Mystic Holy See

v1 Chapter 48: black gold

Six o'clock in the evening, No. 12 Mingde Street.

Aldrich opened his eyes slowly on the floor, and shook his head against the floor to stand up from the ground.

"I'm... successful, right?"

Aldridge looked at his body in confusion, and his mind was still gradually clearing up.

"It's different..."

Aldridge's first impression was that his body was different!

This difference is not reflected in the appearance, the height has not changed, and the muscles have not increased, but he really feels the difference.

Aldridge squeezed his fist, and his strength really grew. Then he jumped in place a few times, and his body became lighter. This growth was not much, just to the extent that he could feel it.

But Aldridge had no hope for that from the start.

Anyway, he finally succeeded in being promoted to rank 1!

Aldridge's heavy heart finally received some sunshine. He lit all the candlesticks in the room, ready to continue the experiment.

"Then is the extraordinary ability."

Generally speaking, the increase of rank will not only bring new extraordinary abilities, but also the original extraordinary abilities will be strengthened, and very few extraordinary abilities will weaken or even disappear due to the increase of rank.

Although Aldridge didn't think his extraordinary ability would disappear, he was still a little worried, so he first tested the ability of 'super speed regeneration' and 'hardening'.

He took out the dagger, took a light breath, and swiped lightly on his arm.


Aldridge screamed in surprise, because his arm was actually intact under the blade!

How is this going?

He used a little strength and slashed again on his arm, but he still failed to leave any marks on his arm.

More strength, another knife.

Another knife!

As the test progressed, Aldridge probably figured out the situation - his "hardening" turned into a passive ability!

The original 'hardening' was the ability to be exerted on the black mist, and it was only the ability that he induced the black fog to manifest. This is active, but now the 'hardening' is being blessed on Aldrich's body, and it is a blessing forever. This becomes a passive ability similar to 'Superpower'.

He studied it carefully and found that the surface of his body still has basic abilities such as elasticity, touch, and temperature perception, but on this basis, it becomes very difficult to be damaged.

Aldrich's eyes seemed to be shining, and his heart was excited. If the defensive ability remains the same as before or even grows after 'hardening' becomes passive, then this extraordinary ability is definitely a leap forward!

First of all, he will always maintain a 'hardened' defense state, largely not afraid of the enemy's sneak attack. Secondly, the loss of the passive ability to the 'spirit' is weak in time, which is more than a little bit stronger than before?

"Find Andrea another day to test it again. If the defense ability has not changed or even strengthened, then this change alone will make a lot of money."

Aldrich laughed in a low voice, then shook his head slightly:

"It seems that there is no way to experiment with 'super speed regeneration'."

He couldn't even cut his own body, so this experiment couldn't be done at all.

As for experimenting with hair... let's forget it, you can't tell by pulling out one or two, and cutting more hairs at a time, if the ability of 'super-speed regeneration' disappears, hehe.

"Next is the new ability..."

'Static Matter Black Golding' and 'Black Gold Manipulation'.

At that time, Aldrich had two potion formulas to choose from. The first one, which Aldridge is taking now, can provide the extraordinary abilities of ‘Static Matter Black Gold’ and ‘Black Gold Manipulation’.

And another potion can provide the extraordinary ability of 'black mist manipulation' and 'rest'.

Comparing the two, Aldrich decided to use the first potion formula almost instantly.

The three words 'black gold' are the decisive factors.

On the one hand, it sounds like an extraordinary ability to change the properties of matter, on the other hand, the name 'black gold' is very similar to a metal!

According to his conjecture, 'black gold transformation of static matter' is to convert stationary objects into 'black gold', and 'black gold manipulation' is to gain the ability to manipulate 'black gold'.

If 'black gold' is really a metal, then...

Aldrich thought of all the properties that metals possess—reflectivity to light, good ductility, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity…

The space that can be used here is extremely high!

Aldrich was excited and couldn't wait to start the experiment.

