Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 219: Audrey's distress

Walking alone on the road, Louise could no longer control her happy mood, and the corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly.

Although Triss does not have an accurate understanding of many things she has experienced so far, her guesses are often close to the truth, and she has to admire her sharpness.

If nothing else, the "woman" in the starry sky behind the light curtain is likely to be the "primitive witch"... Of course it can't be Chike's deity, but at least it's something like a projection.

Do not speculate on the power of the gods.

In Triss's words, the "woman" opened her eyes and glanced at her... And in the state of her illness just now, the possibility of lying is very low, which is almost a clear indication: the original story There was no deviation, Triss was still the chosen vessel of divine descent.

Although I don't know why the "primitive witch" didn't see her, or she didn't seem to see her at all... Louise couldn't help thinking, could it be because she prayed to the "Goddess of the Night" for her favor?

In any case, this is undoubtedly good news to be delighted with.

A false alarm is better than death.

With this happy state of mind, Louise successfully returned to 59 Egram Street.

An invitation, handed to her by the lady maid, was an invitation from the cultural salon of Viscount Grelint.

"Is the news of my return to Backlund already known to everyone?"

Louise asked curiously, since she had only been back for two or three days, why couldn't she have a short rest!

Sophia saw that Louise was in a good mood, smiled lightly, and said softly:

"The maid from Earl Hall's house has come and learned about your return."

Oh, it turned out that Audrey had something to do with me, so why didn't she invite me by herself and have to go through Grelint?

This so-called cultural salon is probably just a pretense, the purpose is to gather Fors and Xio to hold their secret extraordinary gathering... But what they discussed was really boring, and Louise was not very interested. Gen has already shied away once before... Well, I believe Miss Hugh will be happy about it.

However, since Audrey took the initiative to invite her, with her character, she probably won't be aimless, and she may have accumulated a lot of problems, so let's go.

After all, who could have the heart to reject the rich and beautiful Miss Justice!


At tea time, Viscount Grelint is in his luxurious villa in Queens.

Audrey was chatting with the owner of the salon, but occasionally she was a little dazed, looking at the door from time to time.

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"Who are you waiting for? Miss Louise?" Grelint said with a smile. "Don't worry, I have invited her."

"I'm not worried about that." Audrey said with a smile, she just raised her expectations to a higher position.

During the time when Louise left Backlund, Audrey found that her esoteric knowledge had suddenly entered a bottleneck. Although she also communicated with Fors and Miss Hugh from time to time, the knowledge provided by Louise was not the same as that. far cry.

It's like having a taste of mountains and seas, and then eating rough tea and light rice. Although it is not difficult to swallow, it is inevitably a bit boring.

In Audrey's eyes, only the "Tarot Club" organized by the almost divine Mister Fool can match the knowledge in Louise's mind.

Speaking of this, Audrey felt a little guilty. In the past two days, she had conceived many methods, the only purpose was to let Louise "accidentally" discover Mr. Fool's honorable name, but each one felt unsafe.

The key is that the impression that Louise left on her was too deep, and Audrey suspected that she could not successfully deceive the other party. For this reason, she even thought about using Susie as a bridge for information transmission...

But after thinking about it, Susie's ancient Hermes is already very proficient. If it discovers the honorary name of Mr. Fool, the members of the "Tarot Club" will have an extra dog... Audrey can't imagine that time screen.


After a while, Louise appeared at the entrance of the hall and saw Miss Audrey and Viscount Grelint walking towards her.

"I only heard that Miss Louise has something to leave Backlund temporarily, but no one thought that it would be almost a month before she left." Grelint, the master, first spoke in greeting.

Louise first glanced at Audrey, then smiled and said:

"I originally planned to go to Tingen to deal with some personal affairs, but I didn't expect a small twist in the middle. It only stayed for a while. I have already started to miss Backlund's friends."

Is the descent of the "True Creator" a "little twist"... Audrey sighed in her heart.

Grelint smiled and said: "I heard that you returned to Backlund, I sent an invitation right away, and the time was a bit rushed, I hope you don't mind."

Louise smiled and said, "It's my honor."

At the end of the chat, Grelint took a half step back, voluntarily gave up his position, and joked:

"Audrey has been waiting for you to appear just now. It's the first time I've seen her looking forward to seeing someone so much, so I won't disturb the two of you."

After saying that, Mr. Viscount left with a smile and took the initiative to push himself into the crowd.

She walked tacitly to an unoccupied corner on the second floor and looked down at the crowd in the hall downstairs. With the melodious piano music playing in her ears, Louise asked knowingly:

"Look for me for something, Miss Mind Reader?"

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you." Audrey pouted invisibly.

She habitually entered the "audience" state, looked at Louise carefully, and found that the latter's aura became brighter and her whole person seemed more relaxed.

"You had a good harvest in Tingen?" Audrey began to stir up the topic.

Louise leaned against the wooden railing and responded lightly:

"Tingen's harvest is quite generous, but my good mood today is for another reason."

Although she was curious about the reason Louise said in the second half of the sentence, Audrey still chose to talk about the topic back to Tingen:

"Has Tingen's danger been lifted?"

Louise stared at Miss Justice, then looked away, and replied:

"The danger was eliminated at the No major casualties were caused. The friend you introduced made a great contribution."

Mister Fool's favored person destroyed the descent of the "True Creator". Could it be that Mister Fool and the "True Creator" are enemies... Audrey was a little frightened as she analyzed in her mind. Participating in the "Tarot Club", in front of Mr. Fool, is afraid to speculate too much.

Then, she heard Louise suddenly ask herself a question:

"How did you meet your Beyonder friend in Tingen?"

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