Myth is Coming

v4 Chapter 381: The way of soldiers

Sheng Xuan suddenly suddenly looked at Sun Wu.

Sun Wu Moran, sighed suddenly after a while, "Why have they suddenly appeared here before asking for two names?"

Shao Yang smiled slightly. "I'm Shao Yang. This is Sheng Xuan senior."

Then, he explained the reason for his arrival to Sun Wu. Of course, it is natural to conceal the fragments of time; nor did it use the set of heavenly messengers to say, only to say that occasionally, the poor and innocent people of Yueguo will take the shot.

Sun Wu sighed: "God practice is really good luck."

Seeing that Shao Yang had already guessed, Sun Wu admitted frankly, "Shaoyang's friends guessed very well. This beast art should be Wu Zixu's combination of my martial arts and his various magical arts. It has been newly researched in recent years. I leave Wu Guoshi has not seen this technique yet. But in my guess, this technique must also have many restrictions and dangers. "

Shao Yang begged: "Sir, now Wu Xiangguo has used this method to make a beast, which has caused a great catastrophe in Vietnam, the people do not talk about life, and the starved dead are incessant. If other strange beasts come out again, I am afraid that the people in Yueguo will not. Save it! "

"Sir, how can you watch this happen without any notice? Please ask me to teach me how to break the enemy."

Sun Wu was silent.

This time Wu Ziyi came and visited him first, he persuaded the latter, but Wu Ziyi refused to listen.

Sun Wu naturally couldn't bear it, but he once took charge of a country's soldiers, knowing that the soldiers were fierce. With a command of the general, millions of bones were dead.

The so-called mercy is not in charge.

Moreover, after all, he was Wu Chen. Although Wu Wu was a poor prince, Sun Wu was already able to see the defeat of Wu Guo, but at this time, it was not easy for him to make suggestions for the enemy country, which broke Wu Zixu's plan.

Shao Yang naturally understood Sun Wu's concerns, but there was no good way for him to do such a thing. After a few moments of silence, Shao Yang slowly said, "Sir, as you have advised Wu Xiangguo, Wu Wangfu is not the ruler of the world. Even though Wu Xiangguo can use this to break through, but Wu Guoxi has Chu, and North Qi, 焉Can this method be used to break through the Qi again? The strength of the country lies in the monarch and the people, not in such wonders. "

In Sun Wu's Art of War written by Sun Wu, we can see his ideas and thoughts on war. As the so-called "good use of soldiers, warriors rather than warfare", there is also a cloud: "If the husband is long and the country is good, there is no way."

It is this thinking.

Advancing soldiers, then engaging in warfare, fighting battles, and lowering strategies; such as Wu Zizheng, in fact, in Wu Wu's mind, it is even more difficult to get on the stage, it is only a temporary solution.

"Will be able to win without the king."

Today, Wu Guo, Wu Wangfuchao, and Xiang Guowu Zixu have actually violated Sun Wu's "knowing victory has five" concept.

Because of this, Sun Wu abandoned the official and retired here.

After a long while.

Sun Wu sighed: "Wu Guo can also be considered to have met with me, so that I can do everything I can to learn, and then I have the military skills of today. Therefore, I can abandon him, but in the end can not be bad for him . "

Shao Yang could not help but regret it.

Hearing Sun Wu's words, apparently, as he expected, in the face of Wu Zixu's scheme, Sun Wu did not have no way to crack it; but, because of the old situation of Wu Guo, he did not want to speak.

Since Sun Wu was reluctant to speak, Shao Yang had no good way. Mo said that Sun Wu doesn't necessarily have no power to protect himself, even if he really doesn't, the identity of the originator of his soldiers makes Shao Yang unwilling to use his strength.

Therefore, Shao Yang sighed and said, "Since the husband is so determined, I will say goodbye. Although this matter is difficult, I can only wait for it."

Shao Yang Yisheng Shengxuan, will go with him.

But unexpectedly, he just turned around and heard Sun Wu suddenly say, "Slow."

"Huh?" Shao Yang turned back.

Sun Wu slowly said, "Shaoyang friends, I think you are talented in working with the formation method. The formation method is basically based on local conditions, avoiding reality and defeating the truth. I have a little understanding of this. If Shaoyang's friends don't dislike it, how can I teach you this? "

Shao Yang was pleasantly surprised, turned around quickly, and gave a gift to Sun Wu, "Don't hesitate to please!"

He understands that Sun Wu is pointing himself in this way!

Sheng Xuan glanced at Shao Yang, and couldn't help sighing, how did the boy get all the benefits? But if you think about it, it is reasonable that Shao Yang can get these many benefits.

For another person, how can it be like Shao Yang to show the talent of such a formation?

As for the speculations about Sun Wuzi and Wu Zizheng, the boldness and keenness displayed by them are even more unattainable.

No wonder he has achieved so much at a young age.


The method of formation is almost always accompanied by the beginning of the war. In ancient legends, Emperor Huang learned various battle formation techniques from the nine heavenly goddess before defeating Chi You; later, Jiang Taigong wrote "Six Taos", Wu Qi wrote "Wu Zi", and Sun Yi wrote "Sun Yi Warfare ... All have an in-depth analysis of the method of battle formation.

Therefore, the method of formation is one of the important foundations of the military.

Of course, Shao Yang also knows that in the development of later generations, the formation method has already surpassed the limitations of the military and began to use it in more and more fields!

Shao Yang also had a rough research before, but this is the first time to return to the basic way of battle.

Sun Wu is indeed the founder of the military family. Even if he did not describe too much about the method of battle formations in Sun Tzu's Art of War, his understanding of the battle formations far surpassed others.

This is the basis of training.

Of course, on the other side, Sun Wuzi was also surprised. The various arrays he taught are naturally not the arrays of the military's greatest multiplication, but many of them are quite esoteric, even more than the array of arrays that Sun Wu arranged outside the cave.

However, when Shao Yang first heard it, there was still a lot of confusion, but as long as Sun Wu spoke it again, Shao Yang would understand a lot; if you dial it carefully, you can get started slowly!

Almost never need Sun Wu to explain the second time.

Because of this, Sun Wu unknowingly talked more and more, and carefully explained the meaning of his "Sun Tzu's Art of War" to Shao Yang.

Shao Yang naturally memorized the "Sun Tzu's Art of War" ~ ~ But at this time Sun Wu has already extended from this military classic to the military classic!

Shao Yang also realized much.

After two hours.

Suddenly Sun Wu stopped and sighed, "Whatever I can teach, I have done everything. As for how much I can understand and how much I can use, it depends only on your personal understanding. Although I am a minister of Wu Kingdom, you are not Naturally, it does not affect you to use what you have learned to do what you want to do. "

Shao Yang respectfully saluted Sun Wu, saying "Master."

But Sun Wu refused to accept, "You are not my disciple. I just taught me something and taught you something. These things are not unique to me."

Shao Yang understands that Sun Wu refers to the way of soldiers! Sun Wu wrote "Sun Zi's Art of War" and was hailed as the ancestor of the military.

However, after all, the tactics of the military family have gradually developed from the war, and they have been applied from practice.

Therefore, without Sun Wu, there will naturally be others.