Myth is Coming

v1 Chapter 133: Xiao Shi

Whether hunting on the hunting ground or killing on the street, under the intention of suppression, the news spread only in a small area and did not spread too widely.

As time goes on, it seems that it has been gradually forgotten ...

It was another news that caused a stir!

General Bailishi's men found a good man in Taihua Mountain!

The city was alarmed.

Mu Gong's beloved daughter has beautiful jade, beautiful appearance, and a wealthy birth, and young people from the capital admire her everywhere. It's just that Niaoyu made an oath from a young age, and only those who are good will be married, so many of the children of the aristocracy have learned to be good.

But no one got into the eyes of the jade.

Found it this time?

And-exactly in Taihua Mountain?

Many interested people are circulating. Nongyu once dreamed of the Lord of Mount Taihua, and Mu Gong even sent someone to look for it in Mount Taihua. This time, did General Belize actually find it in Taihua Mountain?

His name has also been heard by someone with a heart—

Xiao Shi.


On the hall!

The ministers of Qin Guowen and the martial arts, as well as a group of young sons who were specially recruited by Mu Gong, were looking forward to each other.

"Like Xiao Shi?"

"I don't know what it is."


"It's like he's really good and he can get the favor of getting jade."


The sons are naturally unconvinced.

Someone who is good to Barry, can't help asking Barry, "Person Barry, I heard that your father's men found it in Taihua Mountain. Have you ever seen his means?"

Bai Liyue shook his head, which was also a little strange, "My father is so secretive about it, it just makes me wonder."

"really weird."

"No one has ever heard him play Sheng?"

Of course, some people inquired about him, "Gongzi, you have a good relationship with Baiyu Gongzi. I don't know how to see him this time?"

He sighed, "I paid a visit to his home. Who would expect General Bai Qing to stop him, saying that Bai Yu was still seriously injured and could not see the guests."

Was Bai Yu's injury so serious?

It's been a long time!

In addition to the sympathy of the people, there were some gloats. In spring hunting, Shao Yang was so popular that he even overtook the son of Baili Yue. Originally, it was an opportunity for his rise. Who would have been assassinated on the street and seriously injured, not to mention whether it would affect the foundation. Even if it can be recovered in the future, the credit of the hunting ground will be much weaker?

Missed the best time.

These juniors whispered below. On the other side, the civil and military officials of Qin State naturally talked to each other.

Someone came over and smiled to Bai: "Brother Bai, why don't you see your son?"

Bai Qing looked up, but saw that the speaker was a rising capital in recent years. Doctor Chen An was very much trusted by Qin Mugong. So Bai Qing did not dare to neglect, and said quickly: "Children are seriously injured and cannot get out of bed."

Dr. Chen An's gaze jumped, and he could not help laughing: "Today, Qin Jun summoned Xiao Shi. One was to test Xiao Shi's ability, and the other was to make a jade husband. How could he miss today if he heard that Jade Lang loved to make jade? What is the inconvenience? ”

Bai Qing repeatedly pushed away.

Seeing this, Bai Liyi on the side saw Bai Bai siege. "Well, Qin Jun will be here soon, so I have to say more."

Doctor Chen An had to give up for now.

"Qin Jun is here!"

As the guard reported, I saw Qin Mugong walking around from the back of the hall, landing on the throne, glanced at the ministers and sons, nodded slightly, and smiled, "It's okay to call you all together today; General Li met a strange man in Taihua Mountain and was very knowledgeable, so he called everyone to come and take a look. "

Everyone was astonished. The more relaxed Mu Gong said, the less he dared to despise.

Qin Mugong explained it to the crowd, and then he passed the order:

"Call Xiao Shi!"

"Call Xiao Shi!"

Soon, a guard led one into the temple. Everyone looked away, but when they saw a feather-crowned crane, a gorgeous dress, and a jade-looking lip, there was a super dusty appearance.

Turns out to be a good boy from the world!

The sons don't say they are embarrassed, but they also have to admit that his manners are indeed dusty.

Behind the palace was a pretty woman, who peeked into the palace—

Quickly retracted his head, flushed.

Is this Xiao Shi?

All eyes, either expectantly, enviously, maliciously, or with hidden calculations, focused on him for a while!

Xiao Shi recently said: "People in the countryside do n’t understand the number of etiquette, and they pray for forgiveness."

Qin Mugong saw that he was very good-looking and described chic, and he seemed to be a little happy, so he asked him to sit down. Then asked his history, Xiao Shi answered them one by one.

Qin Mugong seemed more and more satisfied.

The following sons are anxious.

After a long while, Qin Mugong finally asked the question, "Is the son good at playing Sheng?"

Xiao Shi said, "The minister is not good at playing Sheng, he is good at playing flute."

Just good blowjob?

Qin Mugong seemed to hesitate and turned to look at Baili. The ministers were also surprised. This, this ... Mu Gong so much fanfare, but the blowers were invited instead of Sheng fans?

The sons and daughters are unexpectedly happy. How could they have expected such a turn?

Mu Gong groaned, "My daughter has an oath, and she wants to find someone who blows Sheng. My son is only good at blowing flute, not my daughter."

Let people retreat Xiao Shi.

Mu Zhengquan wanted to speak, but saw a maid rushing behind the palace, whispering in Mu Gong's ear. When Mu Gong listened, he could not help but smile. "My daughter has a word, Xiao and Sheng are the same type. The son is good at flute, so he must have studied the difference of Xiao Sheng?"

Just listen to Xiao Shidao: "Natural. Sheng, born also, according to legend, is made by son-in-law; Xiao, Su Ye, according to legend, was made by Fu Xi. Xi Fu Xi made bamboo into flute, sound and beauty, like Feng Ming. Later Huang Di Ming People cut bamboo into flutes with a total of seven holes and sound like Fengming, but the shape is much simpler and very different from the ancient flute. But the skill of blowing bombs has not changed much. "

Mu Gongyue even asked, "Is it so good to hear the flute that you can attract hundreds of birds to come?"

Xiao Shidao: "Xiao Yin looks like Feng ~ ~, and Feng is the head of the hundred birds, so the hundred birds gather the sound of the Feng here."

"Qing's words benefited the widow a lot." Mu Gong praised. "I have a daughter ..."

He was about to speak, but all of a sudden, His Highness Doctor Chen An suddenly stood out and said after the ceremony, "Qin Jun, this 'Xiao Shi' is a clever speaker, but he falsely called a good flute and refused to Try his skills. I suspect he came from a caring person! "

There was an uproar in the hall!

But "Xiao Shi" had a slight glance and looked indifferent, did he start to shoot?

He had long imagined that when "Xiao Shi" appeared, Shao Huazong would certainly be unable to bear it!

The purpose of Shao Huazong is to get jasper in jade hands. The appearance of Xiao Shi means that the fragment of time is nearing the end. How can Shao Huazong be able to bear it?


Jump out now? Somewhat strange.