Mystery: The Witch and the Calamity

Chapter 74: everyone has a story

Looking into the distance, the sky and the sea at the end of the line of sight blend together and shine brightly.

The boat with white sails sailed downwind, smashing through thorns on the sea, breaking waves and driving away the fish in the shallow water.

Several seabirds circled not far from the mast, seemingly ready to feed.

At the bow of the boat, a tall and thin figure was leaning on the railing and looking out at the sea. It was the second mate on the boat.

Joyce walked over, stood beside him, slapped the railing a few times, making a dull sound, barely audible under the cover of the waves.

"Looking at the sea." He asked.

The second mate didn't look away, just when Joyce thought he didn't want to speak, a low voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Although I have been a pirate for several years, every time I set out on a voyage, I am used to taking a look at the sea here."

"Looking at the sea on land is completely different from looking at the sea while sailing. The former will only make you sigh the vastness of the sea, while the latter will make you deeply feel your own insignificance."

Joyce was a little surprised. He carefully looked at the second officer beside him. The stubble was neatly trimmed, the hair was equally neat, the lines of the face were more pronounced because of the thinness, and the cheekbones were higher. Besides, not like a pirate at all...

He commented: "I think you should be a writer."

The second pair's eyes seem to be always staring at the depths of the sea, as if there is some treasure there:

"If I have a choice, I prefer to be a gardener, but unfortunately, I can only be reduced to a pirate now."

Falling down... Joyce smacked the meaning of the words, and saw a seabird swiftly attack, swept across the sea, and grabbed a fish that was constantly flapping and unable to survive.

After a short silence, he tentatively asked:

"Listen to your accent, like Captain Roy, you're from Intis?"

Hearing this, the second officer really turned his head to look at him, nodded and admitted:

"That's right."

Joyce smiled, turned his back to the sea, pressed his elbows on the railing, and continued to guess:

"You two went to sea together to become pirates, right?"

The second mate began to become surprised, became interested, and asked:

"Why do you say that?"

Naturally, it was because Roy was obviously closer to you when he introduced the first mate and the second mate, but he was a little wary of the first mate... Naturally, this reason cannot be said, so Joyce said perfunctorily: "Guess what? !"

"The person who can become the second mate is definitely the captain's confidant, but you look thin and weak, and you don't seem to be able to fight, so the only reason left is to have a good relationship with the captain..."

He deliberately looked up and down the second mate, and finally asked:

"One thing I'm curious about, why aren't you the first mate?"

The second mate laughed. His laughter was completely different from Roy's, more cheerful and cheerful, and answered:

"You've already guessed the answer, of course because... he can fight better than me!"

After the laughter stopped, he said solemnly: "Pirates are a group of people who don't care about national borders. Only strength and interests are eternal."

Joyce chuckled: "This point of view is not just for pirates."

The second mate did not continue the discussion, but chose to skip this topic and instead asked:

"Are you an adventurer?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Joyce spread his hands.

"Adventurers and pirates are essentially the same type of person." The second officer said with deep meaning: "Plundering treasures, killing people and hunting, in exchange for bounties... If you kill more people, adventurers will naturally become pirates."

People who are willing to fall will always find different reasons to break through their bottom line and eventually become villains... Joyce thought to himself, but did not refute, because he saw a sailor walking towards them both.

The sailor glanced at him, then turned to the second officer:

"Boss, the boss is looking for you."

"I see." The second pair frowned slightly and said to Joyce, "You can do it yourself."

Then he turned and left.

Watching his back indent into the hull, Joyce turned around and looked at the sea.

The previous group of seabirds had already left, and there was no living creature in sight.

In the depths of this sea, countless heroes and bears are buried, but there are always people who rush into its embrace one after another.

This second deputy is a person with a story. The vicissitudes of life gave him a calm mind, but the depression he just showed didn't know why...

Joyce silently extracted key information from the conversation just now, and seriously considered whether there was an opportunity to take advantage of it...

One of the playing rules of "instigator": before instigating a person, you must first understand him.


On the whole ship, the captain's room has the most spacious space. There are various golden decorations in the room, including real gold, and of course there are other golden metals...

As a native of Intis, Roy has a soft spot for gold, but poverty limits his hobby. At this moment, he is sitting on a wooden chair, leaning on a gold-encrusted handle.

The second mate knocked on the door, and without waiting for a response, he pushed open the door and asked bluntly:

"What's the matter with me? Could it be that you have changed your mind?"

Roy woke up from his meditation, looked at the most familiar partner in front of him, and stated, "I can't go back."

Then he asked back, with a little anger in his words: "Do you want to be a pirate all the time? Don't you want to go back to Intis?"

The second mate shrugged: "It doesn't matter, I'm used to the current life."

"Furthermore, how are you going to avoid the pursuit of Lieutenant General Dusk?"

Obviously, Roy has already thought of a Thinking of the gains after the success, he was quite excited for a while, and blurted out:

"As long as things go well, I can be promoted to the 'conspirator' of Sequence Six... At that time, with my wisdom and your divination, it is almost impossible for that stupid giant to find us in the vast sea."

"What's more, when we get enough money, we will immediately leave the ranks of pirates, return to Intis, and return to our hometown."

"At that time, we can buy a manor and live a peaceful life..."

The Second Officer was silent for a moment, as if imagining such a scene, and then said:

"Since it's already planned, why call me to discuss it? You know, I won't object to your decision."

"I need you to do another divination, the last time." Roy emphasized, showing anticipation in his eyes.

Silently sighed, the second pair took out the citrine necklace that he carried with him and performed divination.

After getting the divination result, he opened his eyes and said:

"As before, there is considerable risk, but in the end it will be successful."

"That's good, that's good..." Roy repeated, at this time he was not a "lion", but a "kitten".

He remembered something, and suddenly asked:

"What about those two adventurers, will they bring danger?"

The second officer put away his pity, because he knew that Roy didn't like that kind of look, so he raised his head slightly and recalled:

"The leading middle-aged man is not weak, and he feels quite dangerous to me. As for the young man who seems to be a follower, his observation skills are very good... He is very interesting. If we met earlier, we might become friends..."