Myth is Coming

v4 Chapter 537: Into the Eight Diagrams Furnace

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However, he said that Qinglong was so happy that he couldn't help Changshu breath, and saw that he opened his mouth and spit, but a fire dragon spit out from his mouth, and lasted forever.

Shao Yang could clearly see from the side, and couldn't help admiring it. Senior Qinglong is not like him. He has the [meditation curse] to resolve the hotness of Liuding Shenhuo, but senior Qinglong can spray the flames in this way, which shows his deep foundation.

Thinking for a while, Shao Yang gathered his breath, feeling a real Yuan billowing, as if they had brought a bit of heat.

In just a short time, Shao Yang's entire person seemed to have been refined, but he was quite advanced!

Therefore, Shao Yang could not help but feel sorry for him. If he were allowed to practice for a while, he would definitely gain more! But it doesn't matter ... Shao Yang looked into the gossip furnace and was more eager to try.


The two came out from the tail of the candle dragon relief, but when they saw the candle dragon turned around, their eyes widened and they patrolled around Shao Yang and Qing Long for a while, but they quickly lost interest and turned their heads away.

Then, the candle dragon eyes closed.


Qinglong Dunjue suddenly felt a dark field of vision, for a time he could not see things! Fortunately, Shao Yang could not see it, but he was not affected. He grabbed the blue dragon and walked away.

This remains unaffected until far away from the candle dragon relief.

Qinglong glanced at Shao Yang. The boy really made great progress. Today's cultivation is much better than when he was in Laizhou.

carry on.

It should be said that the two of them are naturally fast, but because they do not dare to show too many traces, the speed is naturally much slower. It took more than an hour to finally reach the position of the furnace mouth of this gossip furnace.



Seeing all the fire dragons, they flew out of the gossip furnace, the void turned into a meandering dragon, the void was erroneous, and it fell a long time later.

But the mighty aura spurted thinly all around, and the fine flames couldn't stop firing in all directions.

Honestly, Xiuwei is a little weaker, I'm afraid I won't dare to stand near this furnace mouth!

And this is just "wenhuo".

If it was the same time as before, what kind of scene should it be?

It's scary to think about it!

Qinglong laughed at Shao Yang aside. "Shaoyang friends, shall we go in?" Shao Yang nodded. As a result, the two of them slid slowly into the furnace tripod along the inner wall of the gossip furnace. But I felt the flames of fire in front of me, the flames burning, and I really fell into the furnace instantly! If the flame outside is three points, it is at least nine points inside!

Of course, there are still one or two points missing, but it is the result of careful calculation by Qinglong. Shao Yang also secretly admired. This gossip furnace is divided into Qiankun and other parties, each of which has different qualities.

For example, in the Journey to the West, in order to avoid this blazing flame, Sun Wukong entered the palace, but the results were mixed, and the flames struck, making him a golden eye of fire.

Qinglong calculates, among the gossips, the Kan, water also. Therefore, it is natural to go in and be covered by the Liu Dinghuo in this gossip furnace. But if you can choose the direction of Kanshui, it should be much easier to use water to avoid fire.

Shao Yang also quite agrees.

However, he still used Fuxi's sixty-four hexagrams and deduced a hexagram silently, but he felt that the position of this Kanshui Palace was like a hexagram.

It's necessary to go to the top and the bottom, and the clouds are in the sky, and the danger is ahead.

That is to say, it is not impossible to enter, and it is necessary to move on standby.

And this time they slipped into the gossip furnace, and they really avoided the front of Liuding Shenhuo. Although they were still thin from the infinite flame, they were weaker after all.

These weak points also make Shao Yang more than they are.

Moreover, after entering this gossip furnace, there is an advantage over the outside-when outside, because of the fear of being discovered by the alchemy boy, I have to condense most of the breath and dare not act lightly. However, when entering the furnace, these concerns are reduced. The furnace wall is hidden, and the outside is not particularly noticeable, and it is difficult to easily see the movement.

Therefore, the two of them operate their magical powers and protect themselves, which makes it easier to fight against the power of the Six Divine Fires.

The blue dragon robe sleeves were swept, the clouds were raining, and the clouds were dense, and they were already holding themselves. He practiced magical powers and acted as the master of water, so he really suffered a lot in this gossip furnace.

As for Shao Yang, the latter has already operated the Fuxi 64 Laws. Numerous hexagrams surround the whole body.

Qinglong glanced at Shao Yang, and decisively turned his eyes, no longer worried about Shao Yang's side.

He didn't have the slightest problem!


Finally, after a bit of hard work, the two finally entered the "Kan Palace", but when they saw the flames tumbling, the sea of ​​flames rolling, and the horrible momentum, they were weaker than the outside.

Shao Yang and Qinglong both breathed a sigh of relief, and if they can get here, they are probably half successful!

Qinglong laughed: "Shao Yang, the next thing is to wait patiently. I have already observed ~ ~ The refining of the nine transfers of Jindan needs to be done by the palace, the palace, the palace, the earthquake palace ... Always go to the gossip in this gossip furnace and go through nine turns to achieve success. You and I do n’t have to be anxious, wait patiently for the time, and wait for the nine turns of Jindan to pass out of this palace, and capture a grain And let you swallow it. "

Shao Yang nodded, "Thank you senior."

Qinglong "haha" smiled, "Thank me for what? This is to return your favor!"


Therefore, now that the two of them have nothing to do with each other for a while, they have already reached the place, and they still have to wait for the nine-turn Jindan.

Can't wait.

Shao Yang practiced cross-leggedly, and worked all kinds of magical powers one by one, concentrating on them. Leaving aside the roaring Liuding Shenhuo, this gossip furnace is indeed a rare treasure of cultivation.

The aura is full, no one disturbs it, and the fire waves from time to time help the cultivation ... except for the danger, there are no shortcomings.

Shao Yang runs the Fuxi 64 methods, and when he sees this palace, there are countless hexagrams, and the void rotates. Shao Yang stunned and hid among the numerous hexagrams. As the hexagrams walked, Zhou Tian turned.

And with this divination to avoid evil and avoid evil, it is undoubtedly much safer to deduce it by yourself!

Shao Yang was so happy that he could concentrate on cultivation.

His three attributes have gradually approached 300 points!

According to the generally accepted classification today, the level of consciousness above 200 points and below 400 points is a level. In other words, Shao Yang has gradually approached the middle of the a-level!

And how long has it been since he broke through to level a? Therefore, the speed of this practice is very fast.

But unexpectedly, this time cultivating in the gossip furnace, with the help of the gushing Liuding Dihuo, to breathe in aura, and refine himself, Shao Yang suddenly realized that his three attributes, instead of not improving, were slowing down. Slow down!