Myth is Coming

v2 Chapter 303: Strange elixir

Grand Palace.

Shao Yang reappeared on the platform in front of the King of the Kingdom of Adults, and the King was shocked. "Fang Yexian, have you made alchemy?"

Shao Yang nodded slightly, "Yes."

The King of the Adult Kingdom paid homage to it, and it has been made so quickly. The others don't say that this speed alone is already very skillful.

The king continued: "Fang Yexianxian, I wonder if you can take it out and let me wait and see?"

His ministers couldn't help looking, and were very curious.

Shao Yang smiled. "It's better to wait for Xu Fudao friends to come out and taste the Dandan drugs together. How?"

"Either or not."

The King of the Adult Kingdom and all the ministers have some regrets, but they can understand it. Since it is said that they want to let the two gods compare their skills with alchemy, Shao Yang's first appearance is a bit unsightly.

So everyone had to wait.

Shao Yang Yiran sat down, running various exercises by the way, and couldn't stop breathing and practicing. Now that his [spiritual consciousness] is outstanding, in fact, there have been some deviations under his perfect unified theory of "Essence of Qi". It ’s just that you have n’t realized the perfect state, but Shao Yang, who was once in the sea, can clearly feel that although his consciousness has reached 101 points, it is difficult to fully exert the power of this level of consciousness. It is the source Due to the lack of physical and energy attributes.

Not enough to support the perfect display of spirituality. This requires Shao Yang to continue to slowly nurture and improve other attributes.

In an instant, two hours passed.

"Why Xu Fu hasn't come to Shangxian yet?" Although the word "Shangxian" is still called, the King of Adult Kingdom also has some patience.

If Shao Yang isn't there, it's fine, but now there is Shao Yang on the side for comparison ...

See how fast Alchemy is on the "Fang Ye"? How could Xu Fu's dedication to God be so slow? Although the speed of alchemy does not necessarily mean the level of alchemy, but one that is so fast and one that is so slow may seem to be incompetent.

After waiting for another half an hour, Xu Fu was finally late.

Shao Yang opened his eyes and smiled, "Why is Xu Fu's friend here?"

Xu Fu vomits blood.

He replied coldly: "Hugh is going to talk here fast; we are comparing the ranks of Dan medicine, but not the speed of alchemy."

It would not be so slow if he changed to a familiar alchemy furnace and elixir; but because this material is mostly unfamiliar and the furnace is unfamiliar, it may be inaccurate to make it; he opened the three furnaces in a row and finally got The elixir that was barely satisfied was carried over with some embarrassment.

"If things go wrong ..." Xu Fu glanced over Shao Yang, turning his mind to many ideas.

He is not a good person, otherwise in history, he would not have lied to Qin Shihuang and took away 3,000 boys and girls and left without a message.

Shao Yang smiled and did not argue.

The King of the Adult Kingdom had already been impatient and waited and said to Shao Yang and Xu Fu: "Two gods, now that you have finished refining alchemy, then please show me the refining elixir?"

Xu Fuwang asked Shaoyang, "Fang Yedaoyou, please invite me first."

Shao Yang didn't care about him either. He swept his robe sleeves and had taken a "palm medicine" from the storage bag and fell in front of everyone.

The quotation marks are used because-

This is not like elixir!

"Ha ha ha ha!" Xu Fuben was still a little worried, but at this look, all the thoughts were suddenly put down. He couldn't help laughing, "Fang Yedaoyou, are you refining elixir?"

Even the kings and ministers of the kingdom of adults cannot help but look a little hesitant. Is this Ye Ye here to play with them?

But when Shao Yang waved and floated in front of the crowd, he was a piece of ointment, meandering and distorted.

Where does the "elixir" look in the slightest?

Xu Fuzhi was so pleased that he took out the idea of ​​killing him while he was ill, so he took two pills from his arms and put them in front of him--

However, seeing the elixir made by Xu Fu, the whole body was pale blue, shiny and shiny, just like transparent; and just after it was taken out, there was already a faint scent of medicine, which made people feel restless.

This is what they think of elixir!

What is that Fangye refining?

Shao Yang was also very helpless ... It seems that the alchemy method he uses to refine the alchemy is still not working.

However, Shao Yang is still confident. He smiled slightly and said indifferently: "My Taoist friends don't know. My alchemy of alchemy has returned to its original form, returned to simplicity, abandoned all the vanity, and only pursued its pure effect; if not, how can we refine the founder Your Majesty's Immortality? "


Xu Fu was shocked by Shao Yang! Of course, it's not possible that Shao Yang's words made him bow his head, and he conceded ... but shocked. How thick a face is it to say such a thing?

Xu Fu sneered, "Elixir is a natural creation that fits heaven and earth. Naturally, there is an immortal weather. Taoist this elixir ... hehe."

He simply dismissed it for comment!

But Shao Yang remained calm and calm, "Everything is false. If Daoyou don't believe it, isn't it enough to try it?"

The kings and ministers of the adult kingdom also did not believe at all. This elixir ... there is nothing like elixir.

Say it will be amazing, is this possible?

Shao Yang said indifferently, "If you make ordinary elixir, it will naturally shape its shape, cultivate its taste, beautify it, and even its shape and spirit. Take advantage. "

Ha ha.

Can really blow.

Xu Fu was dying with a laugh. He was funny, "Well, let you die. How do you try medicine?"

The technique of alchemy is most concerned with the way of monarchs. There are main medicines and adjuvants. It is very complicated to raise the essence and remove the dross. If it is not possible to practice alchemy, it is good to risk alchemy and not eat the dead. It is even more impossible to make some good elixir. So Xu Fu didn't panic at all.

Shao Yang said: "Find someone to test the medicine."

Xu Fu sneered, really dare. So he turned to the King of the Kingdom of Adults ~ ~ King, and asked someone to try the elixir and evaluate the medicine! "

The king of the adult kingdom was worried ...

This one of Xu Fushangxian's elixir is just fine, who dare to eat this one made by Fangyexianxian?

The King of Adults turned his head to look at a group of loyal ministers under his hands-wow! Suddenly, one by one backed away! Just kidding, even if they are loyal, they don't want to risk their lives to take such a medicine.

"Or else, find a fish to experiment with?" The King of the Adult Kingdom worries.

Shao Yang doesn't matter.

He refined the elixir, I believe that even if a pig eats it will be different! But Xu Fu stunned, "But when a fish ate it, how can I judge the medicinal properties of the elixir?"

The King of the Adult Kingdom knew this too, so he was even more worried.

Xu Fu is also worried. He knows that he is beginning to doubt. Should Shao Yang deliberately make such a pile so that no one dares to eat it, so that he cannot taste it? !!