Mystic Wizard in Azeroth

Chapter 96: Stalingrad

???? In 1938, in a remote birch forest in the eastern suburbs of Stalingrad.

  ???? Aristophanes, who lives in seclusion here, stands on the snow and looks out at the industrial city in the distance.

  ???? After more than a year of hard work, Aristophanes determined that his apprentice was in the city in front of him according to the guidelines of astrology.

???? However, Stalingrad, as the bear’s most important heavy industry center and transportation hub, has millions of people living in and out. Even though Aristophane is an occultist and dimensional mage, it is still difficult for a short time. Find your own apprentice.

???? "Do you have to wait forever?" The elf was a little anxious. He has lived here for three months. Although there is a hidden magic circle, there is a lack of conditions for spell research and the climate has gradually become Not suitable for living.

???? Thinking of this, Aristophane made up his mind: "That's the Eye of Agomoto, the gem of time! I have to speed up!" He put on his hood, and then used the shape of Ekn. Five clones are separated.

  ???? "You all know the goal, right?"

  ???? Everyone nodded.

  ??? "Okay, let's go!"

  ???? Five phantoms, along with Aristophanes himself, put on hoods one after another, and quickly moved toward the distant city.

  ???? Soon they came to the edge of the city. After dividing their directions, they quickly entered the city. With the hood hidden in the robe, almost no one can see them.

???? Aristophanes walked across the street, through the alleys, looking at the red brick houses on both sides, listening to "Davarishi" and "Spectrum is special", and drunk workers walk by from time to time. After that, his thoughts gradually flew up.

  ???? After a while he walked to a square in the center of the city, on which stood a huge statue, which he recognized as Comrade Ulyanov's.

???? Amidst the flying snowflakes, Aristophanes circled the large and empty field, watching the billowing smoke from the surrounding chimneys, thinking about what his apprentice would be. kind? A Caucasian man with a hairy chest? Or is it a typical Maozi middle-aged woman?

  ???? "Stop, you thief!" At this moment, two figures suddenly rushed out of the shop on the edge of the square, the small one in the front and the big one in the back, and the small hands were holding a few big liba.

  ???? The little figure dashed forward while looking back, and then bumped into Aristophane who was watching the statue.


  ???? "Ha, boy, let me see where are you going!" Lao Maozi behind...

Holding the rolling pin, he came over aggressively.

???? The little red-haired girl in front of me was wearing unfit clothes, clutching her forehead and sitting on the ground, surrounded by bread and a broken wine bottle. She looked at the hooded man in front of her very suspiciously. Nothing at all.

  ???? But she didn't have time to think about it, and she didn't care about picking up what fell on the ground, she got up and ran.

The shop clerk looked at the bread and broken wine bottles on the ground, and then at the thief who was going away. The word "Suka is not listed" rang in Aristophanes' ears, and then he bent down and picked up the snow. The bread, cursing and walking back, did not notice the elf mage standing next to him.

???? "Oh, is that so?" Aristophane seemed to have realized who his apprentice would be, so he first went to the store to "bought" some bread, and then turned and walked along the little red-haired girl The escape route entered the alley next to the square.

???? "My hand hurts, and I'm going to be scolded again today." The little girl thought as she ran. She had successfully ran out of the store, but she bumped into the strange person, which made her not get it back. The bread and wine broke my hands.

  ???? She ran to a very dilapidated red building out of breath, looked around astutely, and found no one was following, opened the door and walked up.

  ???? Aristophane was standing on the corner of the street, quietly watching the little girl enter the building very cautiously. He closed his eyes, dismissed his illusion scattered in the city, and then walked forward slowly into the red building.

???? It happened to be lunch, the corridor was filled with the aroma of red cabbage soup, and at the same time various prayers and noise came into his ears, he carefully identified it, and then listened to the noisy sound Here comes the scolding and crying.

???? "It came down from the top floor." After confirming that Aristophanes walked up carrying a basket with bread, the closer he got to the sound of beating and crying, the clearer he heard: "You trash, even vodka. Can't get it!"

  ???? At the same time, there was a sound of falling heavy objects and the sound of broken glass.

  ???? "Tuk tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tut tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu de tu du tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu de tu was."

  ???? "Who?" A rough angry voice sounded.

  ???? "True." Aristophane did not answer, and continued to knock on the door.

  ???? Accompanied by a heavy footstep, "Crunch," the door opened, and a smell of alcohol came on.


  ???? A typical Caucasian white man appeared in front of Aristophanes. He looked at the hooded man in front of him, his red nose...

Gasping for breath: "Who are you?"

  ???? Aristophan's free right hand swept through the air, the Soviet man felt a flower in front of him, and then nothing happened.

  ???? He stretched out his hand to try to grab the hooded man in front of him, but Aristophan kicked the man into the house with one kick, then stepped in and closed the door.

  ???? Looking around, Aristophane saw the little girl squatting in the corner shivering. Her teary eyes were stunned when she saw the strange person coming in.

???? The white man got up, roared and rushed to Aristophane again, then flew back at a faster speed, and was tied by the red rope that appeared in Aristophane's hand. , He wanted to struggle, but he couldn't break free.

  ???? Aristophan put the bread on the shoe cabinet at the door, walked up to the little girl, and squatted down.

  ???? "What's your name?" A fluent Russian came out of Aristophanes's mouth.

  ???? "Natalia Elrianovna." The little girl looked at the tied white man in horror and whispered.

  ???? Aristophanes nodded. He had already realized that the astrological signs had guided him to Stalingrad, looking for the "black widow."

  ??? "You are very talented, do you want to learn magic from me?"

