Myth is Coming

v2 Chapter 323: Grand Master Sword Art!

But he said that Shao Yang noticed that Qin Shihuang was secretly laying out his heart, knowing that the latter would not be able to tolerate himself, and would secretly kill.

Where can Shao Yang stay?

However, at this time, Qin Shihuang was afraid that it had already laid the Tianluodi net, and it was not easy to make a hard break. You have to make another plan.


Lu Sheng, Xu Fu, Han Zhong, and so on, and a group of alchemists with extraordinary abilities, received a strange task. Lu Sheng knew immediately that he knew Qin Shihuang could no longer tolerate the Fang Ye, so it must be removed quickly!

But faintly, Lu Sheng didn't have any joy in his heart, but some rabbits died.

Yes, he had some disputes with that Fang Ye, but this was a dispute between Taoism and the interests, but he saw that Fang Ye was too good and had done too many secrets, so he was intolerable by Qin Shihuang and moved to kill ... ...

Lu Sheng's heart was naturally a little frightened. Can't help but think, after completing this task, will he be intolerable by Qin Shihuang

But he couldn't resist, looking at the sharp guards on the left and right, Lu Sheng had no time to worry too much for that Fang Ye.

Just wait!

Lu Sheng looked around. Many of the other alchemists were faintly excited. Obviously they have long been dissatisfied with each other, but at this time they feel they are an opportunity.


Lu Sheng looked back dismissively.

"It's gone!"

"It's gone!"

But all of a sudden, they only heard a commotion in the camp. When Lu Sheng and Xu Fu rushed out to watch, they saw that there were already many lights in the camp.

Xu Fu was startled.

Could it be--

Immediately afterwards, Lu Sheng and Xu Fu looked at each other and thought of the reason.



A ray of light flew away silently from the foot of Mount Tai. Without a moment of effort, it was far away, naturally it was Shao Yang. He has five elements of martial arts, magical power of change, and a fire to escape from the Qin army camp is naturally not difficult.

However, Shao Yang was not cruel enough, so most of the places he set fire to were in the corners. Apart from burning some heavy grains, it did not cause much impact.

Therefore, I believe that this incident will soon be covered up.

No matter what.

Shao Yang didn't care too much, and that's good, it can reduce many unnecessary injuries. As for the future, let's talk about it later.

Shao Yang felt a consciousness and felt that he could finally leave this time fragment.

However, at this point Shao Yang was in a hurry. He ran lightly for a long time, and soon flew into a hidden mountain stream, and then landed in search of land, intending to sort out the harvest of time fragments this time.

This time the harvest is big!

Although Qin Shihuang had other calculations, the reward on the bright side was not hesitant. Regardless of the Taishan tribe or the three-inch bronze man, it was in Shao Yang's appetite.

Just fit.

In addition, Shao Yang swept to his screen, because he completed the task, he also got the reward of the task!

First of all, Shao Yang cares most about [Master Gongshu].

After the conclusion of Taishan Fengchen, the system finally determined that Shao Yang had completed all the side missions 2 and had obtained the complete master swordsmanship.

Because of the previous experience, Shao Yang subconsciously felt that this time the master swordsmanship is more powerful than advanced swordsmanship, and naturally it should be more complicated .... At the beginning, advanced swordsmanship has evolved into countless villains, each playing differently. Sword style, these countless sword styles completely comprehend, only to become a complete advanced sword skill! In the beginning, Shao Yang spent a lot of thought to get involved-he hung up a lot of time.

This time

Shao Yang looked into the screen. At this glance, it was not too much, but too little!

Master swordsmanship, there are only so few evolved villains

Shao Yang looked up and down, don't count, at a glance, there are only 108! In other words, this master swordsmanship has only 108 styles.


It always feels a bit less.

Shao Yang looked at the past one by one, but felt his heart move, only that these sword styles were less or less, but each style seemed to point to the most mysterious mood! Each style makes Shao Yang's endless aftertastes and suddenly bright.

Shao Yang understands that this is actually similar to returning to reality! The real swordsmanship, on the contrary, abandoned all the fancy, and began to win with the simplest sword style.

There is endless power in one stab.

No need to be fancy!

Of course, Shaoyang's sword-making skills are still far from being directly comprehensible at a glance. He now feels like he understands the principle, but he still needs to "practice" to really use it.

In short, the magical spells in my own system have always been practiced a little bit myself ...

This is not urgent.

Shao Yang was already familiar with the situation. He immediately turned on the "on-hook" mode and continued to hang up to learn. He continued to study other gains.

In addition to this master sword art, there are rewards for mainline task 3:

[Zhonglou Twelve Rings]!

This is a magical fire. After the monk has broken through to level c, he will ignite the magical fire, and the magical fire is the basis for using various magical powers. It can be said that it is a very important part of the practice.

But Shenhuo itself seems to be only a supplementary means, and has not been used too much.

Therefore, Shao Yang also looks forward to this supernatural power.

From his own screen, he browsed this superb Taoist text one by one and stamped it into his heart. This magical power is mainly the use of magical fire. The more critical part is the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, which is the strength of magical fire. The magical power itself is not so difficult and obscure, so Shao Yang quickly mastered some.

Shao Yang quietly operated his magical powers. In a moment, he saw a flame rising from his body, but this flame passed through the clothes around him, hunting and agitation, but the ordinary clothes were not damaged.

According to the use of magical power, Shao Yang gradually arched the Shenhuo into a circle and surrounded him. Shao Yang perceives it carefully. He only feels that the ring formed by this magic fire has various magical effects. It can integrate attack and defense, and it can flex and expand flexibly as the situation changes.

Not bad ~ ~ Shao Yang is very pleased. With this magical power, the power of offense and defense is still second, and more importantly, this is the use of magical fire!

The so-called practice makes perfect. The use of this magical power can freely strengthen the magical fire. It is naturally also beneficial for cultivation and other various magical powers.

In addition, Shao Yang didn't notice that he also triggered the third branch task-

[Sub-mission Quest 3, Qin Shihuang can't hold anything and escape from Qin Shihuang. The task successfully rewards Qianlong Sword for unblocking +1, and there is no penalty for failure. 】


Does n’t this happen automatically? You still need a side mission.

Shao Yang simply ignored it, and carefully identified it, and he saw that his own Qianlong swordsmanship was unsealed one more layer:

[Qianlong Sword Technique: Unlocking -4, triggering the seventh style of Qianlong Sword Technique, Qin Wang Sweeping, the Six Kingdoms Reunion! 】