Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 382: Klein "understood" everything...

There was only one person Audrey really wanted to ask, and that was Louise.

But she thought about it carefully, and suddenly realized that she didn't know what to ask...

Who killed Duke Negan? Why was Louise and Mr. Duke in the same room, and the time was right between the assassination? Is there any secret here? Did Louise get involved? Did the "Tarot Club" actually participate in it? Also, Miss Justice would like to say that her father, Earl Hall, has begun to have doubts...

So, Audrey simply told this matter candidly. After all, this matter has already been reported in the newspapers, and it will soon spread to the whole country of Loen. It is not a secret.

Miss Magician hasn't read today's newspaper. In fact, if it wasn't for participating in the "Tarot Club", she would probably be "conceiving a new novel" in bed now.

So, it was the first time she heard the news, and she was a little surprised for a while.

As a "well-known writer" who often goes to the aristocratic dances and book clubs, she is not unfamiliar with the title of Duke Negan. Such a noble and wealthy nobleman has died... But after thinking about it, what does this have to do with herself? ? Or think more about the Abraham family!

In contrast, Klein was more diligent. He had already received the news from the newspaper this morning, and he just sighed a little:

"Duke Negan is really troubled! He escaped the first day of the new year, but unfortunately he didn't escape the fifteenth!"

Alger is currently living at sea, and the news is relatively closed, but he knows that the death of Duke Negan will bring some adverse effects to the Church of the Storm, and this may also have something to do with Qilingus, so he immediately asked:

"Who assassinated Duke Negan this time?"

I know this, the newspaper said the murderer was the "Aurora Club"... Klein silently replied in his heart, but he was skeptical about this report. Ambassador Teess was the same at that time.

Wait... Klein was suddenly surprised to find that Miss Justice did not mean to answer the question posed by Mr. Hanged Man, but turned to stare at Miss Power beside her, who had just been with her Tarot Club. The action at the beginning is exactly the same, what the **** is going on here?

Louise was a little clear in her heart. It must be that Audrey got the news from some channels and knew that she was involved in the incident of Duke Negan's assassination, so she was so abnormal today.

It should be Earl Hall who told her... Louise pondered for a moment, glanced sideways at Miss Justice, then turned towards The Hanged Man, and replied:

"The newspaper said that the murderer was the Aurora Society. The three major churches and MI9 have already found out that the murderer was the Secret Order. In fact, the organization that really manipulated everything behind the scenes was the Twilight Hermit Society."

This, this, one ring, one ring, it sounds a bit complicated, why did the "Secret Order" assassinate Duke Negan? Everyone has a common doubt.

However, in the next second, another bigger doubt appeared in the hearts of everyone in the "Tarot Club", that is:

"Why did Miss Power know this so clearly?"

Klein was even more startled, because he had an absurd idea:

"Miss Power's tone is so determined, she won't be involved in it, right?"

But on second thought, last night, Miss Power and herself hunted members of the "Secret Order", she should not have time, but in a sense, this can also be said to be "killing people" work!

No wonder Miss Power is so concerned about hunting the members of the Secret Order, because it would not benefit her in the first place, it just created a risk out of thin air... Klein's thoughts suddenly became clear, as if he understood something, and he And one last question:

"What kind of organization is the 'Twilight Hermit Society'?"

Audrey obviously had the same doubts, the difference was that she was the only one who dared to speak and asked Louise this question.

According to Louise, the assassination of Duke Negan had nothing to do with the "Tarot Society", and she couldn't be a member of the "Aurora Society" and the "Secret Order", so there was only one "Twilight Hermit" left. Yes." But Audrey was completely unfamiliar with this name.

Louise glanced at Miss Justice beside her, and secretly said:

"She doesn't seem to suspect that I killed Duke Negan, so what did Earl Hall tell her?"

Regarding the assassination of Duke Negan, Louise did not involve Audrey from beginning to end. Apart from keeping it secret, it was also because the latter and Mr. Duke were friends.

So, Louise didn't want Miss Justice to know about this, because it might destroy the friendship between the two.

So, she said the name of the "Twilight Hermit Society" in advance, in order to attract the attention of Audrey and everyone, but it seemed a bit too much...

Louise glanced around lightly, took everyone's knowledge-seeking eyes into her eyes, and said slowly:

"The 'Twilight Hermit Society' is a very secretive organization. Their members are all over the world, and most of them are noble and powerful... Emperor Roselle used to be one of them."

A flash of light flashed in Klein's mind, and he suddenly "understood" the whole thing.

At a "Tarot Club" a few weeks ago, Miss Power once confessed to The Fool that she was going to join the mysterious organization that Roselle dared not name... Now it seems that this is the " Twilight Hermits".

And this kind of powerful secret organization, the way to absorb members is naturally the top priority, and naturally it will not be as arbitrary as the "Tarot Club"... Therefore, Miss "Power" needs to complete some tasks in order to get the members who join it. Eligibility, this is a forgivable thing.

Come to think of it, hunting the members of the "Secret Order" and completing the job of killing people should be one of the tasks that Miss "Power" accepts.

As for the purpose of Miss Power joining the "Twilight Hermit Society", it is generally very clear. In order to find the trace of Roselle, this is also in line with her "Descendant of Roselle" identity... Maybe, there is Bell in it. Nadine's involvement?

Klein suddenly became enlightened. He thought he had figured out the logic of Miss Power's behavior. He was quite content for a while, but soon he had a new question:

"Even Roselle's diary written in Chinese did not dare to mention the name of the 'Twilight Hermit Society'. How could Miss Power dare to say it casually?"