He instinctively urged the black mist to get out of his body, and found that this time the black mist was not completely on the surface of his body, but floated around away from his body.

Aldrich's thoughts moved, and the black mist returned to his body like an obedient child, surrounding him to hide his figure, but there was still a hideous cheek made of black mist on his face.

"Fortunately, it was night, and Sunderland Yasuo couldn't really see it, otherwise the face alone would have shocked him."

Aldrich stood in front of the mirror in the washroom and observed, and did not notice much change in the black mist, but the face composed of the changes in the levels of the black mist seemed to be a little more vivid.

Is the black golden beast slowly waking up in the body?

Aldrich thought of it subconsciously, and suddenly felt nervous in his heart: he knew very little about the black gold beast, and somehow secretly bonded it into his body, how should he tame it after it wakes up?

Shaking his head to put this thought aside, if the black golden beast wants to fully wake up, at least he has to wait for him to be promoted to rank 2. It will not be too late to think about this issue later.

Aldrich returned to the room and manipulated the black mist to float around from his body. This distance was not too far. He could only manipulate them to leave his body at most about three meters. Beyond this distance, the black mist would dissipate and disappear.

He instinctively mobilized his 'spirit' to inject the black mist, and saw that the corner of the wardrobe that the black mist was touching instantly turned into a black and golden granular substance!

Aldrich was startled, and hurriedly controlled the black fog, then quickly ran to the particulate matter to pick up some to observe carefully.

These small particles are probably only a little larger than the fine sand on the beach. They reflect the light under the illumination of the fire, and at the same time they reveal a black color with a little golden color. The light feels a little cold from the touch, and it is also very hard. The quality of the case is comparable to that of steel.

"There is a high probability that it is a metal substance!"

Aldrich was overjoyed and made a preliminary judgment, but it was only necessary to consider its ductility, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity for detailed inspection.

Of course, there is currently no way to test conductivity.

Aldrich's heart moved, and the "spirit" spread, and he suddenly felt that these black gold particles were like an extension of his body, and he could manipulate it at will!

He instinctively controlled all the black gold particles on the ground to slowly float, forming a small black torrent that slowly revolved around him, and then slowly increased their speed, causing them to impact, rotate, and spread out. Everything is as you want. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Aldrich is like a child who finds a new toy, and enjoys manipulating them to do all kinds of things, even using them to lift the orange fruit on the side.

After the game was almost done, he calmed down and started the experiment, and even secretly controlled a small amount of black gold to run into the unmanned corridor to test the distance, and finally concluded the following points:

First of all, the 'black gold transformation of static matter' is the same as the guess, you can use the black mist to convert stationary objects into black gold particles, but the upper limit of this transformation needs to be tested, and the things in the residence cannot be transformed casually.

The disadvantage of this extraordinary ability lies in two aspects. On the one hand, the converted black gold can only exist in the form of particles. On the other hand, this transformation is time-sensitive, and it will become the original material after more than 30 minutes.

Of course, this may be related to the consumption of Aldrich's "spirit".

And the 'black gold manipulation' is similar to what we imagined. The converted black gold particles can be manipulated. This manipulation is very free, but there are three disadvantages:

First, the control distance is limited. Within a range of about 15 meters, black gold is like an arm, but once it exceeds 15 meters, the black gold particles will not be manipulated immediately, and there is not even a decreasing interval.

Second, it has a limited load-bearing capacity, and it is no problem to manipulate them to lift light objects, but Aldrich is already very reluctant to lift wooden boxes with them.

Third, and the most crucial point, manipulating them consumes a lot of 'spirit'. Even if he is promoted to rank 1, his 'spirit' has grown greatly, but he still can't stand it after only 30 minutes of playing.

Maybe thirty minutes is not too short, but what Aldrich manipulated was a small amount of black gold particles transformed from a corner of the wardrobe. What if he transformed more and manipulated more?

It is conceivable that this consumption will increase exponentially.