Myth is Coming

v3 Chapter 334: Peak matchup!

With the laughter of Qinglong, I saw him take continuous shots with his hands, and for a time, there were a lot of Yulong flying out!

Every palm force seems to turn into a dragon, flying in the void. And all these forces come together, and it is a grand gathering of the Ruolong family. They are gathered in a cloud, and the world is changing.



In the sound of successive explosions, it was seen that the surrounding walls had cracked, and countless freezers exploded, and the fragments flew across.

But whether it was Qinglong or the old man, they focused their attention on the other person and had no time to take care of the leftovers.

The two kept fighting each other, and the blades of light and light were staggered in the void, and the entire underground base seemed to have been affected and violently shaken, spreading from here to outside.

Shao Yang is dazzled and can't think too much.

This level of big guys fight, this opportunity is too rare to see!

Qinglong is basically the first person of the domestic superpower; the opposite person can fight with Qinglong to this point, obviously the strength will never be worse. At least, it is also the top boss of Qinglong's series. Shao Yang naturally had no possibility of interfering with the two men ... so, he could only watch from one side.

The two people's use of consciousness, various skills, sword skills ... often opened Shao Yang's eyesight and benefited a lot.



Shao Yang only felt his eyes opened. Even, gradually, he had forgotten the situation at this time, and his mind was completely absorbed in the confrontation between the two men.

With this palm, this knife ... Shao Yang couldn't help but make gestures, learn to imitate, and realize the various moods between the two.

Under his [On-hook Mode], the enlightenment of Grand Master swordsmanship is also progressing rapidly!

You know, to learn from each other, to bypass the class.

Qinglong, and another big guy, although they use palms and knives, they have similar skills with Shaoyang's swordsmanship.

Therefore, Shao Yang realized his opponent's understanding, but he was able to nurture himself, so that his understanding of swordsmanship could be improved.

Faintly, Shao Yang's Grand Master swordsmanship has been introduced!


Qinglong and the old man became more and more fierce. They both knew each other well. They were the top powers they had ever seen in their lives, so naturally they did not dare to stay. Because of this, gradually, the hall seemed too narrow, so the two of them coincided with each other, rushing out of the hall and flying outside.



The energy of the two people collided, as if bursting into the sky with fireworks, it was brilliant and dazzling.

I don't know how R country will hide this time ...

Shao Yang couldn't help but have such a thought. However, at this time, the two dragons had already flew into the air. This level of engagement was too dangerous, and Shao Yang didn't dare to get too close.

Therefore, Shao Yang thought for a while and felt that he was hiding aside before talking; otherwise, here is the territory of country R after all, who knows if there are any other masters?

Of course, before leaving, Shao Yang glanced and saw the flesh and blood of various sea animals in the freezer, these are rare treasures!


Shao Yang's thoughts turned. You said that the battle between the two of them had already made a mess here and the freezer was damaged. If you didn't take it for them first, wouldn't these precious sea beasts' flesh go bad?

How wasteful.

Therefore, there was no way for them, so they had to take it for them first!

With this in mind, Shao Yang was righteous, taking pictures continuously.

At this time, Shao Yang was very sorry, and he followed Qinglong here to take some adventures, and I wonder if he had the opportunity to learn the other side's hands to take photos!

But much smarter than myself.

However, although Shao Yang's speed was a little slower, he took advantage of the time to collect all the flesh and blood of the sea beasts here.



Shao Yang no longer stayed, immediately flung himself, flew outward along a passage opened by the two Qinglong men.


After a full quarter of an hour!


Just listening to the loud noise, Shao Yang was very worried below. And at this moment, he saw a rush of light coming in, and he was rolled up by a force, and then heard the voice of Qinglong, "Go away."

Shao Yang recognized the man and naturally could not resist, letting Qinglong carry himself and hurried toward the West.

Eh? Could it be that he has gone so hurriedly?

Shao Yang.


In one breath flying out more than a hundred miles, Shao Yang could no longer see the land, Qinglong only slightly slowed down a few speeds, waved his robe sleeve, released the leaf boat, and led Shao Yang down.

With this breath of breath, Qinglong could not help but spit out a blood, and his face became a little pale.

Shao Yang was shocked, and quickly took the spirit wine.

Qinglong took a few sips again and again, and his face recovered. He couldn't help shaking his head again and again, "Most miscalculations, I didn't expect that this time, the strength has actually improved so much in recent years."

Shao Yang couldn't help but look at him with anxiety in his heart.

Qinglong glanced at him and immediately said, "What's your expression? How could I fail? Although I suffered a minor injury, he was more injured than me! At least I would lie in bed for a few months! This time Look, country dare not dare to be arrogant at our door. "

Shao Yang immediately relaxed. Qinglong is a spiritual symbol in their country. If Qinglong loses, it will really be a major blow to them.

However, he naturally didn't know, but Qinglong couldn't help but glance over anxiety ...

Progress is too fast.

The old man, who is the master of the r country, is known as the "wuhun" of the r country; ten years ago, he once challenged Qinglong once and was easily defeated by Qinglong.

Unexpectedly, ten years later, once again, Qinglong had to pay some price.

Wait another ten years ...

Really toughness is amazing.

But I don't know if China can grow up a character who can compete with it in this decade.

Shao Yang ... Qinglong glanced at Shao Yang, but could not help shaking his head, still too young. Although progress has been rapid, it is still too difficult to grow to this level ~ ~


The flat boat flew along the way. When Yaoyao could see the coastline, the blue dragon robe swung his sleeves, folded the flat boat, and lowered himself down, "Well, just send you here?"

what? where is this?

Shao Yang turned his head and looked around, but when he saw the undulating mountains and the waves beating here, although it seemed to be on land, what position was this?

Look, it doesn't look like the place where he set off before, and he is quite familiar with the Laizhou military port?

"Well, you are a young man, and you don't use gps? You can't just position yourself." Qinglong waved irresponsibly, and then-he fluttered, disappeared, and left Shao Yang alone. This strange place ...

This is too unreliable! Say yes, you can hurry back to sleep early!

Shao Yang could not help vomiting blood.
