Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 89: Arrived in Norway

Time soon arrived in 1930, and Aristophanes has been in this world for ten years.

In the past ten years, in addition to learning and mastering Kama Taj's spells, he was also constantly digesting the knowledge of alchemy and enchantment that filled his brain when he was promoted. At this time, he can claim to the outside world that he is already an alchemist.

At the same time, under his subtle influence, Kama Taj is also changing: the wizards have changed their outfits for hundreds of years, and various metal products have gradually appeared on their bodies, engraved with high-level or low-level magic circles; At the same time, a variety of new weapons have also begun to fill the mage's arsenal, instead of relying solely on energy mimicry to form weapons or magic circles to fight.

With the help of Aristophanes, they repeatedly repelled the offensive from the outer dimension when the Supreme Mage was away, and the casualty rate also dropped to the lowest point in this century.

The only thing that made him a little regretful was that he had never had the opportunity to study the Eye of Agomoto.

Although he has left Kama Taj and tried to find his own successor nearby, he has not found a suitable apprentice in recent years.

And his own strength was also stuck in the senior high-level occultist, and he felt that the next step to advance to the great occultist was in the north, so he decided to take another hike along Europe.

When the elf found Gu Yi that day, she seemed to have anticipated the arrival of Aristophane: "Are you planning to leave Kama Taj?"

"Yes, Master Gu Yi," Aristophane said to the bald master who was drinking tea in front of him, "My strength has been stuck in this pass for a long time, and I also feel that the opportunity for breakthrough lies in the direction of Northern and Eastern Europe. So I plan to go out and wander around and see if I can find a suitable apprentice by the way."

Gu Yi took a sip of his tea, then got up and took a hanging ring from the shelf next to it and handed it to Aristophane: "Take it, you will use it. Another reminder, if you don't want to be rejected by the world , Remember to stick to your own principles."

Although he didn't understand why Gu Yi said this to him, Aristophanes nodded, indicating that he understood what Gu Yi meant.

"In addition, take this set of robe, it will reduce your sense of existence, only talented people will feel your abnormality." Gu Yi took out a set of dark red hooded robe and handed it to Aris Tofin.

The elf stretched out his hands and took the two items.

"I will let Wang take care of the library first, come back early, and have a safe journey."

"You too, Master Gu Yi, the eternal sun guides us." Aristophanes saluted, turned and walked out.

"The flow of time has changed again, and some people are about to take an unpredictable path," Gu Yi's pupils glowed green, and he muttered to himself as he watched the elf's departure. "So what will you do? ?I'm curious."

"Aristophane, are you leaving?" The black mage who came to Aristophane came to Aristophane's room and asked the elf who was cleaning up. #br...

r# "Yes, Mordor," Aristophane said as he cleaned up, "The meditation has been unable to improve my strength again, and I have been stuck in this bottleneck for too long. The other day I watched the sky and found that The opportunity for the breakthrough lies in the north, so I plan to take a trip around Europe and Asia and find out if there is any good material and beautiful jade that can make my heart beat."

"Okay, don't show that reluctant expression, we are wizards who can open portals anytime, anywhere."

"Huh? The teacher actually suspended the ring for you?" Mordo was a little surprised.

"Yes, not to mention it won't take long for me to make it myself." Aristophan picked up the copper double hole ring on the red robe, showed it to Mordu, put it away, and put it on After finishing the dark red robe, picking up the staff and putting on the hood, a mysterious mage appeared in front of Mordu.

"Come on, Mordor, I'm going to London tonight."

Mordu nodded and led Aristophanes to the Kama Taj teleportation hall. They would pass through one of the three portals to the Holy of Holies in London.

There they met Hamir, another resident mage leader, and people who didn't know would even recognize this old mage as a supreme mage.

"Master Hamir, good day."

"Good day, Mage Mordor, Mage Aristophane. The Supreme Mage has notified me, so are you staying at the sanctuary tonight or just set off?"

"It's just after eleven o'clock, let's go Mordo, Master Hamir, I will invite you to dinner. I will go directly to the European continent after dinner." Aristophane replied as he walked, taking a look at the time.

He walked to the door of the sanctuary, pushed open the heavy wooden door, and the breath of the twentieth century came on his face.

Although the United Kingdom has a little signs of economic crisis at this time, it is still extremely prosperous: men and women in coats and hats hurrying on the street can be seen everywhere, and trams are whizzing by with the bell, accompanied by the sound of some cars. The neighing of the flute and horses constitutes a typical 20th century London street scene.

"There is an Irish restaurant on the corner of the street. Their goat stew is a must." Mordor followed out and took the lead along the road to the corner, followed by Aristophanes and Hamir.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

"Aristophane, I wish you success with this last glass of wine!" Mordur held up the goblet and respected the elf, and Master Hamel also took up his own glass.

Aristophanes accepted their blessings, drank them, and stood up: "Then I will go now, you two, you are delicious.

"Remember to come back early!"

Aristophan extended a thumb, then opened the hinged door and walked out.

Mordo shrugged, then turned his head: "Waiter, one more, no, two salmon!"

--------------Dividing line---------------

"Huh, I'm here again, France!...


At this time, Aristophanes had sailed across the English Channel and landed in Calais.

However, he only sighed a little, and then he went north along the coastline, passing through Belgium and the Netherlands, resting on the German soil for a while, and then took a boat to Norway.

At this time, he already knew what could make him feel excited, but he was not surprised.

For him wants to analyze the high-level space spell of the mirror dimension and achieve his next goal, this artifact is indeed an indispensable help.

Soon he landed in the south of Norway, and after asking the location of Tonsberg, he left the coast and hurried towards the small town in southeastern Norway.

There, Aristophanes found his destination—an old church in the small town. In his perception, a cloud of incredible energy, which was comparable to the sun well, appeared in a sky blue light. In the church, he quickly reduced the sensitivity of perception.

However, instead of entering the church rashly, he first lived in the small town.

Soon everyone in the small town knew that a strange person had arrived. He found a small house next to the church. He was simple, always wearing a hood, and rarely talked with people.

When the residents of the town entered the church to pray, he would follow in silently. A person wearing a hood would sit motionless at the end, and would be the first to leave after the prayer was completed.

Until one day, the old priest of the church couldn't help it. After praying, he went straight to the hooded man and stopped him. At this time, the residents of the town successively walked out of the gate, and soon there were only these two. people.

"Hello, stranger. I am the priest of this church. Seeing you come here to pray almost every day, can I help you?"

The hooded man in front of him raised his head slightly, seeming to be staring into the priest's eyes.

The old priest only saw his smooth chin and pursed lips, and the other facial features were still hidden in the shadow of his hood.

"Yes, Father," the hooded man suddenly spoke in a very nice voice, but the priest suddenly felt anxious, "I think I do need a little bit of your help."