Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 111: the end of the story

Thomas' father was a viscount, but he was only the second son in the family and could not inherit the title. In this respect, he was in a similar situation to Audrey's brother, Alfred.

It is worth mentioning that, perhaps because of this similar identity, the two have become good friends in Backlund, and joined the army in the same batch, but Thomas joined MI9 and came to Bayam, while Al Fred went to the southern continent.

The red light of the setting sun shines on the headquarters of MI9, and Thomas, who has finished his day's work, gets off work on time.

Back at the residence, the young housekeeper reported:

"Baron Best has left Bayam, and he sent a letter."

Is this going? It seems urgent... Thomas thought, and after opening the envelope, he found a familiar handwriting, from his own hand.

And the content of this letter remains intact, except that at the end of the letter, someone wrote an inscription: Eternal friend, Louise.

Leaning on the back of the soft and comfortable sofa, Thomas looked up at the simple ceiling without any extra decoration. He didn't know what to think, he smiled.


At the same time, Louise, who had become a "Witch", was standing alone on the bow of the "Purple Rose", looking at the endless sea and Bayam who had almost disappeared from sight.

Captain Frankie has already left, and it seems that he is greeting the other first-class passengers...

People who have never been first class in the previous life, now enjoy the service of a distinguished member, and the captain personally receives it, which can be regarded as an interesting experience.

As Captain Franky said, the sea breeze does have a tendency to gradually increase, blowing the long skirt on her body, tightly clinging to the skin and fluttering back, outlining the straight and slender legs.

The clear bird chirping sounded, raised his head, and saw a lonely seabird hovering in the air.

Seemingly finding the target, the seabird swooped towards the sea, but instead of food, it picked up a glass bottle.

This made it a little confused, and its wings almost forgot to wave, until the tips of the claws touched the sea surface, and then they spread their wings and flew.

Louise witnessed the whole process clearly and smiled. She saw that there was paper in the glass bottle, and she thought, it turns out that this world also has a drift bottle...

Suddenly, on a whim, she wanted to see what was written there, but she quickly shook her head, amused by her boring thought, then ignored it and turned back to the cabin.


Louise's judgment was right, it was indeed a drift bottle.

She is no stranger to the owner of the drift bottle, William Best, Joyce Best's father.

The bottle contained the evidence of Charlie's investigation into the disappearance of persons, that is, "William's List" in the mouths of Major General Bright and the dead "Witch" Ianna.


This is a father's story.

William Best is a very keen and capable person, otherwise he would not have risen to lieutenant colonel step by step by virtue of his merits.

Occasionally, he discovered that Rorsted's disappearance case seemed to involve military personnel, and his long-standing sense of justice forced him to want to catch this pest.

So, William chose to pretend to cater to him, and after an investigation, he finally found the mastermind behind the scenes, Major General Bright.

During this period, due to his outstanding performance, he even won the canonization of a baron, which was the greatest wish of his life... However, it also gave him a deeper understanding of the power that Bright represented. , he realized that he could not bring down the opponent.

So, William took the opportunity to reveal a little bit of news to the Church of the Storm, trying to use strength.

But for some unknown reason, this news leaked out unexpectedly, and he began to be targeted and even hunted down by Major General Bright, and Diego was one of them.

In desperation, William had to hide the evidence from his own investigation in a glass bottle and threw it into the sea at will.

Afterwards, die calmly.

His purpose in doing this is very simple, to check and balance... It is precisely because of this character that William is often able to digest potions very quickly, and he is really suitable for the Inquisitor pathway.

William knew that after his death, the people around him would definitely be investigated by Major General Bright, which naturally included his son, the only heir of the Best family, Joyce Best.

However, it is impossible for the other party to find the evidence that he was thrown into the sea...

This constitutes a long-term deterrent. If the evidence is not found, Bright will never dare to take risks, and Joyce will not be in danger, because no one wants to see the result of losing both.

What's more, Joyce really doesn't know anything... He will inherit the title of baron and revive the glory of the Best family.

Everything seems to be perfect, but this also has a disadvantage, that is, Rorsted's human trafficking cannot be stopped in a short period of time, and more innocent people will be harmed as a result...

For the sake of his son and gave up insisting on fairness and justice in his life. Before he died, he had remorse, remorse, and relief...

However, he never imagined that Joyce would be robbed of his body and transmigrated!

The reborn "Joyce" didn't know nothing as William imagined, like a doll, surviving in a fragile balance.

Instead, he made an even crazier choice. Although he didn't know anything about William, he keenly discovered this balance, and used it to jump left and right, and finally achieved his goal and won a big victory.

Joyce did what William didn't do. Perhaps, William's soul knew, and he would be gratified by this.

In this way, it seems that "Joyce after crossing" is more like William's son than the original "Joyce"... Unfortunately, in any case, now he has become a daughter...


Louise didn't know what she was missing, but these things didn't seem to be very important to her.

Back in the first-class cabin, she called for dinner service. The food was richer and the taste was not bad. After all, the "Purple Rose" is a merchant ship, and food storage is also one of the selling points to attract passengers.

What makes her more curious is that the way the three of them eat is very strange.

When one person enjoys the food, the other two watch on the side, and then take turns eating, whoever is eating is responsible for communicating with Louise... It's like, only one of the three can open his mouth... This The negative effects are interesting.

With this, Louise finally heard Quim Harkin's voice, which was equally rough and gloomy, with an undisguised malice.

"Is there nothing unusual?" she asked routinely.

"everything is normal……"