Mystic Holy See

v1 Chapter 7: Image management

The woman recorded the case number and continued to say with a decent smile: "I have completed the registration, Mr. Aldridge, I hope you all go well."


Aldridge thought that he should take off his hat when thanking him, but with his ugly hairstyle now, let's forget it.

"By the way, I still don't know how to address you?"

Before going out, Aldridge suddenly turned his head and asked.

The woman smiled unchanged and said, "Rita."

Aldridge finally nodded and walked out of the room.

He didn't plan to have a drink. To be precise, he didn't have any extra money to have a drink here, so he passed the bar to say hello to Mills, and then walked out of the forest bar.

Aldridge intends to return to the residence to determine the plan and then act.

There are human-powered vehicles on the streets of Huodu, mainly horse-drawn carriages, but the price of renting them is expensive. From Forest Avenue to Mingde Street, where you live, at least 25 kunar.

Of course Aldridge didn't plan to spend the money, so he chose to walk.

I heard that some places have invented a means of transportation called bicycles, and Aldrich estimates that it is the original bicycle.

While walking, I was thinking about the task.

Aldrich's perception of himself is very accurate. In his previous life, he was a surgeon, not a criminal police officer, and had absolutely no criminal investigation experience. For murders, kidnappings, thefts, etc., he is helpless.

On the other hand, Aldridge's extraordinary ability is very good at life-saving, but his damage ability is average, and he himself has no foundation in martial arts, and his body is still like a hemp...

When the situation is critical, it is estimated that I will be able to play a set of eight punches.

Aldridge has learned to make fun of himself with optimism.

Investigating "Mystery" Aldridge is still a little confident, hoping that the knowledge he has accumulated for a week will come in handy. Of course, that doesn't mean there's no risk, but it's the quickest way Aldridge can think of for the money right now.

After walking for nearly two hours, Aldrich finally returned to No. 12 Mingde Street. It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon.

After thinking about it, Aldrich went down the stairs halfway up and turned into the unnamed fruit shop downstairs.

"Good day, Mrs. Alice." As soon as Aldridge entered the store, he saw the plump Mrs. Alice and said hello. Aldridge has visited her fruit shop several times in the nearly three weeks since she moved here.

Mrs. Alice was fiddling with fruit, she straightened her back and looked at him with a little difficulty, and said with a smile, "Good day, Aldridge, it seems like I haven't seen you for a few days."

"Well, it's been busy these days."

"What do you want to order today?"

"Give me 1 pound of red mandarin oranges. They should be riper."

In my memory, the shape of the red mandarin fruit is like a persimmon on the earth, but its taste is like an apple on the earth.

Mrs. Alice weighed it carefully, handed it to Aldridge, and said at the same time, "10 copper nars."

Aldridge passed the customer who was about to come in, counted a 5 kunar and 5 1 nar from his pocket, thanked her, and left.

Back at the residence on the third floor, Aldridge couldn't help frowning. He didn't come back for a week, and a lot of dust had accumulated in the room, and it was his fault that he didn't close the window before going out.

"Hey, let's clean up."

Aldridge couldn't bear it, so he hurriedly picked up the cleaning tools placed in the washing room and started to dry, until the whole room was spotless.

After taking a bath, Aldrich washed a red mandarin fruit and leaned on the bedside to read the file while eating.

This case originated from a family of aristocrats who believed in the Mother Earth. They moved from the capital Brando a month ago. They bought a discounted villa for cheap and moved in 15 days ago.

The first few days after moving in, everything was normal.

On September 14th, strange things began to appear.

First of all, some sundries were moved to the courtyard of the villa for no reason. The owner thought it was taken out by servants and didn't care.

But the next day, on September 15th, the hostess of the villa was supposed to sleep on the large and comfortable bed in the bedroom, but woke up on the lawn in the yard. Affected by the cooler temperature in the early autumn night, the hostess had already developed a high fever. Finding out is not a trivial matter, so I hurriedly went to the Church of the Mother Earth to seek help.

