Where did the wolf come from?

Whether it was after going to the island or before departure, there were no traces of any living things near the island.

This is different from the news Arrods gave at the beginning.

However, Igna did not show an overly surprised expression. He just nodded very seriously, expressing that he already knew this clearly.

This is the information he needs.

It can even be said that it was for these "unexpected things" that he and Canterbury chose to walk to the island.

After exchanging positions with Canterbury, Igna also carefully investigated the footprints.

In the wild, his observation ability cultivated in urban life is not outstanding, but under Canterbury's gesture, he can also accurately lock the traces buried in the forest.

Moreover, some information can also be seen from the traces.

"Women can tell from their gait that they are relatively petite. But those two men are either of unusually heavy weight, or they are carrying heavy loads," Igna said.

This is seen from the amplitude of the steps and the depth of the footprints sinking into the mud. According to the stride length, the height can be inferred, and the weight can also be inferred further, as well as the marks left by each step on the ground.

"Every footprint is very clear, and their actions are not in a hurry. The two men walked carefully with each step, while the lady walked calmly and gracefully, in a state of complete relaxation."

"All three are well-educated, and there may even be aristocratic etiquette education in the curriculum."

Aristocratic elegance is not innate. Whether it is a Loen or an Intis nobleman, in the course of etiquette, attire and manners are important training contents. Their steps and postures are taught by special etiquette teachers.

And the distance between the steps and the angle of the steps of these three people all have traces of noble etiquette training.

"That's why the trio who came here have received certain noble training. Among them, the female is the center, and the two males are responsible for protection." Igna said.

"At the same time, I suspect that the two men are not normal human beings." Igna thought thoughtfully, "Although the shoes they wear are different, they tend to be consistent in the way they exert force and walking habits. Such a situation, generally speaking, does not appear in normal humans."

"Two abnormal human males and females trained in aristocratic etiquette, or deliberately imitating aristocrats, but deliberately dressed differently..."

Igna groaned.

Although he obtained additional information from the footprints, he was still unable to identify the favored person of the "Polluted Moon".

However, the good news is that at least he knows that the enemy he faces this time is a woman. There are also two deviant male guards. And also trained as aristocrats.

In this way, the scope of the deduction in the future can be reduced a lot.

When Canterbury heard Igna's analysis, he also pondered for a while, and said, "The wolf is not a normal wolf."

"Its size is larger than normal wolves, with a longer body and more explosive power."

"This is the information I can see from the footprints. I tend to think that the 'wolf' is not a normal species in the Rorsted Islands. It may be a cursed creature like a werewolf. At least it is in the shape of a werewolf."

"I wonder if this information will help your judgment?" Canterbury asked after a pause.

Igna gave a "hmm" and said in surprise, "Of course, it's very helpful."

This was the first time Canterbury had spoken so many words besides reciting the Word of the Fool.

This guardian has always been taciturn. I don't know if it's because of the City of Silver's pragmatic fighting style, or because of her restrained personality. But Igna was very happy to hear Canterbury take the initiative to speak.

And his experience is indeed lacking in front of monsters and beasts. Canterbury provided very useful information.

"Whether it is a 'wolf' with a 'werewolf' size or just a 'wolf', it shows that the changes on the island are related to the 'moon'."

"Although this is information that has been known for a long time, these traces can help us narrow down the scope of the enemy."

Igna squeezed the dirt that the woman stepped on and put it in a small tin box, and used the wall of spirituality to perform a simple seal.

At the same time, he said to Canterbury.

"If it's a werewolf, why did it come to this island and not be killed? What does it have to do with the wraiths? Is it related to the three people who came here?"

"If it is a huge 'real wolf', then the above questions also apply."

Igna paused: "At the same time, we can also think about how it came to this island and how its abnormal body shape was formed."

"These are questions that can be inferred from existing assumptions. In the best case, we may be able to get the answer in the next time."

With the further discovery and accumulation of information, hidden people and things can gradually surface.

"Of course, the most important thing." Igna took a deep breath, stood up from the spot, and looked at Canterbury, "In the next exploration, we also have to guard against werewolves or 'wolves' sneak attack."

"Okay." Canterbury nodded, "I'll keep an eye out."

Igna nodded, and took up the military thorn in his hand.

Since coming to this world, Igna has been deeply aware of one point from the first "lost".

It is true that the occult can allow people to predict many things in advance. However, he is still concealed, limited, and misleading.

You can believe in divination, you can believe in the extraordinary.

However, you can't rely too much on divination, and you can't rely too much on extraordinary.

Among the choices and judgments, Igna's criterion is "don't forget the truth".

The traces left in reality cannot be ignored either.

When Arrods' peeping and senior Zhou's divination were disturbed, Igna was thinking, trying to find possible loopholes in the covered part of the mysticism.

Wraith Island is one of them.

The island that Arrods "saw" wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Even the ability of the Wraith Spirit and the key arrangement can be clearly known.

According to the previous information, this island seems to be safe for the time being. It seems that even at such a critical moment, leaving him alone will not affect Peritzk's future situation.

However, Igna discovered through deduction of the situation that it was not in line with common sense.

If, from the other party's point of view, if he is seeking the favor of a certain god, then he will definitely not only make the arrangement of "pirates".

Since the "Polluted Moon" adjutant can interfere with divination and peeping, the way and method of his interference, and what are the key points of the interference can also be speculated through the hypothesis method and further information collection.

Because, the existence of that person's interference can be said to be However, the other party can do "interference". too much.

The more precise the layout, the lower the error tolerance rate

The simpler the method, the more likely it will work.

Whether you can find the balance between precise layout and influencing nodes is the key to the success of this event.

This is true for the other party, and it is also true for Igna.

Student Su Yuanning, you are really not mystical.


Thank you for your comments and support yesterday. After today's adjustments, I feel better. Thank you all. Maybe my update rhythm and ability to eat a bowl of web articles are still stretched. Fortunately, I don't eat this bowl of rice either. Your company is the best food. I hope that my mood and state will be more stable in the future.

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