Myth is Coming

v2 Chapter 304: Return to Alchemy


In desperation, the King of the Adult Kingdom had to bring up a death row from the prison, and ordered him to take the two elixirs separately, and then tasted the advantages and disadvantages of the two elixirs; .

Xu Fu was very reluctant. He worked hard for the elixir, so he gave it to a prisoner of death?

Let Xu Fu feel a sense of shame from the bottom of my heart ...

He was unwilling, and looked at Shao Yang in front of him. Suddenly his heart moved and he immediately said: "King, I have two elixir. It ’s better to recruit two prisoners to taste them separately. Be more accurate. "

The King of Adult Kingdom hesitated. He looked at the spot in front of Shao Yang. "But, the Fangye Shangxian refined it for one ..."

Shao Yang smiled generously: "It can also be taken in two portions."

Xu Fu sneered, does he really not know alchemy? !! When did you hear one elixir, but it was taken in two? What effect will that have?

Seeing Shao Yang did not have any opinion, the King of the Adult Kingdom no longer said more, with a wave of his hand, ordered to bring up two death row prisoners.

Soon, two death row prisoners were brought up.

The King of the Great Kingdom ordered them to take the two elixirs one after another, and then taste the strength of the elixir.

As soon as a minister had a clever idea, he immediately suggested, "You can make two of them take the elixir of Fang Yexian first, and one of them can take the elixir of Xu Fu first."

When the king heard this, he immediately ordered to follow the minister's proposal.

One of the elixir made by Xu Fu was separated and given to one of the death row. The latter thanked him and swallowed it down. After a while, he saw his face suddenly turn red, and he sat down cross-legged, a stream of white smoke could not help rising from his head, and everyone could feel that his breath was quietly increasing!

Xu Fu stood proud and sneered.

"Fang Yedaoyou, it's your turn."

Shao Yang smiled slightly, separated the elixir in front of him, swept his robe sleeves, and pushed towards another death row in front of him.

The death rower looked at this different-looking elixir, with a look of death, and swallowed the elixir--

Immediately after, he looked at himself!


He leaped from the ground at once, even though he still wore layers of yoke, but pushing and kicking his feet turned out to be awesome! A strong vitality quietly walked on him, and the previous wound began to heal at a speed that was visible to the naked eye! As for cultivation, it goes without saying.

"What?" Xu Fu was startled.

The adults and the people are also unbelievable. Look at the appearance of this death row. Is the medicine of this elixir really so strong?

The king waved and ordered them to swallow a second elixir.

The first prisoner had stood up, thanked again and again, and then went to take Shaoyang's refined elixir and took it again.

But the second prisoner of death, at this time, still couldn't stop moving, waving boxing palms, practicing martial arts. The king waited impatiently and drank him a few times, but the latter turned a deaf ear.

Shao Yang laughed: "King and wait a moment, this is too strong for medicine, he could not be fully refined for a while."

Too strong?

Xu Fu's face was unbelievable, and the adults and the people were also strange.

However, the original death row prisoner was exactly the same, and immediately began to walk along the palace of adults!

His breath is also rising quietly!

Shao Yang pretended to be helpless and authentic: "No way, even if it is divided into two, this medicine is still too strong."

It can not be!

Everyone was shocked!

This ugly and eerie elixir actually has such a strong potency? They are not blind, and they can clearly see clearly. The death row of these two prisoners not only grows slowly, the wounds on their bodies are healing, but also the vitality of the body is quietly enhanced!

Isn't it really an elixir with immortality?

Could it be that the alchemy is true?

Xu Fu was even more shocked to doubt himself ... For many years, he visited famous teachers, practiced alchemy, and thought that he was already a world leader. But in the face of Shao Yang's alchemy, he was incredibly skeptical.

Could it be that the alchemy that I learned before is really just superficial and superficial? If you want to study the technique of longevity, do you have to return to true alchemy?

The winner has been divided.

Anyone can see clearly.


The King of Adult Kingdom stood up from his seat in excitement, and quickly walked to the platform in front of Shaoyang and Xu Fu, saying, "The magic of alchemy on the square leaves is truly amazing. It is incredible! I only saw it for the first time now! Of course— "The king also comforted Xu Fu." Xu Fu's alchemy of immortality also shows great skill. Both are masters of alchemy! "

Xu Fu's face was ugly.

Shao Yang ignored it, smiled slightly, and nodded: "Xu Fu Daoyou is a common alchemy technique, which has reached its peak."

Xu Fu's face suddenly became more ugly ...

Shao Yang's remarks clearly stated that his alchemy technique is as good as it is, and it is nothing but Shao Yang.

Shao Yang is leisurely.

This result was as long as he expected! Xu Fu's alchemy is more subtle, and can it be compared with that drop of spiritual fluid of Guanyin Bodhisattva? You know, the spiritual fluid in the Guanyin Bodhisattva's jade bottle has once saved the ginseng fruit tree! Even though Shao Yang only divided it into less than one ten thousandth, but the medicinal effect was by no means comparable to the alchemy of alchemist Xu Fu.

There is no suspense for Shao Yang's victory ...


The alchemy dispute between the two came to an end.

Shao Yang glanced into the screen in front of himself ~ ~ and it really popped up the main line task 2 prompt, and got the reward for this task: a giant transfiguration.

This giant transfiguration is quite similar to the zombie transfiguration obtained before Shao Yang; however, of course, this giant transfiguration is more obvious for the increase of strength and the attributes are slightly different.

Shao Yang also put them away for the time being.

Bidan won, and the King of the Adult Kingdom naturally made a decision. So he invited Shao Yang to the apse, told Shao Yang of their current difficulties, and asked Shao Yang to help, and asked for help from Qin Guo.

Only then did Shao Yang understand the reason.

It turned out that the adult kingdom was originally Haiqing Heyan, and it was fine. But recently, in the northern part of their border, a ferocious beast appeared, with its beast, human face, big ears, and two green snakes falling on its ears ... very cruel, killing many people in their adult country; adult country The king sent troops several times to conquer the army, but the fierce beast had a lot of power, and he was a ghost. Not only did he fail, but he caused the adult kingdom to defeat the soldiers and end up suffering.

In desperation, it happened that Xu Fu and Shao Yang came successively and talked about the vast territory of the Qin Dynasty. The elite soldiers were like a cloud. Only then did the adult kingdom move their minds and thoughts of asking for help.