Myth is Coming

v1 Chapter 171: Zen Master

Shaoyang has come to the two of them, "Uh-huh, hello."

Puppet Star: "???"

What the hell?

Shao Yang is still fascinated by things and is unaware of it. Just greeted the two of them, then bowed their heads and got into the small temple.

Master Zen Xinming and Huaxing originally noticed that Shao Yang was approaching and came out to greet him, but he did not expect Shao Yang to get in.

Master Zen Xinming laughed suddenly.

Wu Huaxing was speechless.

Master Xinming had a short head, and then entered into the small temple. Huaxing was with a look of deep thought. With the guidance of Master Xinming, he went to see the random gestures in Shaoyang's fingers. Even more inscrutable, it seems that there are countless changes in the strokes hidden in each stroke.

So the more starred the star was, the more unpredictable he became. He couldn't help but stand there, still moving, but there were thousands of pictures in his mind.

Ping Huaxing's forehead gradually began to seep in cold sweat, but it was still cold in the early spring, but there was steam on his head.

The Zen Master Ming Xinming suddenly noticed, turned his head to look outside, and couldn't help sighing.

But this kind of thing is hard for others to say too much. Everything can only be seen by the consciousness and state of mind of Huaxing. Otherwise, Xuanji's palm teaching will not leave a word and let Huaxing travel.

Wu Huaxing stood there for a long while, and suddenly "Haha" smiled and worshipped in the small temple, "Zhenming Ming, Brother Shaoyang, I'm gone!"

He said, he turned and left without any hesitation.

With a smile on his face, Master Zen Xinming is truly a gifted person, regardless of his qualifications or mentality. It is fortunate that Huashan Taoist disciples have such characters. Huaxing's "Brother Shaoyang" also means that he has crossed this level.

Master Zen Xinming looked into the small temple ... Shao Yang sat in front of the Buddha statue, holding his face with his hands, and stared at the statue without blinking.

其实 But in fact, Zen Master Xinming knows very well that he didn't look into it at all!

Shaoyang is still enlightening his Tao.

Master Zen Xinming was not in a hurry. He sat down on his knees on the other side, took out the wooden fish, and tapped lightly.



Benedict ...

The sound of a cymbal sound of Buddha sounds like a light rain, nourishing the heart; it is like a slight breeze blowing on the cheek.

Until noon.

Shao Yang suddenly woke up from this state, turned around and looked scared, when did he come here?

"Shaoyang Little Donor." The voice of Master Zen Ming came from the front.

Shaoyang looked up clearly and quickly said: "Zhenming Master!"

He also met Master Zen Ming in Huashan Taoism and knew that this was a very respected old man. As it happens, Shao Yang now wants to work on "Buddhist exercises."

Master Zen Xinming looked at Shao Yang's condition and nodded with a smile, "Yes, Shao Yang, you already have some signs of being a" guru "."

Generally speaking, C-level superpowers are called grand masters.

But of course, C-level superpowers and C-level superpowers are also very different. The so-called grandmaster must be someone who has extraordinary achievements in a field and is a teacher. Therefore, the guru is not a realm of strength, but a recognition.

Shaoyang has not yet broken through to the C level. It has been so rare that Master Xinming has been so sure.

Shaoyang hurriedly humbled, "The Zen Master has praised me badly, I'm still far behind."

Master Zen Xinming smiled slightly and did not argue. He picked up a teapot and poured Shao Yang a cup of tea.

Just plain tea.

Shaoyang glanced, "Hey" smiled, and found a small bag from his arms, "Zen, I have some spirit tea fried here, how do you try?"

He said, he quickly started to replace the pot of tea from Master Zen Ming.

Master Zen Xinming deliberately waited for him to finish his work, and then he laughed, "Shao Yang, I've heard of your tea delivery. The director of Tonggu Road is rare."

Shaoyang smiled.

Master Zen Xinming deliberately said, "However, tea and spirit tea are common in my mouth. You gave me spirit tea, but you lost it."

Shaoyang laughed: "A loss is not a loss. If you feel a loss, drink a drink."

Zen Master Ming Xinming could not help laughing.

"OK, OK."

Master Zen Xinming held up the tea cup and took a sip, only feeling a coolness straight into his throat.

It really is good tea.

However, Zen Master Xinming didn't mind, he already had no desire to speak, good or bad, all the same. However, after taking this sip of tea, Zen Master Xinming spoke well, and saw him smile. "The old monk was not good at your spiritual tea, so he had to take some effort out of the bottom of the box."

He said, Master Xinming suddenly stretched out a hand and pushed it flatly to Shao Yang.

Shao Yang 霎 time only feels as if the towering mountains are in front of him, he does not dare to neglect, and the spiritual consciousness has completely stirred up.


Shao Yangping flatly stretched his fingers, using his fingers as a sword, a sword pointed forward.

万 There are thousands of changes in his fingers, and the swordsmanship that he has learned these days is almost completely integrated into it, and he does his best. But Master Xinming just pressed it with one palm, and it was not ordinary.


The two men fought hard, and Shao Yang could not help but recede three feet.

"it is good!"

He was not convinced, but suddenly jumped from the futon. The index finger and **** of his left hand discarded all the fancy, and the consciousness turned into a continuous stream of water.

Master Zen Xinming smiled a little, but changed his palm again, with thousands of changes in his hands, endless.

Xun Shaoyang only felt that all the strength in his sword was blocked by the infinite tactics of Master Xinming, making his body and the like impossible to exert.


The fingertips suddenly burst into layers, and the whole small temple is reflected in a bright light.

But Shao Yang is suddenly closed. UU Reading Books

This is under the blockade of Zen Master Xinming. His strength cannot be released, and it can only explode in the end.


Shaoyang is heartfelt and sincere. He used complex, Xinming Zen master used Jane, he was defeated; he used Jane, Xinming Zen master used complex, He was still defeated ... This gap is really not a simple move.

Certainly, Master Xinming practiced much longer than Shao Yang and his realm was also higher, so Shao Yang would not be hit.

On the contrary, Shao Yang faintly realized the application of various techniques from the master's hands.

Shaoyang was amazed, knowing that Zen Master Xinming had deliberately ordered. Therefore, Shao Yang expressed his heartfelt thanks, "Thank you Zen Master."

Master Zen Xinming smiled slightly, "I heard that you did a good job in the fragments of time. The so-called right way and evil way are the same before this rolling trend."

Shao Yang somewhat understands, and some do not understand.

He looks at the sun, hey, but he has to go back quickly, otherwise my mother will have to 唠叨 again!

Shaoyang said goodbye to Master Ming Xin and took a leap forward all the way.


怎么 Why is your speed so much faster? This speed is increasing too fast, and I am not used to it!

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