Myth is Coming

v2 Chapter 268: Advanced Refiner

However, it is said that Shao Yang was caught in such reincarnation and could not get rid of it all the time. Even with the repetition again and again, the ghosts in those dreams are getting stronger and harder to contain ...

There must be a way.

Since it is a "robbery", it will definitely be able to survive.

Shao Yang comforted himself in his heart.


Suddenly his heart moved, and when he saw the process repeated again, Shao Yang stopped thinking about what he would go through and how to crack ... He yawned and said to himself, "So sleepy Ah. "Then, falling asleep on the bed.


Shao Yang soon fell into a dream.

Probably this is the first time someone has used this method to overcome the devil! But Shao Yang, who fell into his dream, has naturally entered the state of the "dragon dragon law"!

Shao Yang suddenly felt that the whole person was detached from this dream, and the consciousness became extremely clear.

Soon, scene after scene, reincarnation ... have come to my heart.

Shao Yang even clearly felt that this so-called "heart demon robbery" was actually amplifying and demonizing a certain "idea" in his heart, so that his mind was constantly struggling with this idea.

Since this was his own "idea", he could not "beat" completely, and he could not escape anyway.

But once he wanted to understand these things, Shao Yangdun gradually became clear, and then at a certain moment, he opened his eyes—

Already awake. Shao Yang pushed the door——

"Sir, are you awake?"

Seeing him coming out, the two little divorce girls immediately let out their eyes and greeted him softly.

Everyone understands that Li Shimin acknowledges his "Yi brother" by himself, and his future is certainly unlimited.

Shao Yang smiled slightly at them, "You don't have to wait here, just go and rest. I'll call you anything."

The two little court ladies looked at each other, both disappointed, but had to respond, "Yes."

The two little court girls, Tingting, left.

Shao Yang finally determined that he had successfully escaped from the "Heart Devil"! He couldn't help but feel relieved, okay. In fact, it is very dangerous to think about it. If you do n’t have a “dragon dragon method” and you have n’t “forgotten” to use this method, I ’m afraid it ’s really difficult to escape.

But thinking about it, in fact, Shao Yang is not the "remembering" method, but this method is naturally inspired after he "dreams", so he can solve this dilemma.

Really lucky.

However, Shao Yang glanced into his screen—

[Spiritual: 80; Physical: 80; Energy: 80;

Level: Awakening, Xiaocheng. 】

After surmounting this devil, Shao Yang still gained something. Each of the three attributes increased by 1 point, crossing a small level.


Mainline Quest 3 was found to be a failure, and naturally there was no reward. However, the main line task 2 was successfully completed. Shao Yang had not paid attention to the rewards. At this time, he turned around and found them.

[Advanced Refiner Technique]!


Shao Yang can't be bothered. Let's just say that it is naturally a good thing that alchemy can be improved; for example, Long Yin Sword and Purple Moon Sword that Shao Yang personally crafted are magic weapons that he is very good at, which is of great significance to him.

But now, Shao Yang thinks more about the improvement of strength. After all, the refiner is the auxiliary way, and it seems that there is nothing to be refined for a while.

Forget it, it's okay to prepare it first; it will be much easier when you think about the refiner later.

Everything is ready ... there seems to be nothing to wait for?

Speaking of which, Shao Yang is a bit strange. It is said that all three of his tasks are now over?

But why is time fragmentation still not over?

He looked at his screen again, and there was no task reminder. Is it because Li Shimin's reward has not been given yet?

Shao Yang is not in a hurry and simply continues to cultivate here.

Not to mention, this practice of Shao Yang suddenly felt the heaven and earth aura rolling in, just like saying that when practicing in the real world, the aura feels like a dewdrop, how long can you wait to pick up a drop; then all kinds of ruins and other time fragments Reiki is like a mountain stream, occasionally found amongst rocks. And here, Reiki is like a river, a mighty river, boundless and endless!

It is indeed not a "westward journey" to the world.

Speaking of it, shouldn't Tang Taizong hold the "Water and Land Contest", Xuan Zang comes forward, Guanyin Bodhisattva is present ... Has the story of "Journey to the West" officially started?

Just wait a few days.

Shao Yang is not in a hurry.


For a few days. Li Shimin's reward finally came down ... Li Shimin recruited Shao Yang to speak, in fact, Shao Yang thought, hey, what is there to talk about? Why don't you just bring the reward?

No way, Shao Yang had to meet Li Shimin.

Goodbye at this time, but seeing that Li Shimin's development has been completely different from that time, at this time there is a bit of "Tai Zong".

However, when seeing Shao Yang coming, Li Shimin quickly got up with a smile and greeted him, "Brother, how many days are you used to living in the palace?"

Shao Yang thanked him, "The beauty of living, the taste of meals, and the beauty of scenery are the only things I have seen in my life.

Li Shimin smiled "haha", "It's nothing, not as good as Yudi's life-saving grace!"

The two talked a little, and Shao Yang took the initiative to say, "Your Majesty, there are some spirit teas here in your brother-in-law. Drinking them daily can help your Majesty to keep fit, maintain vitality, and live long."

Li Shimin said cheerfully: "Okay, Yudi is interested."

Shao Yang still divides "Snow Lotus Tips" into Li Shimin.

Speaking of which, in fact, Shao Yang was also curious. You should know that it is recorded in the "history book" that Li Shimin reigned for 23 years, and Ying Yingnian died prematurely, and Gaozong succeeded him ... In "Journey to the West", Li Shimin entered the prefecture, and the original life span should be "13 years" Because Cui Fujun added two strokes for him and changed it to "33 years"; Xuan Zang in the Journey to the West went to 14 years, and did not return until 27 years of Zhenguan ... I do n’t know if Li Shimin ’s Shou Yuan can be How many.

Li Shimin took the snow lotus tip of Shao Yangxian ~ ~ and ordered to go down and drink.

Needless to say.

When the two went on a gossip for a while, Li Shimin told the left and right to send the "thanks" prepared to Shao Yang.

Li Shimin laughed: "Yi brother, I know that you can go in and out of the ghost, you should also look down on these mundane things, but I am just talking and expressing my hope that the young brother should not be disgusted."

Shao Yangqian said: "Yes."

Soon, Shao Yang saw Li Shimin's reward-

First is a fiefdom!

Li Shimin sealed Shaoyang as the returning father, and built a Taoist view on the Qingxiu Mountain near the Chang'an City, "Qingliang Mountain", for Shaoyang to live and practice here.


So, Changan in the Tang Dynasty also had his own "property"?