  ???? "Magic?" The little red-haired girl stopped sobbing, and a curious look began to appear on her face.

  ???? "Well," Aristophanes thought for a while, astral travel and soul out of the body are still too exciting for the little girl, so let's change to a gentler method.

???? He sat down, waving his hands in the air, a golden red magic circle appeared in the air, the tied white man yelled in horror, Aristophanes stretched his hand back, and the red chain stretched out. Intercept gagged his mouth.

  ???? Natalia looked at the magic circle in front of her, her green eyes flashed with golden red light, and she tremblingly stretched out her left hand to try to touch it.

  ???? Aristophane waved his hand, and sparks of the magic circle shattered into gold and red fell radiantly.


????"what happened?"

  ???? "Can this magic fill my stomach?"

  ???? Looking at the thin girl with bruises on her face, Aristophan nodded: "Yes, it will be better than what she eats now, and it will be well dressed, as long as you are willing to follow me."


  ???? Little girl...

After hesitating for a while, he said, "What about him?"

  ??? "I haven't asked what your relationship is." Aristophanes asked.

  ???? "He is my uncle."

  ???? "Where are your parents?"

  ???? Natalia shook her head without speaking.

  ??? "Okay, I see, what do you want to do?"

???? "..." Although Natalia is just a ten-year-old child, she is very assertive. She was silent for a while and then said: "That's it, even though he beats me and scolds me at every turn, he even lets me steal Things, but after all, they have raised me for so long."

???? Aristophanes nodded and agreed to her decision. At the same time, she was amazed at her talent. She was only ten years old and could get what she wanted from various shops. She is indeed one of the greatest spies. One.

  ???? "Otherwise, she wouldn't have been ordered by Comrade Joseph to join the Red House for training at a young age, or..."

  ???? At this moment Aristophan suddenly thought of another possibility, and he turned to look at the tied white man.

  ???? And the white man is no longer drunk before, with clear eyes, staring at his figure.

  ???? Aristophanes understood, he controlled the white man to float in front of them, and then released the scarlet chain that was blocking his mouth.

  ???? "Let's talk, comrades from secret agencies." Aristophanes said.

  ???? "Oh, I have nothing to talk about with a guy who hides his head and shows his tail." The white man glared at him, then turned to the little girl and said, "Nate, don't believe him, this is just a magic trick."

???? Natalia was a little surprised at her uncle’s changes, but Aristophan closed her eyes to perceive full opening, and soon found her goal: he walked to the kitchen, from a dark room behind the refrigerator A handful of Tokarev, a red-skinned quotation, and a black background document emerged from the door.

  ???? He came back with these things, the white man was still talking to Natalia, trying to fool her not to leave with this unknown person.

  ???? "Comrade Ivan Lotnikoff, third-level spy of the Red House, hello."

  ???? The white man stopped talking, turned his head and saw what Aristophan was holding, a look of despair appeared on his face.

  ???? As a middle-level spy in the Red House, he knows how he will be dealt with after his identity leaks.


  ???? "What about...

Who is it? "Ivan asked.

  ???? "A dimensional mage who came to look for an apprentice." Aristophan threw his pistol and quotations aside, and handed the black leather credentials in his hand to Natalia.

  ???? She took it and opened it and looked at it. Although she didn't recognize some words, she did recognize the names on them.

  ??? "So you are not her uncle, but the instructor of the Red House Reserve Agent?"

  ???? Although it is a bit difficult to understand, Natalia understands that her uncle is not her uncle.

???? "Oh, if it weren't for the Red House, orphans like her would have frozen to death in the ice and snow." Ivan said viciously, "and she will be ten years old soon, with Natalia's talent She can then receive the formal training of the Red House agents and serve the great motherland formally!"

  ???? Aristophane shook his head. He knew that everything the Red House did might be for his own country, but the kind of dehumanizing operation still made him unacceptable.

  ???? Then the elf stood up and waved his right hand. A portal appeared in front of the two of them. Then he stretched out his left hand to the squatting girl: "Natalia, would you like to go with me?"

  ???? Looking at the portal in front of them, Ivan and Natalia were a little dumbfounded. The little girl hesitated, then saw the black certificate in her hand, she still resolutely said: "Mr. Master, can you wait for me?"

???? Aristophanes nodded Natalia immediately ran into the room and turned out a small schoolbag, then put a doll on the bed, two pens, a notebook and A photo was stuffed in, and then ran to the living room without looking back.

  ??? "Sir, I'm all right."

  ???? Aristophan nodded, and then led her into the portal.

  ???? "Aren't you afraid of Red House's revenge?" Ivan said fiercely.

???? "Please come." Aristophane stepped straight into the door without looking back. Natalia turned to look at Ivan, followed in, and then the portal turned and disappeared. In the air.

  ???? The rope on Ivan's body also disappeared. He quickly stood up, picked up Tokarev who was put aside, and carefully checked the surrounding environment.

  ??? Then he picked up the phone and tried to contact his superior, but there was no sound.

  ???? He walked to the door and tried to open the door, but couldn't get out.


  ???? Now Ivan is even more panicked. He walked to the window and opened the window and shouted, but the people who hurried by on the road...

It doesn't seem to be heard at all.

  ???? He gritted his teeth and raised his hand to shoot outside the window. An astonishing scene happened: a glass-like wall blocked the bullet.

???? Ivan fired continuously, and finally broke when the last bullet of the last magazine hit the mirror, and then the space around him was shattered at the same time. The whole person was cut apart before he could shout, even The gun in his hand was also neatly slit, and blood splashed all over the wall.

