Mystic Holy See

v2 Chapter 255: the situation is not right

Aldridge will do everything in his power to find the man behind it, but it takes luck.

Not only is he 'seeking an explanation' for the Hebrews, but more importantly, Aldrich needs to know whether the other party's purpose is pure or not. If it is just a coincidence to find the Hebrews, then everything can be said. This is an independent vendetta. If it is a deliberate act against the 'Mysterious Holy See', it is a collision between forces, and this matter will last for a long time.

In the evening of the second day, Johnny contacted Aldridge through 'Tianluo' and said a little tiredly:

"No one is here, so I guess they won't come."

Aldridge was not disappointed, and said, "Come back first and have a good rest."

"Well, how's the 'Pharmacist'?" Johnny asked with a little concern.

Aldridge said: "If his soul is pulled, he will be mentally disturbed for a few days. I let him rest in the mysterious mansion temporarily, and Miss Naomi will take care of him."

"That's good."

It was expected that the other party would not return to that building, and it was just to be on the safe side that Johnny was asked to help watch the day.

Although it will take a few more days of monitoring to determine this, but who knows how many days it will take? Aldridge didn't want to spend the effort, and Johnny's body couldn't hold it.

I thought this matter would be temporarily suspended, but at night Aldridge received another communication from Sunderland: "Mr. Mentor, Ophelia Arendine has entrusted us to investigate a matter."

"tell me the story?"

Sunderland's tone was strange: "She entrusted us to investigate the whereabouts of the two Beyonders... They disappeared 5 days ago and yesterday respectively."

This is interesting!

Aldridge didn't think it was a coincidence, either someone was hunting Beyonders on a larger scale in Spurs, or someone was targeting Ophelia and the 'Mysterious Holy See'.

He asked calmly, "Is there any movement from Angelo Arendine?"

Sunderland said: "Ophili said that there was no one for the past two days, but after the rank 3 Beyonder was attacked, no one was actually found... There were only bloodstains and a broken leg at the scene."

Aldridge narrowed his eyes. The fuse that caused Angelo's explosive reaction before turned out to be missing!

He originally guessed that Claudia's gang did it, and even Angelo Arendine found out, so it was only after Claudia's identity was exposed that the focus of public opinion was shifted... Could it be another Something strange?

Aldridge pondered for two seconds, and said, "I will investigate at Spurzy's extraordinary party to see if there are any other missing persons."

He had to determine whether the opponent's target was random.


After cutting off the communication, Aldridge leaned back on the back of his chair and whispered, "I always feel like something big is about to happen."


On July 16, Sunderland received a piece of news that around July 12, an independent Beyonder was attacked and disappeared, ranking 3rd.

As for whether there is anything else that can't be found out for the time being, there are very few Extraordinary gatherings in the wild, and most of them only happen once every two weeks, and the members don't participate every time. Even if there is a disappearance, it is difficult to find out.

The missing person can get the news all because there are traces left.

Aldridge made a decisive decision and immediately advanced the hunting mission expected to start on July 20, so that Johnny and Sunderland, Dylan and Michaeli were divided into two groups, each with two newcomers to leave Spurzi for 'mystery' Capture, each group holds a 'space key' and reports progress daily.

If there is no accident, the current Spurzi has become a huge hunting ground, and someone or a certain force is hunting Extraordinary!

The members of the organization have the highest rank of 1, and they stayed in Spurzi for fear that something similar to Hebrew would happen again.

As for Eve, Aldridge took her by his side almost all the time, and at the same time reduced the time to go out. Carula and Herbert also stopped going out under his advice.

It is estimated that the major churches have already received news of this aspect, but the degree of importance is unknown for the time being. After all, the known missing Beyonders are all Beyonders with no church background.

around 10:00.

"Mr. Mentor, we have reached our destination." This is Dylan's report.


During the day, he had received news from Johnny that both groups had left Spurzy safely.

Aldrich was in Eve's room, and the little guy was already asleep, so he always came to take a look when he felt uneasy.

"Da da da……"

Suddenly, footsteps came from the corridor outside the door.

Aldridge didn't care. There were also Mrs. Murphy, Carula and Herbert in the residence. It was normal to go to the toilet to drink water at night.

But after a few seconds, his expression changed, and he found that the footsteps sounded a little out of place—the rhythm was so slow, the interval between adjacent footsteps was more than 1 second!

Aldrich opened the door to reveal a gap, and looked at the place where he descended the stairs at the end of the corridor. A slightly hunched figure in white pajamas was walking downstairs step by step.

"Mrs. Murphy?"

He let out a soft cry, and his voice was particularly clear in the silent environment, but Mrs. Murphy seemed to have not heard her, and was still walking down!


Aldridge muttered to himself in confusion, no wonder he had such a guess, it really looked like it.

At this moment, the door on the opposite side opened, and Karula came out drowsily and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Aldridge asked, "Does Mrs. Murphy suffer from sleepwalking?"

"Sleepwalking? No..." Karula yawned.

The door next door was also Herbert also heard the movement and came out, looking at him suspiciously.

"It doesn't feel right," Aldridge said with an ominous premonition, "Karula, look at Eve, and the two of us will follow."

"All right."

He and Herbert took two steps to the first floor, and Mrs. Murphy was walking towards the entrance!

Aldridge stopped Herbert from wanting to move in the past. If he was sleepwalking, suddenly waking up would definitely be a big problem for someone who was not too young.

"Let's see what she wants to do first."

Mrs. Murphy walked all the way to the door, slowly opened the door's chain lock, and walked out.

Aldridge and Herbert immediately followed and ran to Mrs. Murphy, with goosebumps at a glance:

Mrs. Murphy's eyes were not closed like sleepwalking, but very round and wide, but her pupils were very small, her face was dull and unblinking, as if she had been struck by evil!

Her mouth was squirming and saying something, but her voice was so subtle that she couldn't hear it clearly.

Aldridge leaned in and listened carefully, and finally understood what she was saying:



The breath she exhaled was icy cold, not at all the temperature that a human body should have, and the words she murmured were soaked with a strange blood color.

Aldridge immediately reacted, this is the 'extraordinary influence of the corrupt lord'!

: . :