Myth is Coming

v3 Chapter 345: more details

"Seniors please!" Shao Yang said happily.

Anyway, this is also a good thing!

Yue Yiqiao was able to comprehend that at this time, the avenue shown by painting was naturally better than before; and he also saw a more elaborate scroll from his knowledge of the sea. In contrast, the two should have more gains.

However, I have glimpsed from his knowledge of the sea. Is it because he saw the original painting of his predecessor?

Shouldn't it still count?

Shao Yang's mind was turning into complicated thoughts ... He hadn't forgotten yet, and he took the previous [playback] Zhongyue Yiqiao's painting from the [on-hook mode] and replaced it with what he saw in the sea.

——In front of him, Yue Yiqiao looked at Shao Yang, but frowned, shook his head, "You, miss, too complicated."


Shao Yang, for a moment, can you see this?

He was slightly embarrassed. He did turn too many thoughts before, and it is no wonder Yue Yiqiao would say so.

Therefore, Shao Yang quickly converged.

Yue Yiqiao nodded, no longer saying anything, but picked up a pen and rice paper, just above the gazebo, on the shore of the lake, in front of Shao Yang, and started painting again.

Picking up the brush, he seemed to become the painter Yue Yiqiao!

Is the real Yue Yiqiao, the complete Yue Yiqiao!

When Shao Yang moved his heart, he felt the difference between Yue Yiqiao and usual time. I saw Yue wielding his strokes, first outlines, then details ... presented a little bit on the rice paper in front of him.

The whole picture scroll Yue Yiqiao has long been familiar with the heart, and every detail of the pen is not thought about, but Shao Yang carefully observes and finds that there are subtle differences.

Shao Yang had a flash of light. From the [Playback] function of his own system, he had found two other pictures, which were compared with each other, with reference to comprehension.

Not to mention, in this way, through the two scrolls of the playback and the scrolls being drawn by Yue Yiqiao, compare the differences, carefully understand, and perceive the changes.

Naturally more convenient than others!

Shao Yang looked closely, and suddenly had a distress. He knew in his heart, so he bent down on this gazebo, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Fortunately, Yue Yiqiao has been immersed in his own scrolls and has no idea about the outside world.

Otherwise, if you want to see what Shao Yang looks like, maybe you just give up your pen and don't draw ...

However, Shao Yang did so, and instead ran the "Dragon Dragon Law" naturally. His mind was transcended, as if he was living in a higher position, standing high, overlooking this gazebo. Immediately afterwards, the situation rolled, and the three paintings were already present.

Observing under the supernatural powers of the Dragon Law, Shao Yang's realization can not only be deeper, but also much faster!

Therefore, Shao Yang was aware of it quickly, but seeing this picture, especially the picture in the sea of ​​Yue Yijio, under the sparkling water, all kinds of light are also slightly different and different. Variety.


Shao Yang couldn't help but move, the sense of consciousness had moved quickly, analyzing these subtle changes.

If it was before, Shao Yang was afraid that it would be difficult to deduce what was hidden in these changes, but now after all, Shao Yang is more than 100 points of spiritual consciousness, coupled with the magical powers of the Dragon Law at this time, deduction ability Better than in the past, so the speed of consciousness is only slightly improved.

But still not enough!

At first glance, the entire scroll is just a picture of the sunrise over the river, which is why many people shake their heads at a glance.

But if you really look into it, you will find that there is too much information hidden in this picture!

Every light and every twinkling light contains too much information!

So soon, Shao Yang had only felt dizzy and bloated, and his consciousness had dried up. Shao Yang knew in his heart that this was because there was too much information in this picture, and his current spiritual consciousness was that even with the help of the Dragon Method, it was difficult to fully control it.

Nine Dragon Bamboo!

Shao Yang has subconsciously held this bamboo in his hand, and a continuous force penetrates into the dragon bamboo.

But still insufficient!

The information is too vast, and even then it is still insufficient.

Shao Yang simply stretched out his hand——

Chuan Guoyu Xi flew out!

"All in one place!"

Under the power of Chuanguo Yuxi, he gathered the surrounding auras and poured them into Shaoyang's sea of ​​knowledge, helping him to further promote his spiritual consciousness!


Shao Yang only realized that the sea was like a buzzing, and then he felt that the picture he saw in front of him seemed to be greatly different from that drawn by Yue Yiqiao.

Shao Yang's eyes saw, but under the layers of sparkling light, there seemed to be countless strange ghost fishes hiding between the shadows and shadows! The body of these spirit fish is a layer of silver-white scale armor, the light is reflected on it, and it will reflect more complicated light at once!

This is something that never appeared on the scroll, but was presented through changes in light.

Of course, this is not necessarily the complete meaning that Master Yue Yiqiao wants to express, but Shao Yang's possible reason is inferred from the subtle changes of water waves and light in the scroll.

Just a guess.

But at least it has been explained that the content above the water surface drawn by this picture is only part of it!

More things are still hidden under the water!


After a long time, Shao Yang opened his eyes and could not help but exhale a long breath.

It's really complicated.

No wonder Yue Yiqiao has not been able to fully comprehend the content of this picture. There are too many things that cannot be expressed in words, but can only be deduced and understood little by little.

Shao Yang looked around and Yue Yiqiao was no longer in sight.

However, Shao Yang's heart felt that he had come to enlighten himself, and by this time, a whole day had passed!

In other words, it is now the second day.

Has it been so long?

Shao Yang wanted to find Yue Yiqiao ~ ~ and told his understanding to the latter. But just when I got together, I saw a picture of Yue Yiqiao staying in the gazebo.

Shao Yang unfolded, but seeing the sparkling, still the picture of the sunrise on the river.

But in this regard, Shao Yang could not help shaking his head, knowing that Yue Yiqiao had realized a few things he thought of, but because his deduction ability was not as good as himself, he was not as good as himself. Shao Yang teaches with heart, but he feels all kinds of understanding freely, where can I tell clearly in a moment?

Shao Yang can only give up.

He also knew very well that this was due to his chance coincidence, and he watched the picture of Yue Yiqiao knowing the sea, otherwise he would only look at the pattern drawn by Yue Yiqiao, and he was afraid that there would be little gain.

Their heritage is really too difficult.

Shao Yang felt a bit of emotion, there was nothing to say when thinking about paying, all can only be seen by Yue Yiqiao himself.

So, with a slight groan, Shao Yang started to tear up the picture left by Yue Yiqiao! He believes that if Yue Yiqiao is here, he will certainly do the same.