Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 22: The agreement ended up going to France

   Dumbledore seemed to have expected the school board to attack like this, he turned his head and motioned to Aristophanes to take out what he had prepared: a stack of parchment on the table.

"This is the test paper for all the students taking the test," Aristophan took out his magic wand, controlled all the test papers to unfold in the air, and then sneered. "Hogwarts is close to a thousand students of all ages. Fewer than thirty people signed up to take the exam, and there was no student above the fifth grade. You blame me for not giving them a chance?"

   "Then why do you take the numerical calculation? As a wizard—"

   Aristophanes is tired of hearing "what's wrong with the wizard", what era is, still clinging to the old thinking, it is no wonder that the little Voldemort has made the British wizarding world up and down.

"That's my request," he interrupted Lucius directly, "I need the students to have the ability to calculate logically, and you have all seen the results, two Merlin medals, six commemorative medals. Just the beginning."

   The school directors whispered again, among them Greengrass, Longbottom and the Diggory family laughed.

   "Then you can't—" Lucius tried to continue to argue.

"If you don't want to cooperate, then forget it, Mr. Malfoy." Aristophane is tired of this slander and argument. "I think some of the school managers here must be willing to invest. If not, I will go to Boothbarton. Before, Mrs. Maxim had already written to my uncle and invited me to cooperate with them, and the conditions were very generous."

   Even though he knew this was Aristophane's threat, Lucius still panicked. He was a pure-blooded noble and looked down on mixed blood, but he was not a fool and knew how much benefit this "potion factory" had.

   If Aristophanes really gave up cooperating with Hogwarts because of him, even if he was a pure-blooded twenty-eight nobleman and one of the twelve board members of Hogwarts, he would be torn apart by others.

  "Mr. Flivy, please calm down," is still a member of the Greengrass family, "Thank you for taking care of the little girl Daphne. Our Greengrass family agrees to this agreement in principle and will go back to raise funds immediately."

   "The Longbottoms agree."

   "The Diggorys agree."

   With the first support of these three school managers, the remaining school managers also agreed. Lucius Malfoy had no choice but to agree.

   Then everyone discussed the regulations and left the meeting room one after another.

   "Mr. Flivy, please stay." Daphne's father said as Aristophanes was about to leave the meeting room.

   "What's the matter?"

   "I wonder if we can have the honor to invite you to the Greengrass family's August banquet to celebrate my little daughter Astoria's coming to Hogwarts?"

   "I believe you should have known that I am going to France to study alchemy. Your youngest daughter is coming to Hogwarts. I can't help much."

   "Some things are not good, I will tell you now, I hope you can come to participate, we need your help." He said sincerely.

  Aristophane looked at him for a while, then nodded: "Well, let Daphne write to me a few days in advance, and I will go."

   The man quickly shook his hand: "Okay, I will let Daphne notify you then!"

   then signed his name on the parchment with joy and left the meeting room.

After the contract was signed, Dumbledore took Aristophanes to the location of the potion workshop he chose. This is an underground facility in the old industrial area of ​​the Derwent Valley. It was hidden as a bomb shelter during World War II. The **** is excellent and the traffic is very convenient.

   Then they went to Gringotts, planning to buy a group of house elves again as production workers. Yes, Gringotts also undertakes the sales of house elves, which really shocked Aristophanes.

   But he was relieved afterwards. After all, the British started their business by selling black slaves.

   After finishing this series of things, he returned to Professor Flitwick's house. He didn't care about production matters. Naturally, the school board and Dumbledore would solve it for him.

   In a blink of an eye, it was the end of July, and Aristophanes solved most of the remaining problems. It is worth mentioning that Dumbledore gave Scamander's space suitcase to him so that he could run around with the unicorn.

Then came a book and a letter. The book was "Where are the Fantastic Beasts". The letter stated Scamander's expectations for Aristophanes, hoping that he could take the time to visit Dorset. He and Tina are looking forward to meeting him.

   Aristophanes has no time to take care of Scamander's invitation, because Dumbledore informed him that he planned to take him to visit Nicolae May and Boothbat College in early August, so that he could prepare well.

---------------Dividing line-------------------

   On the morning of August 1st, Dumbledore appeared at the door of Flivy's house on time, when Aristophane and Flivy were sitting in the living room chatting.

   "Are you all ready?" Dumbledore knocked on the door and walked in.

