Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 527: Hermes questions and answers

What? The uniqueness of the "Witch" pathway!

Turns out, Bernadette really guessed it right!

In the exchange between the two not long ago, Bernadette came up with a guess. She felt that Louise was likely to have a "unique" personality, but only an angel could see it. Hermes of the ancient angels directly confirmed this conjecture.

It turned out that it wasn't Bernadette's "shallow knowledge", but that I always took my weight too seriously... Louise was a little lost for a while, but soon thought of many doubts.

If it is only "witch's uniqueness", how can I be favored by high-ranking existences such as "Goddess of the Night" and "Fantasy Angel", and how can I accept the active dependence of "City of Disaster"?

At the moment, Louise's mind was in a mess, her eyes revealed extremely complicated emotions, and even the continuous pace of progress couldn't help but stop.

Seeing this, Hermes did not urge him at all, but also stopped in his tracks, stayed where he was and looked at Louise silently. After a while, he said:

"This kind of change didn't appear when we last met. It seems that you have experienced a lot during this time."

She has experienced a lot of things... Louise frowned and pondered this sentence. The last time she attended the "Twilight Hermit Society" meeting, she has indeed experienced a lot of things up to now.

But if you analyze it carefully, there are probably only two things that have far-reaching effects.

During the Great Smog incident in Backlund, the "Goddess of the Night" suddenly appeared and took away the hidden state of her body.

When in Bansi, "City of Calamity" took the initiative to attach itself to him.

If the two are linked, then it becomes, the "Goddess of the Night" takes away the secret state, so the "uniqueness" of herself is exposed, so it attracts the "City of Disaster" to actively attach... ...

It sounded quite smooth, but Louise didn't dare to agree. She hesitated for a while, then frowned and asked:

"The 'Witch' pathway has long given birth to the gods of Sequence 0. How can I have a 'unique' personality? How can such a bizarre thing happen?"

She wanted to get more information, so she had to deliberately question Hermes' statement.

Unexpectedly, this ancient "spectator" angel didn't answer the call, just chuckled lightly, and answered lightly:

"You have to ask yourself, don't you have any special relationship with Chick?"

Louise couldn't help laughing and laughing, what is this, what kind of special relationship can make the "primitive witch" give her "uniqueness"? Moreover, Chick's attitude towards himself was obviously very bad, and he almost killed me on the day of the Great Smog in Backlund!

In addition, she also found an interesting problem, these ancient angels, not only Hermes in front of her, but also the "Snake of Destiny" Will Auceptin who had intersected before, seemed to lack the "primitive witch" Basic respect... Even though Chik was born a little later, he was a loser in the battle of the gods in the Fourth Epoch, but he is a **** after all, and he is stronger than an angel no matter what!

Some did not understand the secrets here, and Louise's brows became even tighter. She denied it a little helplessly:

"You're kidding me, I'm not qualified to be associated with a god!"

Hermes smiled and asked:


Louise slandered in her heart, let me add a sentence for you: "I don't believe it."

Immediately afterwards, Hermes repeated the question for the third time:

"Now, do you remember anything?"

Louise didn't know why, she felt that Hermes seemed to have something to say to herself, but it was not easy to say it directly... Or, Hermes wanted to get some information from herself, but He couldn't understand the meaning of the other party at all.

"Did you forget something?" Louise asked herself.

Well, she did forget that book of "Subconscious Travel Notes", but she quickly remembered it with the reminder of the maid. It was not worthy of the attention of characters like Hermes... But other things, she I really don't remember what I forgot.

Wait, Louise suddenly realized that if she can't remember, what's the use of trying to remember?

She tried to get the answer from Hermes, so she said confusedly:

"I do not understand what you mean?"

Unfortunately, Hermes did not answer, but stepped forward with a calm expression, walking forward at will, and at the same time opened his mouth to completely divert the topic:

"Forget it, let's talk about your purpose of looking for me this time?"

Can't just forget about it! You have disturbed my thoughts, and my curiosity has also been hooked out, and a "nothing" can't solve any problems at all!

Louise's face was full of entanglement, but she didn't dare to entangle a real angel with a rogue, so she had to temporarily suppress the complicated emotions in her heart and spoke about her original purpose:

"It's like this..."

Soon, she recounted what happened to Mr. Hunter and the book "Subconscious Travel Notes", and finally made a request:

"Do you have any suggestions to relieve this crisis?"

Hermes was a good listener. After Louise's narration ended, He smiled and said:

"Do you know who this Pauly Dellaw is?"

Louise shook her head and replied, "A psychologist."

Hermes nodded noncommittally, and then gave the answer:

"He has many identities, and the more famous one is the 'King of the Black Seat' Barros Hopkins."

Louise's eyes widened immediately. It turned out that Pauly Dellaw was the 'King of the Black Seat' Barros Hopkins, one of the four kings at sea, and also the president of the "Psychology Alchemy Society"." The "Dream Weaver" in the third sequence of the audience" pathway.

No wonder, I forgot the book "Subconscious Travel Notes" inexplicably, and I also lacked sufficient knowledge of the whole incident. It really is the ability of the "audience" demigods at work.

"You don't seem to be unfamiliar with him at all." Hermes said plainly:

Louise replied indifferently, "One of the four kings of pirates, I'm not the only one who has heard of this name."

Hermes showed a smile, as if I listened to you continue to make up, and retorted:

"Although I still can't read your mind, your explanation is really clumsy."

Louise's face was slightly embarrassed, but she quickly returned to normal, and then she pretended to be sincere and confessed:

"Joining the "Twilight Hermit Society", you will naturally know more about the "audience" approach."

Hermes smiled slightly: "You should know more about the "audience" pathway than this, right?"

"Otherwise, you probably wouldn't choose to ask me for help?"
