Myth is Coming

v1 Chapter 132: Assassination on the street

Out of the Mu Gong Hall, Shao Yang didn't think about his plan anymore, but thought about other things: cold-blooded and ruthless, the four of them were summoned by himself through "infantry talisman".

With the "Infantry Talisman", they can perceive what they see and hear with the sense of spirit.

Moreover, Shao Yang felt that if he had enough consciousness, he could manipulate them to speak and act freely. It is just that the consumption of spiritual consciousness is great. Shao Yang tried it. Based on his current spiritual consciousness cultivation, he can only control two people at the same time, and he can't hold it for a long time, so he must slow down.

——Of course, under this control, the words and deeds of the four of them are ruthlessly determined by Shao Yang, which is naturally more agile than originally.

It is also very useful in certain situations.

What Shao Yang thought about was--

The four of them can be ruthless. So, can the foxes controlled by themselves with "monstrous beasts" be controlled in this way?


Shaoyang Lingjue was just a move. The earth fox lazily lying in the shadow of Shaoyang suddenly leaped with a spirit, making an angry cry.

Shaoyang laughed, "Haha", driving horses.

The fox had an unlovable look ...

However, walking was not easy, Shao Yang stopped suddenly, and the guards behind him stopped, one by one, for no apparent reason.

Shao Yang slowly said, "Why do you hide your head and show your tail when Daoyou is here?"


The escorts around Shao Yang were shocked. They were all Shao Yang's relatives. They even had veterans who followed General Bai Qing. They were very experienced but found nothing.


Click! Click!

I saw the cyan slate in front of everyone, suddenly cracked from the middle, and "Peng" poked out a head from it.


"What the **** ?!"

The guards next to Shao Yang were scabbards, with a look of horror.

The head shook, and instead of looking at the many guards, he turned to Shaoyang. "Bai Yu, you know our purpose, don't try to stop us anymore. Otherwise, we blame us ruthlessly."

They don't know the real name of Shao Yang.

But it doesn't matter, they have clearly confirmed that Shao Yang is the one who entered the time fragment together.

Shao Yang only gave him a slight glance, "Kill."

Countless swords and guns covered together!

The head was cut into numerous fragments instantly, but only a green smoke was left in the crack in the ground, no trace of blood. If it is not the cracked ground, it is just a hallucination.

The guards were annoyed.

But at this moment, I saw a guard next to Shao Yang. The position of his eyebrows suddenly cracked, and the blood continued to seep. Then he protruded out with a palm, suddenly stretched out in the void, strangely toward Shao Yang Position grabbed in the past, accompanied by tangy blood.

Shao Yang was well prepared. When the palm of his hand took a picture of him, Shao Yang had straightened his sword!


Dance party song stand!

For a time, countless sword shadows piled up in front of him, as if there were countless heavy buildings, high towers, and then when the sword was at its heyday, it suddenly collapsed ... turned into ruins.

Falling into the other's perception, it is as if his palm was photographed into countless sword shadows, and suddenly it was like falling into a maze, and there was no way to distinguish it.

Good subtle swordsmanship.

The other side was shocked and the offensive was frustrated.

But that's not all!

The guards beside Shao Yang rushed up, and surrounded the guard group with the broken eyebrows, but the latter had fallen softly, the eyebrows were bleeding and there was no breath.

The crowd became more and more annoyed, but at this moment, another person suddenly turned his head and looked at Shao Yang. His movement was too fast and too stiff, which made a "click" sound at the neck, followed closely, and became more terrifying The scene happened-I saw his head fly out, opened his mouth and went straight to Shao Yang to bite!

At this time, Shao Yang also seemed to be a little unexpected. He blocked a little later and was hit by his head!

"Save your son!"

"Save your son!"

The guards were frightened one by one.

But no one noticed that Shao Yang, who should be "seriously injured", still had no trouble in his eyes ...


An ordinary house in the capital looks almost nothing strange from the outside. However, if someone can enter it, they will be surprised that various organ formation methods are set up in it, just like a heavenly net! If you don't ask yourself, you're afraid that you can't do it!

On this day, many guests came in silently in the quiet house.

If the people of the Qin Kingdom were here, they would be very surprised, because among these people, there were doctor generals and traffickers who died ... everyone had them.

But if Shao Yang and Xuan Kuo are the masters of them, they will surely guess that these people are the Shao Hua Zong Xuan Mu and his party!

This is the trickiest point.

It is also the reason why Shao Yang came here for several years, secretly laid out countless places, but always had no way to start with them. Just like Shao Yang, they are also arranged for integration by the power of time fragments. Anyone in the area where time fragments evolve may be one of them!

How can I check this?

How to find

Xuanmu sat serious in the middle of his position; below him, there were Xuan Zang, Xuan Bao and Xuan Zhen.

After a while, I saw the floor in front of everyone, suddenly "cracked", a head came out of it, followed by arms, body, and finally jumped to the ground.

Then, a slave's brows suddenly opened a gap, and a light and shadow slowly emerged from it.

"It's a shame," he smiled slightly.

Xuan Zhen, who was sitting on the left, couldn't help but said, "Xuan Xin, do you intentionally do this every time you play?"

"Be careful."

"I can't make people identify."

The slave twisted over a **** face, and his "Xuanxin" on his brows was with a gentle and quiet smile on his face, which seemed strange beyond words.

Xuan Zhen couldn't say him, so he had to turn around and not look at him.

Xuanmu smiled, "Is Bai Yu dead?"

Xuan Xin shook his head, "No, he was finally rescued by the guard next to him. However, he was also seriously injured, at least he had to rest quietly for more than three months ~ ~ Xuan Mu nodded," He was just Small characters can't afford to spend too much energy. Our primary purpose is to capture Jasper! Kick him away now, and our plan can be implemented. "He looked around." Please follow the plan. "



Everyone answered.

Then, Xuanmu turned to Xuanxin, "It's time to overwork Brother Xuanxin again."

The mysterious light and shadow faded away, "The matter within the share ..."


Qin Mugong stepped out of the hall and looked at the sunset. The palace's reflection was dragged for a long time. Qin Mugong turned his head back suddenly, "Jing Bo, you, me, are old."

What he said was clueless, but Barry understood him.

The situation is treacherous.