   "The suitcase you gave is a great help, Professor." Aristophane stood up, "Uncle, then I will go, I will come back to see you at Christmas."

   Flivy motioned to Aristophane to bend down, then hugged him, let go and turned to Dumbledore and said, "Albus, Aristophane will be handed to you."

   Dumbledore nodded, Aristophan lifted the suitcase at his feet, and the two walked out of Professor Flivy's door.

   "Hurry up, Aristophanes."

Aristophan put his hand on Dumbledore’s forearm. He did not speak yet. His eyes were dark, and he felt that he was being squeezed from all directions. He was breathless at all, his chest seemed to be squeezed by iron hoops Restricted tightly. His eyeballs were squeezed back into his head, and his eardrums were pressed into the depths of his head.

   He gulped in the cold air and opened his tearful eyes. He felt like he had just squeezed out of a very narrow rubber tube. After a few seconds he was relieved, the cold air?

   "Welcome to Boothbarton. Are you okay?" Dumbledore asked.

  Aristophane looked around and realized that he had experienced the first Apparition in his life.

   He found himself in the mountains, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, and a magnificent palace stood in front of him.

He and Dumbledore were standing outside a gate about a hundred steps away from the main entrance of the palace. There was a huge school badge hanging on the gate: two golden wands crossed, and three stars appeared on each wand. , The school badge has the letters BEAUXBATON written on it.

   The two waited for a while, the door opened, and a huge figure appeared behind the door.

   "Welcome to you, Albus! And this little Mr. Flivy!" It is Mrs. Maxim, the principal of Busbarton! Aristophanes watched the visitors.

   She is similar in shape to Hagrid, with a very handsome olive face, black and watery eyes, and a very pointed nose.

   The hair is combed behind his head, and it is twisted into a shiny bun at the base of his neck. He wears luxurious silk on his body and various rings on his hands.

   "Good afternoon, Mrs. Maxim!" Dumbledore bowed slightly, and Aristophane did the same.

   "I received a letter from Nicol. I already know your intentions. Come to my office for a cup of tea first." Mrs. Maxim led the two of them as they walked.

   is just a hundred steps away, with vast lawns and various gardens on both sides of the road. A huge fountain was erected at the front entrance of the palace, but because it was a holiday, no water came out of it.

The three passed by the fountain, and Aristophanes saw a sign that read: "This is to commemorate the great alchemist Nico Le May and his wife Perenal Le May for Busbarton The contribution made by the school."

Then in a huge principal’s office, Dumbledore and Mrs. Maxim discussed the affairs of Aristophanes: Aristophanes will serve as Booth Barton’s assistant in alchemy and go to Nicolae May to study three. Months. In exchange, he needs to bring a complete research team to Busbarton after he finishes his studies and publish at least one high-quality article.

Aristophane had no objection. When he came just now, he had discovered the Busbarton library, which was much larger than Hogwarts, and he could not wait to enrich his library~www But Dumbledore did not fulfill his wish. Instead, he waited for Boothbarton’s teacher to arrange a place for him, bid farewell to Mrs. Maxim, and then took him directly away from Boothbarton, again Apparition appeared and went directly to the place where Nicolae and his wife lived in seclusion.

   Obviously Nicholas Lemay has already got the news, he and his wife Perenal are already waiting.

   "It's been a long time, Albus." Nico saw the two of them appear, and quickly greeted him, "Presumably this is Mr. Flivy!"

"Sinua\'manore, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Nicole May, I'm Aristophane Flivi." Aristophane stepped forward quickly and gave a high elf greeting to Nicole May. .

   "Hello, hello, come in, Albus, you too, we haven't had tea together in a long time."

   Aristophanes followed Dumbledore into the garden, when he felt a wave of magic power sweep his body, making him feel a little awkward.

Mrs. LeMay seemed to see his discomfort and explained: "This is a hidden barrier against detection, and it also has a Muggle expulsion curse fixed. You have to understand the minds of two old people who have lived for nearly 700 years. We don't want to Cause trouble to others, and don't want others to disturb our seclusion life."

   Aristophanes nodded, expressing understanding. Then he and Dumbledore followed Nicole to their kitchen, and Mrs. LeMay poured some tea for each of them, and then sat beside them.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Le May, this is your Philosopher's Stone, and now it belongs to the original owner." Aristophane sat down and remembered something, and quickly took the Philosopher's Stone from his backpack and handed it across the table. Nicole May.