The church personnel found that there were no casualties, so they sent the case to the external list, and entrusted an external Beyonder to investigate.

The instructions in the dossier read: The preliminary judgment is that some kind of 'mystery' of a less serious nature is at work.

Well, the words are a bit ugly, and it took Aldridge a long time to read them.

Aldridge smiled helplessly. He only dared to accept this case when he saw that there were no casualties. According to Rita, he was the first to accept this commission.

However, the remuneration is not bad, a full 10 kinnars, which is 100 times of Aldridge's current net worth and a fraction.

"Sure enough, knowledge is money, and money is power..."

Aldridge has no ideas at the moment, and plans to visit the owner of the house tomorrow before thinking about it. Of course, they no longer live in the villa, but rented a place next to the church of the Church of the Mother Earth.

After eating the red mandarin fruit, Aldrich threw the core away, put the file in the closet, put on his hat and went out again.

When going downstairs, a young man was hobbling up the stairs with a bunch of shabby teddy bears in his arms. Aldrich just wanted to let him pass by, but when he heard a panicked cry, the teddy bear accidentally spilled on the ground. , and one or two fell downstairs from the gap beside the stairs.

The young man scratched his hair angrily, and hurried downstairs.

Aldrich smiled helplessly, and took the initiative to walk forward to pick up the teddy bears that had fallen on the stairs one by one, and observed them casually when picking them up.

Gray, black, brown, ... all kinds of colors are available, it feels normal to the touch, it should be filled with cotton, the workmanship is rough, and each of them basically has sporadic threads exposed, which is obvious cheap goods.

But the eyes of these teddy bears are well done, and they look bright under the kerosene light on the stairs wall.

The young man hurried back from downstairs again, holding the fallen teddy bear in his hand, and seeing Aldrich's actions, he said gratefully, "Thank you so much, sir!"

Aldridge cautiously handed him the teddy bear he had picked up, and said with a smile, "It's easy, don't mind."

This young man is about fifteen or sixteen years old. His eyes are big, dark, and bright, and he has a feeling of enthusiasm and hope for life. He is medium and not tall, and his skin is darker, but it is obviously not due to racial genes, but Because of the heat of the sun, Aldridge estimated that he was a hard worker.

The young man tried his best to hold the teddy bear tighter, smiled stupidly, and said, "Thank you anyway! Do you live here too?"

"Yes, I live on the third floor."

"Then we are still neighbors. I live on the fourth floor! With my good friend Tom, by the way, my name is Al Lind, you can just call me Al!"

Such an enthusiastic child... Aldridge shook his head helplessly, but UU Reading didn't find it annoying.

"My name is Aldridge Alfred, just call me Aldridge."

The smile on Al's face became significantly more pronounced, and he said happily, "Mr. Aldrich, haha, please come to my house next time. I think my craftsmanship is pretty good!"

Aldridge nodded with a smile, and said, "I'm looking forward to it, Al."

After separating from Al, Aldridge continued the planned itinerary.

After walking about two blocks out of the building where he lived, Aldrich found a barber shop in his memory. He planned to take care of his hair, and he could no longer bear the feeling of being bitten by a dog on his head.

"Good evening and welcome!"

Entering the door of the store, a plainly dressed girl with a marijuana braid greeted her.

"Good evening." Aldridge nodded, still embarrassed to take off his hat.

"I'm Triss, the barber of this shop, do you want a haircut, sir?"


Triss led Aldridge to a place where a water basin was placed, and motioned for Aldridge to take off his hat and prepare to wash his hair.

Aldridge hesitated and took off his hat.


Triss accidentally laughed...

Aldrich's face was hot, and he pretended not to care and kept silent, allowing Triss to wash and cut his hair.

Half an hour later, Aldrich walked out of the barber shop with a hat in his hands while Triss said 'Welcome to come again'. His hair had turned into a very short inch. It wasn't pretty, but at least he looked neater. .

This also cost Aldridge 12 copper nars, which is higher than the price of a pound of red mandarin fruit. This is the reason why the predecessor Aldridge did not want to come for a haircut.