Myth is Coming

v2 Chapter 322: Mount Taishan

The Taishan Fengchen Ceremony finally came to a successful end.

On the top of Mount Tai, Qin Shihuang set up a stele, described his achievements, boasted martial arts, and announced to heaven that he was buried in the ground.

As for proclaiming to heaven, why is it buried in the ground ...

Then no one can explain it.

Fortunately, no one is really stupid enough to ask such questions.

Qin Shihuang saw Shao Yang again in a palace temporarily built on the top of Mount Tai. Qin Shihuang deliberately backed out the left and right guards and sat on the seat, his face hidden in the shadows. After seeing Shao Yang coming in, Qin Shihuang smiled and said, "Fang Ye Aiqing, is this elixir you refined really the elixir of longevity?"

Qin Shihuang put it in front of him, and it was Shao Yang who raised it, and this time, the elixir refined by Taishan Fengchen.

Shao Yang froze, and his thoughts quickly turned.

The answer this time is probably related to how much benefit he can get from Qin Shihuang and how much trust he can win.

After a sudden turn of thought, Shao Yang decided to confess frankly, he said frankly, "No."


Qin Shihuang showed an interesting expression. He reached out and picked up the elixir from the tray in front of him and took a closer look in front of him. However, he saw that this elixir was also very good. Look like Ling Ling.

However, in the end, it is not the eternal life ... Qin Shihuang converged, and said lightly, "You are honest."

Shao Yang is ready to escape. However, the surface is naturally respectful and respectful, "Wei Chen didn't dare to deceive His Majesty, this elixir can prolong life and solidify Peiyuan, but to say longevity, it is far from good." A moment later, Shao Yang distinguished a sentence "It's not just Weichen. There is no elixir in the world. There is no way that a single elixir can be exchanged for eternal life."

Qin Shihuang heard the words and sighed, "You are the first person to dare to tell the truth to you. So many people will only deceive You and say such ridiculous lies."

Still dare to assassinate you! Of course, Shao Yang is thinking about it in his heart, but dare not say it.

Qin Shihuang ’s disability was only momentarily, and he soon adjusted it, regained the world ’s supreme appearance, and his voice calmed down, “Fang Ye Aiqing, although this time you have not really cultivated the eternal life, But the contribution of longevity and the resolution of the Zen crisis are all credits, so they deserve to be appreciated. "

Shao Yang was finally relieved.


Dealing with Qin Shihuang is not easy! He couldn't guess his mind at all.

It's always trembling.

Fortunately, after all, I grasped the trend and won the final victory.

Shao Yang is also very clear that the reason why Qin Shihuang will reward himself this time is that the elixir he gave himself, although it does not help longevity, but can prolong life, treat Shenji, and can nourish Qin Shihuang's body.

On the other hand, it is known to everyone in the world to present the "Lord of Longevity", so in any case, Qin Shihuang should reward himself and reward him!

Whether he can live forever is one aspect, and whether the world can believe that he can live forever is another aspect.

Moreover, coupled with Shao Yang's resolution of the Taishan Fengchan crisis, everyone believes that the spirit of rain and rejuvenation ... to be honest, Qin Shihuang's reward is not a loss.

Qin Shihuang really is not stingy in this regard!

Shao Yang quickly received the reward of Qin Shihuang--

First is the title of a real person!

Because of this time's achievements, Shao Yang was named the real person protecting the country by Qin Shihuang. This is the first real person to be rewarded by Emperor Qin Shihuang. Even Lu Sheng, Xu Fu, and other alchemists who were "trustworthy" by Qin Shihuang did not receive such treatment.

With this reward, Shao Yang was regarded as a "knight" in Qin State and had a land.

However, it is much stingier than later Tang Taizong.

Of course, these are only foreign objects, and for Shao Yang, with such a title, it will be much easier to enter the time.

It's also a good thing.

Qin Shihuang also knows that, for Shaoyang's "foreign masters", these worldly money, fame, and wealth are actually not very attractive.

So the second reward is more affordable-

Mount Taishan Zen!

Of course, it is not the main one. Qin Shihuang prepared the Taishan Seal Zen Ceremony, and naturally also prepared a number of furnace tripods. The main ones were still left in Taishan, and they were always enshrined, but another spare furnace tripod was taken out by Qin Shihuang and given to Shao Yang.

Although not the original furnace tripod, Shao Yang was still very surprised. You know, even if the furnace that Qin Shihuang prepared for the Taishan Seal Zen is just a spare, it is naturally exhaustive, carefully selected and skilled craftsmen, and refined.

Therefore, the quality of this furnace must be very high.

In addition, after all, they also boarded Taishan and nourished by the aura of heaven and earth at the time of Feng Chan. These furnaces naturally sublimated again.

With this mouthful of Baoding, no matter the alchemy, it will naturally be easier than before.

The third kind also surprises Shao Yang--

It was a bronze man!

There have been rumors in the world that Shao Yang has heard more in the real world. Legend has it that Emperor Qin Shihuang inherited all eternity for the sake of eternal solidarity between the mountains and the mountains, so he gathered the soldiers of the world, collected Xianyang, and forged 12 bronze men, and towned in all directions.

Of course, this one cannot be one of those twelve, but it was also refined together at the time, and its corner materials could be crafted by craftsmen.

Although far less powerful than the twelve bronze men originally, enough to suppress one side, they are more delicate and endlessly useful.

I was afraid that at this time Qin Shihuang also intentionally "great reward", so that everyone in the world knows, then this bronze man was rewarded.

Luck of luck.

Shao Yang rejoiced at the same time, but also the police in his heart.

As for the others, it is much simpler, and there are all kinds of elixir and heavenly treasures, which are also rare and rare, and of great value. However, compared to these two, of course, it is inferior.

"Thank Your Majesty!"

After thanking Shao Yang, he accepted all these rewards.

Tai Shan Feng Chan, also came to an end.

Qin Shihuang led the civil and military ministers and hundreds of servants. He swarmed down from Mount Tai and still chose to rest a little in the palace at the foot of Mount Tai.

Into the night.

Shao Yang glanced at the screen in front of himself, but saw that all tasks had been shown as completed, but still could not leave the time fragments!

Note ~ ~ I'm sure there is still something left, so I can't leave?

Shao Yang more and more affirmed his speculation, so he did not dare to carelessly, quietly opened a gap and looked out, but seeing here is loose and tight, the layout is very thorough, and there are all traces of the matrix operation ...

Things really are not as simple as this will end!

Shao Yang had a bright heart.

Also right, Qin Shihuang is the supreme underworld, who rules the world and is lonely. At the top of Taishan, he leaked too much thought to himself, and he knew too many secrets!

This is naturally an intolerable thing for an emperor.

Therefore, he rewarded himself, on the one hand, although it was an announcement to the world, showing the success of Taishan Fengchen.

On the other hand, I'm afraid to paralyze myself!

Qin Yunzheng, indeed, can share tribulations, not wealth.