Myth is Coming

v4 Chapter 812: Ancient heritage


Shao Yang is very speechless. What tone is Xingjun this day? It's as if choosing to inherit Atlantis' heritage is a very reluctant thing!

Think of yourself as a "genius" who can compete in all epochs. Is there a lot of appeal for the inheritance of a passing civilization?

Huang Ting's True Scriptures, Taiping Yaoshu, Natural Scriptures, Hetu Luoshu, the Dragon Law ...

Which one is not even eager and fascinating for the powers of other eras? Atlantis's supernatural heritage may have their uniqueness, but after all, is it just a civilization that has been proven to be a failure?

Shao Yang didn't take it for granted.

But in front of that sacred corpse, he turned his attention to Shao Yang, and seemed to think about it seriously, and then sighed after a while: "The talent is indeed a little bit reluctant, but since he happened to be a coincidence, actually With the inheritance of my tribe, it became the golden body of the Poseidon, which could be regarded as barely meeting the requirements.

This Atlantis sacred power, a very reluctant tone.

Tianshi Xingjun laughed: "Then there are seniors."

He actually changed his name to senior.

Shao Yang squinted at him, did he agree? It seems like who really cares!

However, Shao Yang has not waited to express his opinion. The sacred body looked at Shao Yang and seemed to have finally made a decision. He sighed, "Okay."

Then, he saw that he stretched out a hand and a little water wave flowed towards Shao Yang.

"I do not want!"

Shao Yang just wanted to shout out, but before the sound came out, he just felt that a huge amount of information was pouring into his mind.

these messages……

Shao Yang was shocked, but felt that the message from the Atlantis sacred realm contained thousands, including alchemy, alchemy, formation, and so on, among them! And the most precious thing is their Atlantis practice.

Although Atlantis's civilization took a different path, it was very different from the human race in the era of the real era; but they were all explorations of the avenue, which was of great significance for reference.

In contrast, those specific cultivation methods have little meaning.

So almost immediately! Shao Yang has changed his tone, not to mention that these Atlantis heritages are really valuable.

Not just to him, but more to the people of this era!

Shao Yang sucked hungry ...

Of course, this is not a temporary effort. This Atlantis sacred state powerhouse has a huge amount of legacy information, even if it is Shao Yang's cultivation and spiritual accomplishment, it can only be accepted for the time being. I don't know how long it takes to really turn into something.

Shao Yang converged, and saw the corpse of Atlantis' sanctuary in front of him. After teaching their heritage, the light on his body had gradually dissipated.

Soon, the whole of his bones had been completely reduced to powder and disappeared in the water.

"This ..." Shao Yang was surprised.

Tianshi Xingjun stood beside Shao Yang, but sighed, "He is dead and has no power in his body. The reason why he can survive for so long is because he wants to continue the inheritance. Now, As the obsession dissipates, he naturally has no need to continue to exist. The dust returns to the dust, the soil returns to the earth, the top of the peoples, but a handful of thin soil. "


However, Shao Yang was so impressed by Tianshi Xingjun that he felt heartfelt ... can't understand.

Is n’t cultivation just immortal?


Of course, now is not the time to think about it, as the strength of this sacred corpse's bones dissipates into dust, the whole secret realm seems to have suddenly lost its support, and just feel that floating islands are beginning to shake .

Outside of the mystery, all the strong people in the secret realm are inexplicable.

They managed to seize control of a floating island and obtained the qualification to compete for the final resources. But what happened to the entire secret?

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

They are naturally very unwilling.

At the same time, outside, all the ancestral ancestors, all one by one, have their eyes open! A multitude of magical powers extended into the countless whirlpools in front of them, and wanted to see what was happening.


For a while, the whole sea of ​​ideas has become chaotic.

Tianshi Xingjun still didn't care, he smiled slightly at Shao Yang, "Well, the inheritance is also here. The destruction of this mystery is in front of us, and we should leave here too. You have got the superior inheritance and go After that, as long as you concentrate on cultivation and consolidate your cultivation, and with the assistance of this family's experience, I believe that it should not be difficult to break into Tong Youjing. When you break through Tong Youjing, maybe you and I will still meet. "

Shao Yang is still too weak.

After Tianshi Xingjun said, a roll of robe sleeves had taken Shao Yang and flew outward.


How fast is his light of light ~ ~ almost instantaneously, has flew out of countless whirlpools.

But the rest of the immortal surroundings have already been waiting one by one, how can we allow the Tianshi Xingjun to get away easily? So, immediately, a mysterious path to this place locked up.

"Taoyou, since it's here, it doesn't seem appropriate to leave without a word, right?"

"Please stay."

Tianshi Xingjun laughed, and without seeing how he shot, there were stars running through the void, criss-crossing, and time spent all over the sky.

How many indestructible powers are here? Even if not all of this era, there are at least dozens!

However, in the face of the interception of so many people, Tianshi Xingjun calmly shot, and actually took Shao Yang to jump out from the crowd with the ingenuity ...

His cultivation is really scary!

Shao Yang couldn't help but his heart was beating. What exactly is Xing Jun doing on this day?

How could it be that only a single idea came here, but this made the people immortal, and there was not much fight in front of him?

While speaking, Tianshi Xingjun has taken Shao Yang out of the siege of the crowd. However, how could those immortal ancestors sit and watch him come and go so easily? Therefore, everyone took the second shot to intercept.

And this time, because of the jealousy of Tianshi Xingjun's strength, many of them did their best.

Tianshi Xingjun also felt a bit of pressure, but he changed his mind among the supernatural powers of everyone, and soon discovered that the original Yinqi tribe was also among them, and the same supernatural power was lost.

Tianshi Xingjun waved his hands, drawing a line of stars to spread the silver dragon's immortal magical powers, while laughing: "Are your clan to break the agreement? In the trial of the thousand islands, you did not rob the clan Zhongbao, what face continues to shoot? "
