Myth is Coming

v4 Chapter 691: Exotic Power

The body of the prehistoric life slammed into the rocks on the bottom of the sea. The body turned into a shark-like appearance, a streamlined body, wide mouth, sharp teeth ...

But unlike the current shark, he has a strange dorsal fin on his back, with countless scales like teeth! The scales were faintly dark and ghastly.

This time, he was dead.

Shao Yang and Sang Lao carefully dropped beside this prehistoric life, still dare not care, but check again to confirm that the latter has no possibility of survival.

They are not secretly vigilant, these prehistoric races are indeed no small matter! Face no one can be careless.


Shao Yang tried to contact the giant fish Ling in the Jinbei Cave Heaven again. Shao Yang laughed again and again: "Senior, now this guy has been beheaded by us, so tell us his information, shouldn't it be all right?"

There are no outsiders here, and Juyuling emerged from the Jinbei Cave.

Although he was imprisoned, living in the water seemed to be his instinct, so he was not affected at all.

Juyu Ling looked at the remains of the prehistoric life, shook his head and sighed, "You haven't belittled them, but they've beenlittled you too much."

After a sigh of emotion, maybe I feel that there is really nothing, Juyu Ling said the origin of this prehistoric life frankly, "If I read correctly, this should be the ancient shark family, but maybe it is just one of them. The ancient sharks were active in the Cambrian, and since then, the magical powers of Fa have been very prosperous, but the magical powers he uses are very rough. "

This is Juyu Ling's second time talking about the opponent's supernatural powers.

Shao Yang heard the words and quickly asked: "Senior, is this the ancient shark's magical powers very clever?"

Juyu Ling gave him a glance and smiled, "Which race is able to survive multiple epochs? Which race is easy? They must rely on them and continue to develop and prosper. Otherwise, they will be eliminated by time sooner or later.


Shao Yang thinks that is indeed the reason.

Shao Yang took the opportunity to ask a lot of questions, but some of them answered, and some refused to answer. Shao Yang is helpless, his "old grandfather" is really not easy to use!

The two can only give up.

Regarding the remains of this ancient shark tribe, Juyu Ling naturally despised it, but Shao Yang and Sang Lao did not let it go.

Sang Lao is still interested in Shaoyang's entire body of this ancient shark's remains. He took a scale from the spine of this ancient shark and put it away. Shao Yang also made great contributions. Of course, Sang Lao didn't care about this little thing.

Shao Yang took the scale in his hand and looked repeatedly, but seeing that the surface of the scale was very smooth, and a little light shined on it, it would reflect back like a mirror.

Shao Yang reached out and knocked, but felt that it was also very tough, at least it was also pure Yang grade material!

In addition to the corpse of this ancient shark, the other thing that Shao Yang and Sang Lao attach great importance to is the altar left by this ancient shark!

The two fell carefully in front of that altar, and felt spiritually, but from this altar, a deep, gloomy, and unknown power was faintly transmitted! That power, like a rootless dwarf, is erratic and difficult to figure out.

Shao Yang tried to contact Juyuling again, but the latter refused to elaborate.

In fact, this is not the first time they have seen an altar, such as the witch, who once pointed them to build an altar and entered their era.

Right now, the function should be similar, right?

Just the details are slightly different.

But it is inferred that this altar should be the way that the ancient sharks summoned other life into this era; as for the ancient sharks, there should be other ways to enter here ...

What can they do if they can't help frowning?

This is undoubtedly their most concerned issue.

However, they searched carefully again and again, but there was no more gain. Sang Lao groaned and said to Shaoyang, "Shaoyang, this altar, and the remains of this ancient shark family, should be taken away by the official, and go back to study it carefully. As for the reward of your contribution, wait for the return Calculate with you carefully. "

Shao Yang laughed quickly, "Sang Lao doesn't need to be so polite. Where do I not know the importance?"

Sang Lao nodded, very pleased.

Honestly, this time the matter was too urgent, Sang Lao was too late to find the Qinglong, and after all, the stargazer was a foreigner. Before the crisis, Sang Lao didn't want to touch him.

Therefore, only the two of them are left in this state of law.

So this time, thanks to Shao Yang!

However, although Shao Yang's contribution is not small, it is really difficult to give Shao Yang a reward based on Shao Yang's current repairs and official resources. Fortunately, Shao Yang didn't care too much about this, so he was very pleased with Sang.

He has been watching Shao Yang grow up all the way, and he is really the best talent in China in recent years. It can even be said that it has become the top level!


The two had nothing else on the bottom of the sea, and immediately set off, flying towards the sea.

And killing that ancient shark tribe, the dense ink color of this sea area has also lost its source, is gradually dissipating, and the vision has improved a lot. Therefore, Shao Yang and they quickly returned to the sea, but they were seeing a few light beams rushing towards here.


Sang Lao could not help but frown. He glanced at Zhang Ye aside, revealing the look of inquiry. Zhang Ye shook his head, indicating that he did not know who came.

Zhang Huan sits here, and he doesn't know, that means most of them are not theirs!

It took a lot of effort, and several light rays had already fallen towards this place.

Sang Lao looked at it indifferently ~ ~ and quickly recognized the identity of the people-three strong men from K, R and M countries! Each of the three is superbly cultivated and full of consciousness. Obviously, at least they are all A-levels.

And Shao Yang impressively saw an acquaintance from the middle--

Country R, ​​Wu Hun!

Not others, but when Qinglong took Shao Yang to enter R country, he was the great master of R country!

But after seeing it for a long time, the latter was still in white and full of spirit.

"Hello White Tiger!"

Obviously, Sang Lao is also very famous here among these foreign powerhouses! Several of them fell down, and when they met, they immediately identified Sang Lao.

All three could not help but show a dreadful look ...

This time, they also noticed the anomalies in this area, so the three of them rushed over to see what was going on. However, I did not expect that it was the official White Tiger of Country C who personally took the town.