Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 507: "God of the Sea" and "God of Weather"

As usual, Klein entered above the gray fog in advance, and then under his "summon", all the members of the "Tarot Club" appeared in the Giant's Hall at the same time.

He observed it carefully, and found nothing unusual about Miss Power. The summoning process went smoothly, and the mysterious gray-white mist that shrouded Miss Power last time did not appear at all.

Could it be that the unknown gray-white mist has been automatically purified by the gray mist under your feet?

Klein had no way of knowing the truth, so he could only temporarily hold his doubts in his heart.

Just in the morning, he had just sacrificed the "Sea God" Kavitua who was on the verge of collapse, waiting for the latter to fall, trying to go to the spiritual world to pick up leaks before the "Punisher".

And Kalvetua may collapse at any time, so he hopes that the time of today's "Tarot Club" can be appropriately shortened. However, his little thought is not enough for outsiders.

Not surprisingly, the one who spoke first to break the silence was the always pleasant Miss Justice. She stood up with a smile, bowed slightly and said:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool~ Good afternoon, Mr. The Hanged Man~"

As the "Tarot Club" has grown stronger, Audrey has become accustomed to greeting her in the order of seats, starting from "The Fool" and ending with "Power", rather than joining the "Tarot Club" smoothly, unless there are when new members join.

Everyone greeted each other one after another, and the atmosphere of the "Tarot Club" became active. After a brief period, Louise said directly:

"Mr. Fool, I have collected three pages of Roselle's diary."

With a smile on his face, Klein waited for a while, and found that everyone else remained silent. It seemed that there was no income from Roselle's diary this week, so he had to look at Miss Power and said with satisfaction:

"Very good, your previous debts have been paid off."

When he said this, Klein was quite complicated in his heart, because once Miss Power paid off her debts, the next time she submitted Roselle's diary, she would have to exchange it for the equivalent, which would be very beneficial to herself. Not good news.

Moreover, looking at the frequency of Miss Power's recent collection of Roselle's diary, it is obvious that she has caught up with Bernadette. I believe that in the future "Tarot Club", the diary will be continuously submitted.

"It's really painful and happy!"

Klein silently shook his head and smiled bitterly in his heart. He remembered very clearly how much pressure Miss Power once brought to him, Mr. Fool, when he was still weak!

Although he has grown rapidly, facing Miss Power, his confidence is still seriously lacking! Hope she doesn't make too embarrassing demands in the future.

Alas, let's take one step at a time... Klein restrained his thoughts and began to read the diary in his hand.

During the reading process, inevitably, he had the same idea as Louise:

"My dear, although this diary is full of words, there is very little actually useful content! The treasure left by Roselle seems to be a little attractive, but it's just a tree without roots."

Afterwards, he scattered the diary in his hand and calmly announced:

"You can communicate freely."

Suddenly, there was a brief silence above the gray fog.

It's not that the members have no topics to talk about, but because everyone is located in different cities at this time, the connection between each other's lives and experiences is not close, and there is a lack of a topic worthy of everyone's common attention, so everyone did not speak for a while. say.

So, Klein manipulated the "world" to speak, and he said in a low voice:

"The 'Sea God' believed by the Bayam Rebels is on the verge of collapse, trying to set off a tsunami to submerge the entire city, and is being suppressed by the 'Sea King' Ion Kotman, the 'Church of Storms' resident in Bayam ."

"The Hanged Man" Argel glanced at the bottom of the long bronze table, secretly surprised:

"How did he know so much? Who are the members of the 'Church of Storms'?"

At this time, the curious Miss Justice asked aloud:

"Mr. World is in Bayam?"

Your concern is a little strange! "Sea God" and "Sea King" don't care, but they care about whether I am in Bayam... Klein is a little helpless, but he still nodded, as an admission.

Audrey was naturally concerned about this for a reason, because she knew that Louise had left Backlund to venture out to sea, and would also settle in Bayam. Wouldn't she have a chance to meet Mr. World?

After thinking about it for a while, she turned to look at Louise beside her and asked:

"Miss 'Power', what do you think about this matter?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's attention was drawn to Louise. Although this is a story told by Mr. World, when it comes to high-order Beyonders, Miss Power is the The most authoritative one.

Klein was already used to this kind of treatment, and he was looking forward to the answer given by Miss Power.

Louise glanced at Audrey, as if she could see through you, and said:

"At this moment, I'm not in Bayam."

Then, she looked around and said with a light smile:

"You too underestimate an Orthodox Church. Sea God Kavitua is only a Sequence Three, and there is no chance of him surviving."

Of all the members present, no one doubted the strength of the Orthodox Church, but this is the "Tarot Club", is it really okay to say this in front of Mr. Fool?

Moreover, what is "just Sequence Three"!

When everyone's thoughts were different, Argel the Hanged Man suddenly asked:

"Are you in Bansi?"

Why don't we talk about Bayam again? Audrey is a little surprised to talk about Bansy all of a sudden, and what makes her even more curious is When will Louise establish a relationship with Mr. "The Hanged Man" A connection other than the "Tarot Club"?

In fact, Louise was also very surprised. With the character of "The Hanged Man", how could he ask questions in front of everyone so carelessly? There must be a reason for this... So instead of answering directly, she asked back. One sentence:

"What do you know?"

Alger didn't hide it, and answered calmly:

"Bayam is sending a large number of ships to the port of Bansi with the aim of evacuating all the people of Bansi, but no one knows why."

Louise couldn't help but cast a blank look at "The Hanged Man". It's alright if the other "Church of Storms" bottom layers don't know the reason, don't you know? Did you just ask me if I was in Bansi just to confirm my guess?

Afterwards, she smiled slightly and affirmed:

"The reason is very simple, because the 'Church of Storms' is ready to attack the 'God of Weather' hidden in Bansi. After all, he is a real angel. In order to avoid casualties among the people, it is natural to transfer everyone in advance."

Alger secretly said that sure enough, he was inexplicably excited. Although it had nothing to do with him, this was a battle between angels!

The other members of the "Tarot Club" were also shocked by the news, but they had all heard of higher-end incidents involving the advent of the evil god, so they were relatively calm.

Then, Louise whispered again, as if feeling emotional:

"Soon, the Church of Storms will have a Sequence Three Saint and a Level 0 Sealed Artifact!"