Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 347: reliable secretary

59 Aegram Street, in the warm and bright living room, three young ladies are sitting together, drinking tea, chatting about nothing, enjoying the rare relaxing time in the afternoon.

Sitting upright, Rebecca had an inexplicable illusion. She suddenly found that after just one night, she seemed to be completely accepted... Obviously just yesterday, Catherine also showed her rejection, even hostility, but Today, it seems that they have become good sisters inexplicably!

This is so strange!

Sophia smiled, talking about the latest news:

"Claudia is going back to Backlund soon."

Catherine was slightly startled, and after a while, she recalled the name, and suddenly said:

"That 'apprentice'... Didn't Louise say that she is probably a member of the Abraham family?"

Sophia nodded and said:

"Yes, she left Backlund a few days ago to visit a sick relative. Yesterday I received a letter from her that she was about to return."

Catherine nodded slightly, didn't speak anymore, raised her teacup and took a sip, then stretched again, showing her slender figure, and slumped herself onto the sofa without a lady.

Rebecca suddenly spoke and asked tentatively:

"Is the Abraham family the great noble handed down from the Fourth Epoch?"

"You know quite a lot!" Katrin teased with a chuckle.

Although Rebecca didn't know where this kind of atmosphere came from, she didn't reject it. She briefly explained:

"My grandfather was a professor, and he would often give me some historical knowledge."

Sophia said gently: "Yes, it's the Abraham family you know, but according to the lady, this great nobleman has become lonely. The reason seems to be that he has been devastated by a curse."

Rebecca nodded silently, her expression flat, not knowing whether it was already known or the first time she heard it.

Just when Katrin was about to say something, the knock on the door rang out abruptly. She was a little surprised, but she quickly said:

"Please come in."

Pushing the door in was a young maid from the family, she said respectfully:

"Ms Sophia, a man came to visit, calling himself Lockhard Siakam."

Rebecca was fine, but Sophia and Catherine looked at each other and both saw the doubts in each other's eyes. Obviously they were very unfamiliar with the name. The latter sat up and asked aloud:

"Does the person have any characteristics?"

The young maid recalled for a second and described:

"The man is not particularly old, he looks very stable, with long blond hair, but... the baldness is a little serious."

After the description, the young maid's tone was a little hesitant, and Catherine even smiled a little, but when she saw Sophia's stern expression, she realized that things didn't seem to be easy.

The maid quickly got up and commanded neatly:

"Invite the guests to the reception room first, and I'll tell the lady."


After the "Tarot Club" ended, Louise stayed in the bedroom to rest.

The reason why she took the initiative to reveal Bernadette's affairs to Klein was to keep lowering the latter's psychological defense. Today, she only leaked a little bit of secrets, so it must be forgivable to have more tomorrow!

As long as Louise still wants to get the main ingredients of the potion and the subsequent potion formula from Bernadette, then Klein, or Klein's many vests, is the most important weight... Although he himself probably will never know.

The main potions of the two "Witch of Pain" potions have been settled for the time being, and the direction of the auxiliary ceremony has been found. The next main task is to complete the assassination of Duke Negan.

Considering that Backlund's recent stance is about to come, it seems that the arrow is already on the line and has to be sent.

Moreover, chaos is the best step for the "Witch" to progress. Only by attracting everyone's attention can Louise be able to draw chestnuts from the fire.

Just as she continued to refine her plan, the arrival of the maid interrupted her thinking.

"Duke Negan's secretary is here." Sophia closed the door and said in a deep voice.

Louise immediately stood up, wandered two steps in the open space, frowned and said:

"Why is he here? Alone?"

Sophia nodded: "A person, whose purpose is unknown, but the carriage he rides has the medal of Duke Negan's family."

The lady maid observed very carefully, and Louise smiled admiringly at her, which proved that the blond secretary did not act in private, but came to visit on behalf of the duke.

Louise quickly restrained her excess emotions, stopped, and said lightly:

"Let's meet the secretary for a while."


In the living room, Lockhard Siakam, Duke Negan's personal secretary, sat upright on a chair, not even touching the Earl Grey tea on the table next to him.

As soon as Louise walked in, she saw the blond secretary standing up straight and nodding at her.

"Are you... Duke Negan's personal secretary?" Louise hesitated for two seconds before showing a surprised look that she had just recognized.

The blonde secretary didn't care, and said without changing his expression:

"I am the secretary to the duke, and Miss Louise has a good memory."

Louise smiled and said enthusiastically:

"It should be said that you have impressed me very much, Mr. Lockhard."

"Why are you visiting today?" After the two sides were seated, Louise asked kindly, and the lady maid who was standing behind her raised her eyes slightly.

The blonde secretary seemed a little couldn't help but glanced at the maid who had not left.

Louise explained lightly: "Sofia is my personal maid."

The blonde secretary gave her a deep look, no longer bothered at this time, and said:

"I came today at the behest of the Duke."

"Oh?" Louise was a little surprised and asked curiously, "What instructions does Mr. Duke have? Are you going to invite me to the next ball again?"

To be honest, this question is not particularly appropriate. Even if there was a little accident at the last dance, but the opposite is Duke Negan, who is the most powerful in the Loen Kingdom, but Louise still said it, and her purpose is very simple. , There are no outsiders here, she wants to test the blond secretary to see what he knows or wants to do.

It's a pity that Louise's idea came to nothing, and the literacy of the blond secretary in front of her was admirable.

He showed no dissatisfaction or any other attitude that might lead to speculation, and if Louise hadn't been well aware of it, he would have almost considered him a "big loyalist".

The blonde secretary opened his mouth and explained the purpose of this trip:

"The Duke would like to invite you to his private villa."

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