Myth is Coming

v4 Chapter 617: The gods are out, the demon is in troubl

Everything is ready, Shao Yang will not delay, go straight to the seventh inning, ready to enter the Emperor World!

It is still Zhang Zhang who is in charge of the transmission matrix method.

Officials have already prepared well and wait for Shao Yang. So when seeing Shao Yang coming, the director Zhang Ye also quickly arranged for the formation of the array.

Shao Yang stepped into the formation.

Director Zhang Huan could not help but repeatedly told: "Shao Yang, remember to be careful and safe."

Shao Yang laughed: "Okay!"

He also knew that Director Zhang Ye was also worried because he was worried about his safety.

Seeing this from Shao Yang, it was not good for Director Zhang Ye to say more, order to go on, and immediately opened the formation! I saw the brilliance of the formation law gradually flowed, and began to connect to another time and space.

Because entering the time fragment requires a lot of energy, the more people enter, the greater the consumption, so the official cannot send more people to enter each time.

Director Zhang Ye also asked Shao Yang before, and asked if Shao Yang needed someone to enter with him.

But Shao Yang thought about it. If Qinglong and Sang Lao didn't go, there would be no one who could be sent by the government and was stronger than himself, right? Therefore, instead of having one more person, it is better to go in alone and be more flexible.

So Shao Yang declined.

Secretary Zhang Ye did not mention the matter again.

Guanghua flow!

Shao Yang swept to his screen, and soon saw the reminder of the task:

[A fragment of time in 'Emperor World' was detected and is entering ...]

[Trigger mainline tasks, none. 】

[Countdown: 300s. 】


Shao Yang was too familiar with the reminders of his own system, so he quickly found a difference.

One is that there is no trigger for the task!

Although many of the time fragments he entered did not trigger the task, as this time, it was the first time to remind them directly, but it was also the first time. Shao Yang was faintly guessing. I am afraid that this time fragments are really some. Uncommon.

In another different place, there is no prompt for "adjustment of strength attributes"! So, as the name suggests, at this time, the strength of all characters should be the true strength in history?

Shao Yang's thoughts fluttered.

In fact, it is difficult for Shao Yang to be familiar with this emperor's world. After all, the world is too far away from them, and much information is missing.

Shao Yang's familiarity is only compared to others.

However, although not particularly familiar, Shao Yang still has some understanding of the major events in this world.

The first one is of course Heaven and Earth, and the separation of humans and gods; the second one is actually more famous, that is, Emperor Emperor and the co-worker compete for the position. After the co-worker fails, he can't touch the mountains and make the world fission ...

But I do not know, when will he enter this world this time? Shao Yang thought in his heart.


Soon, as Guanghua staggered, Shao Yang's figure appeared in another place.

Boom boom!

However, he said that Shao Yang had just heard a thunderous sound just before he appeared. He was surprised and opened his eyes to look at him. He saw countless lights and shadows interspersed, the light flowing in the void, and the light and shadow couldn't stop flying. It is exactly a weird monster!

The number is probably ten million. It looks like the sky is covered, and the momentum is very huge.

Even in mid-air, there are clearly ten great suns floating in the sky, reflecting the earth.

The hot rays radiated, making the land dry and dry, with little water, but just standing here, I could not help but feel a burst of hotness.

Shao Yang was startled, and he turned his head and looked around, and saw the places where the demons fluttered, without hundreds of people fleeing. There are also countless strong men, armed with swords and bows, and can't help launching a counterattack towards the sky.

It's just that they are just a group of ordinary people, and these attacks will not help.

Really a troubled scene!

It's not the first time for Shao Yang to enter such a barren world, but although he lags behind a bit here, both in terms of population size and density are far behind the later generations, but it is also the first time that he has seen such a last-day scene.

Although the situation hasn't been figured out yet, Shao Yang naturally couldn't sit idly by and watch the people of his own family killed so cruelly. Therefore, Shao Yang shot decisively! But when he reached out a finger, there were more than a hundred red crimson sword lights staggering in the void, killing the past in the demon that was covered by the sky.


Under Shao Yang's Feng Yu sword, these demons couldn't resist, but in an instant, hundreds of heads had been killed by Shao Yang.

These demons fell down one after another, but soon turned into a plume of black smoke and disappeared.

Shao Yang frowned, suddenly stretched out his hand, a Yin Jue emerged from his hand, turned into countless hexagram circles, and immediately took that black smoke into the picture.

Shao Yang beckoned to take it back, but felt that a ray of black smoke could not be distorted in his Fuxi Sixty-four Method, and even seemed to make a sharp noise, faintly impacting his eardrum ~ www. ~ It looks like a living creature!

Shao Yang had to end up with another layer of seals, which completely contained the black smoke in it.


In the air, countless demon screamed in horror, and then a large army began to turn around and fly backwards; only a small part of it still flew down at him unknowingly.

Shao Yang emerged from the sacrifice of his sword and soon killed the demons.

But this time, these demons fell, but no more smoke came out ... Shao Yang could not help frowning.

These demons ... look extraordinary.


Shao Yang fell in front of the clan, and countless people immediately worshiped at Shao Yang, thanking him for saving their lives.

"How is this going?"

Shao Yang lifted up the elders who worshiped him and asked them.

I heard them crying with a cry: "The gods cannot come out, the demons are in trouble!"



Shao Yang drove the light and flew outward. He rescued the people, but he didn't get much information from them.

I only knew roughly that at this time, the world was gone.

Or to be more precise, it has been a long time since the gods have shown their magical powers to save the world. On the contrary, a large number of such strange monsters began to appear in various places. They all had terrible magical powers, and were extremely cruel, causing a lot of killings.

There is chaos in the world.

Of course, they are just ordinary people, and they only know these things, and deeper information is naturally impossible to know.

However, from this information, Shao Yang also judged that with such a background, does it mean that Emperor Di ’s "Best of Heaven and Earth" has not yet begun?

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