Myth is Coming

v4 Chapter 811: Holy Bone

After a moment's pause, Tianshi Xingjun slowly said, "Do you move carefully and see the stone gate in front of you?"

Shao Yang nodded and saw a round stone gate arching in front of his eyes. There are all kinds of strange streamers on the stone gate, but Shao Yang realizes that this is the unique rune unique to the Atlantis civilization.

In their runes, there is a strong water magic.

And Shao Yang now has a sea **** formula, there are other inheritances of your clan before ... So, speaking of Shao Yang, in fact, they have some knowledge of these runes.

Therefore, Shao Yang rushed to identify. Speaking of which, he is also very confident in his talent.

It's just that, although he has some skills, he is still rusty after all!

Therefore, it failed to crack for a while ...

However, in the Jinbei cave sky, Tianshi Xingjun has slowly spread the voice: "Left three, upward five ..." Tianshi Xingjun has already quickly cracked the forbidden cracking method on this stone gate, one by one in detail Pointed out for Shao Yang!


Shao Yang admired it, didn't think Tianshi Xingjun paid attention to these before?

But he has mastered it so deeply!

Sure enough, strong people who can cultivate to their level must have their own excellence! It must be the absolute protagonist of their era, the absolute pride of heaven.

Shao Yang immediately converged his mind, and began to crack one by one according to the methods taught by Tianshi Xingjun.


Just listening to a buzzing long groan, the stone gate had slowly opened to one side. For a while, Shao Yang suddenly felt a cold, sensational, and indifferent breath wrapped around him, like a python, and sprayed out from the black paint cave opened behind the stone gate! Directly swept over towards Shao Yang's body.

That breath has not yet reached, Shao Yang has only felt a stiff body, and the coldness of Sen Han has spread in instantly.

Shao Yang was startled, and he quickly sacrificed the Feng Yujian, and more than a hundred swords spread their time in the air, carefully shutting off the cold air.

At the most dangerous time, what Shao Yang trusted most was swordsmanship!


Although Shao Yang's swordsmanship is clever, this strength is obviously not the test of his swordsmanship! Therefore, the subtle changes in the cold air actually walked around the swordsmanship and continued to attack Shao Yang's body.


The sound of water flowing from Shao Yang's body, and Poseidon moves naturally, his body seems to be transformed into a sea, and the billowing spirit feels like the waves.

Under this pressure, Shao Yang realized that his body had become deeper, and he had a spirit of being able to accept a lot of rivers.

Poseidon golden body!

Shao Yang was surprised and realized that the grade of this gold body was just as good as the Shenmu gold body.


At this time, the atmosphere of Shao Yang was also sensed, and that breath suddenly returned, and the air was clear.

A voice came from the cave:

"I didn't expect that my tribe's heritage was actually passed on by a junior like you."

Some sighs.

Shao Yang's face turned black. What does this mean? What is the reason why your tribe's inheritance has to go by such a junior? What must I do? You're still insulting you?

Of course, Shao Yang didn't rush out, raised his foot in, and soon he saw a corpse deep in the cave.

That's right, it's really just a bone!

Suddenly, Shao Yang's resentment disappeared ... It is not difficult for him to imagine that the other party has been dead for many years, just a little spirituality left, just talking to himself.

The corpse suddenly sat up.

Shao Yang looked carefully, but although this corpse was apparently dead for many years, a little bit of brilliant blue brilliance remained between the bones, as if still able to feel the moist water.

During his lifetime, he must have been a terrible powerhouse.


The figure of Tianshi Xingjun suddenly appeared on the side, and nodded and smiled slightly towards the latter.

That bone also seemed to be able to see Tianshi Xingjun, and his body turned slightly to Tianshi Xingjun. A pair of empty eyes stopped on the latter, but he also paid back, "I have seen friends."

Tianshi Xingjun observed the corpse and said, "If I read correctly, Taoist cultivation has reached the sacred state, what happened that year? Will Taoist be reduced to such a situation?"

Holy Land!

Shao Yang was frightened, his knowledge is much higher than before!

He already knew that at the beginning, that is, the realm of the vast majority of people in the era of reality, including the E level, all the way to the A level, were collectively referred to as the "Awakening State"; The road of cultivation, step by step to open up the foundation, potential, and communicate the realm of the world.

After the awakening, it is for the state of law; condensing what you have learned into the state of law! It is a clarity of one's own path.

After the state of law, it is a state of communication. It is also an extreme of an era.

Up for nine days, under the blue sky, is for Tongyou.

But Tongyou, still trapped in an era, jumped out of the era and survived the annihilation of the era.

This is a real state of perpetuity.

The monks have reached this level ~ ~ It is already difficult to fall. Unless there is a stronger existence, there must be all kinds of great magical means ... in order to obliterate the vitality of monks in this realm.

Otherwise, they really live with one side of the world.

After immortal, it is the holy realm!

This realm is very far away for Shao Yang ...

The corpse in front of him is actually a holy place?

The corpse looked at Tianshi Xingjun and groaned slightly, making various obscure sounds in his mouth ...

Shao Yang listened one by one, each note was carefully listened to, but together, they didn't understand what it meant! He even listened too carefully, and his head was stunned, and there was a feeling of drowsiness.

"not good!"

Shao Yang knew instantly that this was because the sound of the corpse contained too profound mysteries in the road, so that he could not even listen!

But Tianshi Xingjun has no problem at all ... his body is obviously just a gathering of stars, but at this time it is like a real existence.

Seeing that he couldn't help but nodded slightly, his mouth said: "So it is", "It was so" ... Shao Yang naturally did not understand what the original was! It ’s too bad to even overhear?

Shao Yang was also crying and laughing.

After a long while, the two seemed to have finally reached the end of the exchange. Tianshi Xingjun nodded slightly towards the corpse. "So it is, I understand. When I go back, I will sue the emperor of my tribe."

However, after a moment's pause, Tianshi Xingjun glanced at Shao Yang again, and suddenly smiled: "Dao You, although this Shao Yang Dao You is good at swordsmanship, the chance was passed on to the nobility by chance; but now, There doesn't seem to be a better candidate, right? I think it might be worth considering him ... "