Myth is Coming

v1 ~: Testimonials

Yesterday at noon, I was eating dumplings. As I ate them, I was thinking, how should I write this testimonial? If you take a bite, think about it, eat it, think about it, eat it, think about it ... eventually--

I still didn't figure it out.

I ca n’t always say that if you are eating, so please ask for a subscription?

I'm afraid that the bricks you sent will bury Rulu.


I honestly say that Ru Lu doesn't have much desire, a bed, a cup of tea, a book, enough.

Alas, seems to have a mobile computer?

Hekekeke ... In short, although the book has been started by various people, there are problems in the start, but the performance of the book is actually very satisfactory.

This book is currently better than the previous one.

So, in fact, as in the new book period ... It is a bit salty. In the last book, I often send a single chapter or something from time to time to make up the number of updates. This book is too lazy to send a single chapter ...

In fact, I originally thought that it would be salted fish until the end of the month, and then ready to be launched on the 1st of next month, who would like to be notified by the editor last week that it would be available today.

So if you think about it, this week has been the third change. I just want everyone to watch more free chapters.

So, for the sake of this, can you give me a subscription?

Everyone added seven chapters on the first day of the shelves, so if you put them on the shelves, you can start with 10 chapters.

Update ten chapters in one breath, subscribe, and be confident!

Hahaha, joking and joking, I really want to subscribe in this way, it is estimated that I dare not go out tomorrow as a shoe ...

Uh ...

I'm fine, let's just say it.

Since it is scheduled to be listed this Friday, Ru Yu can only obey the major arrangements of the editor. Urge everyone to give a subscription. It's best to book everything. You are the parents of clothing and food, such as Lu, and by your subscription, you can eat dumplings. If you do have any problems, it doesn't matter. If you ask, please subscribe to the previous chapters.

24-hour first order, high order, and even order, all are important data related to the recommendation later.

Bye bye bye.

Uh ...

Ru Lu doesn't talk about words any more, let's just talk about Jiacan plan!

Everyone subscribes, such as shoes and more!

More and less, you have the final say!

To be honest, the collection of this book and the number of daily recommendations are better than the previous one. However, Ru Lu also worked hard, and can no longer be a salted fish from now on.

Look at the highest order chapter.

Starting at 12 o'clock and ending at 12 noon tomorrow, which is 12 noon on the 19th. If you look at the background, the chapter subscribes to the highest chapter, and every 100 subscriptions add one more chapter! It's all finished within one week at the latest!

Moreover, three times a day are guaranteed!

In other words, as long as the 24-hour high order can reach 700, such as at least four chapters updated every day.

High to 1400, at least five chapters updated!

High to 2100, at least six chapters updated every day! Now there are more than 23,000 book friends who have collected the book Ru Ru, with 1000+ recommended tickets per day, and one in ten people can subscribe.

And it is continuous for a week!

how about it? Is it sincere enough?

I believe that everyone can see this book, they all think that this book is good, so I kindly ask everyone to subscribe and support it, it is really important to Ru Lu.

Thank you.

Uh ...

Ps: Because there are bonus coins, the bonus coins will not be counted in the subscription data. So you can try not to subscribe with bonus coins first, it doesn't matter in the future.

As long as you subscribe to Ru Lu's book, you are supporting Ru Lu.