Myth is Coming

v2 Chapter 239: mission accomplished

This is Dacheng's advanced swordplay!

Shao Yang [hang up] After trying so many days, he finally improved his sword skill to Dacheng. This level of swordsmanship has gradually become closer to the Tao, and has explored a few rules of fur.

Therefore, although Wang Mang could use the Yuxi to dictate the law and "make" rules, he could not completely avoid Shao Yang's swordsmanship.

For the first time, the expression on his face changed, and his robe and sleeves slammed against Shao Yang's Long Yinjian.


The robe sleeve hit, and suddenly made a sound, like a golden iron attack, and Wang Mang has already transported the consciousness into this sound. The sound of the attack spreads away, and the time turns into a wave of sonic attacks, making the surroundings Shao Yang, Wu Yan and Jia Dun all had eardrum concussion.

Temporarily deaf!


Wang Mang's figure suddenly appeared on the side of Jia Dun, who had expected to push out with both hands and blocked in front of him ...

However, in Wang Mang's eyes, scarlet was spread all over, and the thick blood was diffused. The vast power burst out from his hands. Although Jia Dun blocked in time, he still flew out.

Wang Mang finally revealed his true character of "zombie".

Fortunately, it is Jia Dun!

Shao Yang and Wu Yan both had such thoughts in their hearts. The power of this "zombie" outbreak was really terrifying. What's more frightening is that Wang Mang was able to use magical powers, and obviously had "spiritual wisdom". He would greatly enhance his strengths and avoid weaknesses, and cooperate with the magical powers that follow the way of speaking, which really made Shao Yang feel like they could not get started.

As soon as Wu Yan gritted his teeth, his hands waved—


Seeing from behind Wang Mang, countless bamboo slips flew out, and the time formed an overwhelming scene.

Shao Yang's swordsmanship was unfolded, and the sword was full of swordsmanship.

The two approached, forcing Wang Mang to turn around to deal with it, failing to continue to lock Jia Dun, giving the latter breathing time.

But the situation has not improved much!

Under Wang Mang's supernatural powers and terrorist powers, Shao Yang could only struggle with the fight and couldn't win.

Wouldn't it be invincible for such a delay?

the other side.

Under the siege of the ghosts summoned by Shao Yang, and in cooperation with the people of Kong Xiu, dozens of zombies summoned by Wang Mang gradually fell into the downwind, but soon, more zombies came around, and they could only barely parry them. Keep these zombies outside, leaving Shao Yang a space to besiege Wang Mang. There is nothing that I can do to help.

The situation is getting more and more tense ...

Wang Mang was empty, his mouth opened silently, and he made a hoarse, unpleasant sound

"Vega World!"

A horrible breath permeated him from time to time. The movements of Shao Yang, Wu Yan, and Jia Dun could not help but stagnate, as if dragging a heavy weight, the action was blocked.

The three were shocked and could only retreat for the time being and protect themselves first.

However, at this moment, the bloodshot in Wang Mang's eyes had faded a little, but it was just an instant effort.

Soon, it was covered again by blood.

Wang Mang flew up.

His power has increased again!

In this way, the two sides can be described as a one-off, one-up, Shao Yang, the three of them naturally more difficult to deal with.

For a moment, Shao Yang wanted to offer the "Time Fragment Escape Symbol" ...

There is another way!

Shao Yang thought for a while and already thought of--

Chuanyu Jade Seal!

I have it myself.

It was still the props that he got back in the time shard of Jing Qin stabbing King Qin. However, it has not been found to have any effect, it is only a medium for communicating time fragments.

But now, looking at Wang Mang holding the jade seal, there is almost no disadvantage, and Shao Yang can't help it.

Actually speaking, the jade seal in Shao Yang's hand is a jade seal without a "horn"!

It is a pity that he hanged a word of "pseudo".

Only a dead horse can be treated as a living horse.

Seeing that Wang Mang was holding the jade seal, and once again wanted to perform the magical power of "speak out and follow the law", Shao Yang quickly touched his arms and drew in front of him--

It is also a jade seal!


Wang Mang clearly felt that as the jade seal in Shao Yang's hand was taken out, it seemed that a subtle wave of power came out from it, opposing his "speech method to follow" supernatural power, making the pressure he exerted gradually disappearing.

Wang Mang was furious, and Yuxi held up high, "Mr. King!"

Seeing the jade seal in his hand, a faint golden brilliance escaped for a while.

However, in contrast, inspired by this force, the pseudo jade seal in Shao Yang's hands also began to rise up.

Two forces formed anxiety.

The Chuanxi Jade Seal in Shao Yang's hands is obviously much weaker. The two forces are opposing each other. The Jade Seal in Shao Yang's hands can't keep trembling, and his body has gradually started to scratch.

Obviously after this time, most of this jade seal will be used up.

But finally resisted the shock of Yuxi temporarily!

"Do it!"

Shao Yang, Wu Yan, Jia Dun, where do they still not know? Right now is the best time for them!

Therefore, all three shot with all their strength!


Although Wang Mang has extraordinary magical powers, the gap between them and Shao Yang has been narrowed because of the failure of the magical powers of "speaking out and following the law." However, Shao Yang played more and less, which made Wang Mang lose sight of each other.

In addition, as the bloodshot in his eyes increased, his mental intelligence seemed to be declining ...

Shao Yang gave them a chance.

Qinglian sword song!

Shao Yang finally found an opportunity and exhibited this style of swordsmanship. I saw a green lotus blooming in front of Wang Mang's body, and each lotus leaf unfolded around. Each lotus leaf seemed to contain a magnificent weather. When combined together, it formed such a gorgeous sword style !!

Qianlong swordsmanship, magic python magical powers, strong bull demon body, Fulong Bafa, Meng De's new book, Taiping Yaoshu, famous figure ...

It seems that Shao Yang's various magical powers have only turned into a lotus leaf of Qinglian sword song!

Silently opened.

Wang Mang was already doing his best to dodge, but under the desperate delay of Wu Yan and Jia Dun, he finally took a slow step. Shao Yang, a green lotus, was just spreading on his chest.

However, even with such a heavy blow, Wang Mang is still dead!

The blood in his eyes was heavier, but with his hands raised, he had infinite strength, and he kicked the side of the temple door!


Shao Yang could only grit his teeth, and his consciousness was fully unfolded.

Qinglian sword song!



Wang Mang's body finally fell down. Shao Yang and Wu Yan were exhausted.

Shao Yang glanced into his screen

[Spirit 40 (65); Physical 40 (65); Energy 40 (65);

Level Awakening ~ ~ Xiaocheng. 】

All three attributes are attenuated by nearly half!

Wu Yan and Jia Dun both looked at each other with bitter smiles, and everyone was hurt. However, after a bitter smile, there is another kind of good luck for the rest of the life after the disaster.

And after killing Wang Mang, it is naturally a happy link to touch the body!

Shao Yang also looked into his screen

Killed Wang Mang and completed the main task 4 and naturally got the reward of this task-

Zombie morphs.

As the name suggests, so using this rune means that you can transform into a zombie?

This is interesting ...