Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 63: Taquilin

Early the next morning, Aristophanes, Lorther Marcelon, and Cahill Lightblade led the eight hundred fully armed rangers on a boat to leave the Farstrider Fortress. Taranas was sending away Aristo. Empress Fen also led more than two hundred rangers to go south into the jungle, while Adrian and others led the remaining rangers to guard the Farstrider Fortress.

   Standing on the boat, Aristophane quietly played with a talisman in his hand, trying to activate the energy inside.

   Lor'themar Theron walked over and stood beside him.

   "Time flies so fast." Lor'themar sighed, "I still remember that when we first met twenty years ago, we were still talking about ideals. Now you, I, and Leah have set foot on their own paths."

   "Ahem, Aqiang, what's wrong with you?" Aristophane was taken aback for a moment, then turned to ask.

   "I just sigh with emotion, I feel like I am in a flash in twenty years."

   "As long as you are an elf that can live for four thousand years, twenty years would have been just a flick of a finger, so don't be emotional." Aristophane said.

   "What about you, Aristophanes? You can live for three or four thousand years, and you are now a magister. Why are you still so anxious to do things?"

   "Time is not waiting for me," Aristophane shook his head, "I am still far behind! A magister in this mere magister can't change anything in the future."

   "..." Lorthemar Theron was silent for a while, and then said, "Well, it's okay if you don't want to talk, as long as you remember that I am your good friend, a good comrade-in-arms."

   "Don't worry, it will be useful when you are," Aristophane said. "How about you and Liadrin?"

   "I wrote a letter to her before entering the jungle, and I don’t know if she received it."

   "Come on, Aqiang, I am very optimistic about you." Aristophane said with a smile.

   "The future is still long-term, no one can tell; but don't call me Aqiang again!"

   Soon the ship arrived at the pier of Corona Village, and the prosperous pier in the past seemed very deserted due to the invasion of trolls.

  The rangers disembarked one after another to sort out equipment and supplies.

Aristophanes took his chocobo and walked down with Lor'themar. When the rangers loaded the supplies and the chocobos were also fed, they took the lead in riding the chocobos, and the wizards in Corona Village He left here along the road with curious eyes, and went straight to Taquelin.

  Since the road is along the Allendal River, they also saw waterfalls that hindered shipping.

   "Aqiang, I think about our development direction after the war."

   "Oh? What is it?"

"I want to open up the shipping on the Allendal River, so that our products can no longer be transported by land, but can be transported directly to Jinwu Village and Fengxing Village by ship, and then shipped by sea. This is faster than transporting to Silvermoon City by land. A lot."

   "This is a big project!"

"It's okay, anyway, our lives are long enough." Aristophane replied with a smile, "And you are not curious about my goal? Make the flexible and flexible more comfortable, or make the flexible and flexible of the Farstrider Fortress more comfortable. , How about this goal?"

   "I don't understand this, just do whatever you want." Lor'themar said.

   After Aristophant thought of the next goal, he became more motivated, wishing to rush to Tacquelin to defeat the troll and start his own development.

   The next evening they rushed to the north side of Tacquelin Town, and they saw a black smoke in the town from a long distance, accompanied by fireballs and lightning.

   "The whole army is on alert, the battle formation, speed up!" Lor'themar immediately ordered, and the ranger who followed them quickly took off his bow and arrow and entered the state of combat readiness.

  In Tacquilin, they saw a scene they had never seen before:

The beautiful old town of elves is no longer the peace and harmony of the past. There are painful wailings of wounded elves everywhere, priests come in and out, and from time to time dead elves are carried out from tents on the roadside and stacked. In the cemetery next to the church.

   The guards did not dare to neglect after seeing Aristophanes and others. After the rangers set up their camp, they immediately led them to the southern line of defense.

Through small talks on the road, Aristophane and Lor'themar learned that the trolls had been attacking for five consecutive days, leaving at least 1,500 corpses on the front line, and the elves also had a lot of losses: 1. The remaining elves of the Second Ranger Legion have been combined into one, and the wizard Legion led by Kael'thas has successively had frontline wizards who were killed by the trolls in battle because their magic power was exhausted and their addiction relapsed.

   Soon they arrived at the front command post. The guard asked them to wait for a while, and then went in to report by themselves.

   "Commander, the reinforcements of the Farstrider Fortress have arrived, and their commander is outside!" Aristophanes heard the voice of the guard outside the door.

   "Let them in."

   The guard walked out, let Aristophane and Lor'themar sort out a bit, and then followed him into the command post.

   The two saw four elves in the narrow command post arguing around the table. They were Clive Windrunner, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Hawke's Lightsong and Alleria Windrunner.

   "Aristophane, it's you!" Alleria raised her head to look at the visitor and shouted in surprise.

"Well, it's me," Aristophane replied with a smile, then turned to look at Kael'thas, "His Royal Highness, I am the chief mage of Farstrider Fortress, Aristophane Windrunner, this is Lor'themar Theron, the deputy captain of the fortress ranger, we received an order from His Majesty the King to lead the Farstrider Ranger to come to support. This is the order."

   After speaking, he handed over the king's order.

Kael'thas took it, opened it and looked at it. Aristophane and Lor'themar began to observe the heir of Quel'Thalas, who has not been in Silvermoon City. He has typical elf characteristics: handsome face, slender The body and hair are golden yellow like the king of Anasteria, with long sharp eyebrows, and the eyes are still arcane blue, slightly shorter than Aristophanes and Lor'themar, and the shoulders are floating and spinning. With three red fireballs, showing his superb arcane spellcasting skills.

   "Aristophane, how long did it take you to come here?" At this time, the Krivi Windrunner walked up to him, looked at his adopted son who hadn't seen him for a long time, and asked.

   "We set off in the morning three days ago. We took a boat to Corona Village and then drove over by chocobo."

   "Thank you, but you came at the right time. How many people did you bring?"

   "Eight hundred Then you seem to be doing pretty well?" Alleria interrupted beside.

   "Didn't I write to you to say that?" Aristophane looked at her, "And Hill has been to Farstrider Fortress, didn't she tell you?"

"She, I have been training every day after coming back from you, and I don't know what kind of excitement I have experienced." Alleria said, "But according to her schedule, next year she can pass the test and join the Ranger Army as a Ranger, which is better than me. It was faster then."

"There are talented people from generation to generation." Aristophan rubbed Alleria's hair that had not been taken care of for a long time, and said with a smile, "Besides, that's your sister, you should be happy. "

"I'm just worried about her. After all, she will have to face all kinds of dangers once she enters the team." Alleria shook his hand away, "I'm your sister, why? I haven't pursued you for Xi You wrote one more letter than me!"

   "I just think you have worked hard." Aristophane said, "Before you liked to keep your hair neat and tidy, but now it's messy."

   "Is this a battlefield? Just get used to it." Alleria didn't care.

"Okay, this is the end of the chat." Kael'thas finally read the king's order. "Clivi, you can arrange these 800 rangers. As for you, Aristophanes, since you are a demon Mentor, just stay with me at the command post, and then be prepared, we may face a surprise attack by the troll priests at any time."

   "Yes, Your Royal Highness! Lor'themar, follow the commander and arrange our ranger!"

   "Okay, Aristophanes." Then Lor'themar led Crevi Windrunner and Hawk Qingge out of the command post to the temporary residence of the Farstrider Ranger.